
来源:互联网 发布:巧克力键盘 知乎 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 18:47


import osdef parse(path):    in_multi_comment = False    comments,blanks,codes = 0,0,0        with open(path,'r') as fp:        for scline in fp.readlines():            scline = scline.strip()            if scline == '' and not in_multi_comment:                blanks += 1            elif scline.startswith('//') or \                 (scline.startswith("/*") and scline.endswith("*/")) or \                 (in_multi_comment and not scline.endswith("*/")):                comments += 1            elif scline.startswith("/*") or scline.endswith("*/"):                 in_multi_comment = not in_multi_comment                 comments += 1            else:                codes += 1    return {"comments":comments,"blanks":blanks,"codes":codes}def counter(path):    if os.path.isdir(path):        comments,blanks,codes = 0,0,0        list_dirs = os.walk(path)        for root,dirs,files in list_dirs:            for f in files:                file_path = os.path.join(root,f)                if file_path.endswith(".c") or file_path.endswith(".h"):                    stats = parse(file_path)                    comments += stats.get("comments")                    blanks += stats.get("blanks")                    codes += stats.get("codes")        return {"comments":comments,"blanks":blanks,"codes":codes}    else:        return parse(path)if __name__ == '__main__':    print (counter("你的代码路径"))