
来源:互联网 发布:电力行业大数据应用 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/21 17:01


#coding=utf-8u"""User: Jerry.FangDate: 14-6-21"""import os# Scan all python files name and path.def _scan_file_by_type(file_path, last_dir, file_type, file_list):    if last_dir == '':        full_path = file_path    else:        full_path = file_path + '/' + last_dir    if os.path.isdir(full_path):        _list_dir = os.listdir(full_path)        for _ele in _list_dir:            _scan_file_by_type(full_path, _ele, file_type, file_list)    else:        if ('.' + file_type) == last_dir[-3:]:            file_list.append({                'path': file_path + '/',                'name': last_dir            })def stat_py_files(project_path):    # Get files list.    py_file_list = list()    _scan_file_by_type(project_path, '', 'py', py_file_list)    # Start to statics files line.    comment_num = 0    blank_num = 0    code_num = 0    for py_file in py_file_list:        py_file_handle = file(py_file['path'] + '/' + py_file['name'])        last_comment_header = None        is_comment_start = False        while True:            _line = py_file_handle.readline()            if _line:                # comment ''' line.                mark_num = _line.count("'''")                if mark_num:                    if mark_num % 2 == 1 and (last_comment_header == "'''" or last_comment_header is None):                        is_comment_start = False if is_comment_start else True                        if is_comment_start:                            last_comment_header = "'''"                        else:                            last_comment_header = None                    comment_num += 1                    continue                # comment """ line.                mark_num = _line.count('"""')                if mark_num:                    if mark_num % 2 == 1 and (last_comment_header == '"""' or last_comment_header is None):                        is_comment_start = False if is_comment_start else True                        if is_comment_start:                            last_comment_header = '"""'                        else:                            last_comment_header = None                    comment_num += 1                    continue                # comment # line.                mark_num = _line.count('#')                if mark_num:                    comment_num += 1                    continue                # blank line.                mark_num = _line.count(' ') + _line.count('\n')                if mark_num == len(_line):                    blank_num += 1                    continue                # Code Line.                if is_comment_start is False:                    code_num += 1                else:                    comment_num += 1            else:                print '%s...OK' % py_file['name']                break    total_line = comment_num + blank_num + code_num    print '****** Result ******'    print 'Total    : %d' % total_line    print 'Comment  : %d  %.2f %%' % (comment_num, float(comment_num)*100/float(total_line))    print 'Blank    : %d  %.2f %%' % (blank_num, float(blank_num)*100/float(total_line))    print 'Code     : %d  %.2f %%' % (code_num, float(code_num)*100/float(total_line))    print '********************'if __name__ == '__main__':    stat_py_files('F:\personal\python\test_project')    pass



2、统计时候区分 空白行、注释行和代码行


def stat_js_files(project_path):     # Get files list.    py_file_list = list()    _scan_file_by_type(project_path, '', 'js', py_file_list)    # Start to statics files line.    comment_num = 0    blank_num = 0    code_num = 0    for py_file in py_file_list:        py_file_handle = file(py_file['path'] + '/' + py_file['name'])        is_comment_start = False        while True:            _line = py_file_handle.readline()            if _line:                # comment /* line.                mark_num = _line.count("/*")                if mark_num:                    is_comment_start = True                    comment_num += 1                    continue                # comment */ line.                mark_num = _line.count("*/")                if mark_num:                    is_comment_start = False                    comment_num += 1                    continue                # comment # line.                mark_num = _line.count('//')                if mark_num:                    comment_num += 1                    continue                # blank line.                mark_num = _line.count(' ') + _line.count('\n')                if mark_num == len(_line):                    blank_num += 1                    continue                # Code Line.                if is_comment_start is False:                    code_num += 1                else:                    comment_num += 1            else:                print '%s...OK' % py_file['name']                break    total_line = comment_num + blank_num + code_num    print '****** Result ******'    print 'Total    : %d' % total_line    print 'Comment  : %d  %.2f %%' % (comment_num, float(comment_num)*100/float(total_line))    print 'Blank    : %d  %.2f %%' % (blank_num, float(blank_num)*100/float(total_line))    print 'Code     : %d  %.2f %%' % (code_num, float(code_num)*100/float(total_line))    print '********************'



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