Understanding Chan Chan's in Go

来源:互联网 发布:2017淘宝规则 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/22 10:49



A channel describes a transport of sorts. You can send a thing down that transport. When using a chan chan, the thing you want to send down the transport is another transport to send things back.

They are useful when you want to get a response to something, and you don’t want to setup two channels (it’s generally considered bad practice to have data moving bidirectionally on a single channel)

Visual time lapse walkthrough

Keep in mind that Goroutine C is the “real consumer” even though it will be the one which writes to the request channel.

The request channel starts out empty.


Goroutine C passes a “response channel” to go routine D via the request channel


Goroutine C starts reading from the (still empty) response channel.


Goroutine D writes a string to the response channel


Goroutine C now is able to read a value from response channel, and get’s the “wassup!” message


And now we are back to where we started


Here is some code that uses chan chan’s

package mainimport "fmt"import "time"func main() {     // make the request chan chan that both go-routines will be given     requestChan := make(chan chan string)     // start the goroutines     go goroutineC(requestChan)     go goroutineD(requestChan)     // sleep for a second to let the goroutines complete     time.Sleep(time.Second)}func goroutineC(requestChan chan chan string) {     // make a new response chan     responseChan := make(chan string)     // send the responseChan to goRoutineD     requestChan <- responseChan     // read the response     response := <-responseChan     fmt.Printf("Response: %v\n", response)}func goroutineD(requestChan chan chan string) {     // read the responseChan from the requestChan     responseChan := <-requestChan     // send a value down the responseChan     responseChan <- "wassup!"}

This code can be run on Go playground
