cesium学习记录(二)- 可视化空间数据Viewer 中的Entity

来源:互联网 发布:2017年网络暴力案例 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/29 22:19

Unless we specifically disable it, clicking on an entity in the Viewer will show the SelectionIndicator widget at the Entity’s location as well as bring up the InfoBox widget to provide more information. Going back to our original example, we only supplied the wyoming entity with a name, which determines the title of the InfoBox, but we can also provide additional data in HTML via the Entity.description property. Let’s add the below block of code to the end of the first example.


设置实体描述允许在infoBox中显示的HTML 格式的信息

Many applications will retrieve descriptions from the server rather than using a hard coded string, but either approach is valid.

By default, all HTML shown in the InfoBox is sandboxed. This prevents external data sources from injecting malicious code into a Cesium application. If you want to be able to run JavaScript or browser plug-ins inside of a description, you can access the iframe used for sandboxing via the viewer.infoBox.frame property. See this article for more information on controlling iframe sandboxing.


'); })();
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