
来源:互联网 发布:大数据魔镜 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 19:47




关键技术residual learning and batch normalization  残差学习和批归一化

解决问题Gaussian denoising (nonblind and blind)
                  single image super-resolution(SISR
                  JPEG image deblocking  解压缩

I. Introduction

(1)various models have been exploited for modeling image priors
(2)several discriminative learning methods

(2)CNN训练和正则方法有相当大的提升,例如:Rectifier Linear Unit (ReLU)、batch normalization and residual learning

         训练单一模型解决三类图像去噪问题:blind Gaussian denoising, SISR, and JPEG deblocking。

II. Related Work

A. Deep Neural Networks for Image Denoising (a specific model is trained for a certain noise level)

(1)the multilayer perceptron (MLP) [31]

(2)a trainable nonlinear reaction diffusion (TNRD) model [19]

B. Residual Learning and Batch Normalization



III.The Proposed Denoising CNN Model

Training a deep CNN model for a specific task generally involves two steps:

(1) network architecture design
修改VGG网络 [26]并设置网络深度

(2) model learning from training data
the residual learning
batch normalization

A. Network Depth

滤波器尺寸3*3,但去除所有的池化层。故对于d层的DnCNN ,感受野为(2d+1)(2d+1)。


    For Gaussian denoising with a certain noise level, we set the receptive field size of DnCNN to 35× 35 with the corresponding depth of 17.
    For other general image denoising tasks, we adopt a larger receptive field and set the depth to be 20.

B. Network Architecture

For DnCNN, we adopt the residual learning formulation to train a residual mapping R(y)v, and then we havex = y- R(y).

The loss function(the averaged mean squared error between the desired residual images and estimated ones from noisy input) to learn the trainable  parameters:

(1)Deep Architecture

(i) Conv+ReLU: for the first layer, 64 filters of size 3× 3 ×c are used to generate 64 feature maps, and rectified linear units (ReLU,max(0,·)) are then utilized for nonlinearity. Herec represents the number of image channels,
c = 1 for gray image and c = 3 for color image.

(ii)Conv+BN+ReLU: for layers 2 (D- 1), 64 filters of size 3×3×64 are used, and batch normalization is added
between convolution and ReLU.

(iii)Conv: for the last layer, cfilters of size 3 ×3 × 64 are used to reconstruct the output.

(2)Reducing Boundary Artifacts

In many low level vision applications, it usually requires that the output image size should keep the same as the input one. This may lead to the boundary artifacts.

We directly pad zeros before convolution to make sure that each feature map of the middle layers has the same size as the input image.

C. Integration of Residual Learning and Batch Normalization for Image Denoising

It is the integration of residual learning formulation and batch normalization rather than the optimization algorithms
(SGD or Adam) that leads to the best denoising performance.

D. Connection With TNRD

E. Extension to General Image Denoising

(1)DnCNN for Gaussian denoising with unknown noise level

In the training stage, we use the noisy images from a wide range of noise levels (e.g.,σ ∈ [0,55]) to train a single DnCNN model. Given a test image whose noise level belongs to the noise level range, the learned single DnCNN
model can be utilized to denoise it without estimating its noise level.

(2)three specific tasks, i.e., blind Gaussian denoising, SISR, and JPEG deblocking  three specific tasksby employing the proposed DnCNN method

In the training stage, we utilize the images with AWGN from a wide range of noise levels, down-sampled images with multiple upscaling factors, and JPEG images with different quality factors to train a single DnCNN model.

IV. Experimental Results

A. Experimental Setting

1. Training and Testing Data:

(1)DnCNN-S (for Gaussian denoising with known specific noise level )

Three noise levels:σ = 15, 25 and 50
Follow [19] to use 400 images of size 180×180 for training
Set the patch size as 40×40, and crop 128×1,600 patches to train the model

(2)DnCNN-B (single DnCNN model for  blind gray Gaussian denoising task  )

Set the range of the noise levels asσ ∈ [0,55]
Set the patch size as 50× 50 and crop 128×3,000 patches to train the model
Two test datasets: 68 natural images from Berkeley segmentation dataset (BSD68) [14]
                              the other one contains 12 images as shown in Fig. 3

(3)CDnCNN-B (single DnCNN model for  blind color Gaussian denoising task )

Set the range of the noise levels asσ ∈ [0,55]
Set the patch size as 50× 50 and crop 128×3,000 patches to train the model
Use color version of the BSD68 dataset for testing and the remaining 432 color images from Berkeley segmentation dataset are adopted as the training images

(4)DnCNN-3 (single DnCNN model for these three general image denoising tasks )

Set the patch size as 50× 50 and crop 128×3,000 patches to train the model
Rotation/flip based operations on the patch pairs are used during mini-batch learning.
The parameters are initialized with DnCNN-B
Training set:  91 images from [43] and 200 training images from the Berkeley segmentation dataset

1) The noisy image is generated by adding Gaussian noise with a certain noise level
from the range of
2) The SISR input is generated by first bicubic downsampling and then bicubic upsampling the high-resolution image with downscaling factors 2, 3 and 4.
3) The JPEG deblocking input is generated by compressing the image with a quality factor ranging from 5 to 99 using the MATLAB JPEG encoder.

2. Parameter Setting and Network Training

Set the network depth to 17 for DnCNN-S and 20 for DnCNN-B and DnCNN-3
initialize the weights by the method in [34] and use SGD with weight decay of 0.0001, a momentum of 0.9 and a mini-batch size of 128. We train 50 epochs for our DnCNN models.
The learning rate was decayed exponentially from 1e- 1 to 1e- 4 for the 50 epochs.

B. Compared Methods

two non-local similarity based methods (i.e., BM3D [2] and WNNM [15])
one generative method (i.e.,EPLL [40])
three discriminative training based methods (i.e., MLP [31],CSF [17] and TNRD [19])

C. Quantitative and Qualitative Evaluation

D. Run Time

E. Experiments on Learning a Single Model for Three General Image Denoising Tasks

V. Conclusion

In future, we will investigate proper CNN models for denoising of images with real complex noise and other general image restoration tasks.

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