
来源:互联网 发布:大数据平台是什么 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/18 03:57

Torch 模块学习

1. Serialization

Torch 提供了 4 种序列化/反序列化 Lua/Torch objects 的方法.

  •, object [, format, referenced])

    将 object 写入 filename 文件.

    format 可以是 ascii 或 binary(默认).


    -- arbitrary object:obj = { mat = torch.randn(10,10), name = '10', test = {    entry = 1 }}-- save to'test.dat', obj)
  • [object] torch.load(filename [, format, referenced])

    从 filename 文件读入 objects.


    -- given serialized object from section above, reload:obj = torch.load('test.dat')print(obj)-- will print:-- {[mat]  = DoubleTensor - size: 10x10--  [name] = string : "10"--  [test] = table - size: 0}
  • [str] torch.serialize(object)

    将 object 序列化为 string.


    -- arbitrary object:obj = { mat = torch.randn(10,10), name = '10', test = {    entry = 1 }}-- serialize:str = torch.serialize(obj)
  • [object] torch.deserialize(str)

    从 string 反序列化 object


    -- given serialized object from section above, deserialize:obj = torch.deserialize(str)print(obj)-- will print:-- {[mat]  = DoubleTensor - size: 10x10--  [name] = string : "10"--  [test] = table - size: 0}

2. Module

Module 是抽象类,定义了训练神经网络所必要的基础方法,通过成员函数来设计网络结构.

主要包含变量的两种状态:output 和 gradInput.

  • [output] forward(input)

    根据输入 input,计算对应的输出 output. 一般 input 和 output 是 Tensors.

    不推荐修改 forward 函数. 需要实现 updateOutput(input) 函数.

  • [gradInput] backward(input, gradOutput)

    根据输入 input,计算关于 input 的梯度操作;需要是在 forward 之后调用;网络优化;

    一般 input, gradOutput, gradInput 是 Tensors.

    BP 包含种类梯度的计算及对应的函数:

    关于输入变量的梯度计算 - updateGradInput(input, gradOutput)

    关于网络参数的梯度计算 - accGradParameters(input,gradOutput,scale), gradParamaters * scale,累加

  • zeroGradParameters()

    如果网络 module 已经有参数,该函数将关于其参数的累积梯度gradParameters清零.

  • updateParameters(learningRate)

    更新网络 module 参数:


  • accUpdateGradParameters(input, gradOutput, learningRate)


  • share(mlp,s1,s2,…,sn)

    修改 module s1,...,sn 的参数,使其与给定 module mlp 具有相同名字的层共享相同参数.


    -- make an mlpmlp1=nn.Sequential();mlp1:add(nn.Linear(100,10));-- make a second mlpmlp2=nn.Sequential();mlp2:add(nn.Linear(100,10));-- the second mlp shares the bias of the firstmlp2:share(mlp1,'bias');-- we change the bias of the firstmlp1:get(1).bias[1]=99;-- and see that the second one's bias has also changed..print(mlp2:get(1).bias[1])
  • clone(mlp,…)

    深度复制 module,包括其参数的当前状态.


    -- make an mlpmlp1=nn.Sequential();mlp1:add(nn.Linear(100,10));-- make a copy that shares the weights and biasesmlp2=mlp1:clone('weight','bias');-- we change the bias of the first mlpmlp1:get(1).bias[1]=99;-- and see that the second one's bias has also changed..print(mlp2:get(1).bias[1])
  • type(type[, tensorCache])

    将 module 的所有参数转化为设定 type,torch.Tensor 中的一种 type.

    如果 tensors 是网络中的多种 modules 间共享的,则调用 type 会阻止其共享.

    为了避免多种 modules 和多种 tensors 间的共享,采用 nn.module = Parallel(inputDimension,outputils.recursiveType:


    -- make an mlpmlp1=nn.Sequential();mlp1:add(nn.Linear(100,10));-- make a second mlpmlp2=nn.Sequential();mlp2:add(nn.Linear(100,10));-- the second mlp shares the bias of the firstmlp2:share(mlp1,'bias');-- mlp1 and mlp2 will be converted to float, and will share bias-- note: tensors can be provided as inputs as well as modulesnn.utils.recursiveType({mlp1, mlp2}, 'torch.FloatTensor')
  • float([tensorCache])

    便于调用 [module:type(‘torch.FloatTensor’, tensorCache])

  • double([tensorCache])

    便于调用 [module:type(‘torch.DoubleTensor’, tensorCache])

  • cuda([tensorCache])

    便于调用 [module:type(‘torch.CudaTensor’, tensorCache])

3. Containers

复杂神经网络可以采用 container 创建.

3.1. Container

抽象类,包含了所有 containers 声明的方法.

  • add(module)

    添加 module 到 container. 按照一定的 order.

  • get(index)

    根据索引 index 获取 modules.

  • size()

    返回包含的 modules 的数目.

3.2 Sequential

以 feed-forward 全连接方式组织网络层.


mlp = nn.Sequential()mlp:add(nn.Linear(10, 25)) -- Linear module (10 inputs, 25 hidden units)mlp:add(nn.Tanh())         -- apply hyperbolic tangent transfer function on each hidden unitsmlp:add(nn.Linear(25, 1))  -- Linear module (25 inputs, 1 output)> mlp-- nn.Sequential {--  [input -> (1) -> (2) -> (3) -> output]--  (1): nn.Linear(10 -> 25)--  (2): nn.Tanh--  (3): nn.Linear(25 -> 1)--}> print(mlp:forward(torch.randn(10)))-- -0.1815-- [torch.Tensor of dimension 1]
  • remove([index])

    根据 index 删除 module. 如果 index 未指定,则删除最后一层.


    model = nn.Sequential()model:add(nn.Linear(10, 20))model:add(nn.Linear(20, 20))model:add(nn.Linear(20, 30))model:remove(2)> model-- nn.Sequential {--   [input -> (1) -> (2) -> output]--   (1): nn.Linear(10 -> 20)--   (2): nn.Linear(20 -> 30)-- }
  • insert(module, [index])

    根据 index 插入给定 module. 如果 index 未指定,则等价于 add(module).


    model = nn.Sequential()model:add(nn.Linear(10, 20))model:add(nn.Linear(20, 30))model:insert(nn.Linear(20, 20), 2)> model-- nn.Sequential {--   [input -> (1) -> (2) -> (3) -> output]--   (1): nn.Linear(10 -> 20)--   (2): nn.Linear(20 -> 20)      -- The inserted layer--   (3): nn.Linear(20 -> 30)-- }

3.3 Parallel


module = Parallel(inputDimension,outputDimension)

创建 container module,将其 ith 子 module 应用输入 input Tensor 的 ith 分片,子 module 的划分是根据 inputDimension 来进行选择. 最后再将其包含的各子 modules 的结果根据 outputDimension 连接.


mlp = nn.Parallel(2,1);   -- Parallel container will associate a module to each slice of dimension 2                           -- (column space), and concatenate the outputs over the 1st dimension.mlp:add(nn.Linear(10,3)); -- Linear module (input 10, output 3), applied on 1st slice of dimension 2mlp:add(nn.Linear(10,2))  -- Linear module (input 10, output 2), applied on 2nd slice of dimension 2                                  -- After going through the Linear module the outputs are                                  -- concatenated along the unique dimension, to form 1D Tensor> mlp:forward(torch.randn(10,2)) -- of size 5.-0.5300-1.1015 0.7764 0.2819-0.6026[torch.Tensor of dimension 5]


mlp = nn.Sequential();c = nn.Parallel(1,2)     -- Parallel container will associate a module to each slice of dimension 1                         -- (row space), and concatenate the outputs over the 2nd dimension.for i=1,10 do            -- Add 10 Linear+Reshape modules in parallel (input = 3, output = 2x1) local t=nn.Sequential() t:add(nn.Linear(3,2))   -- Linear module (input = 3, output = 2) t:add(nn.Reshape(2,1))  -- Reshape 1D Tensor of size 2 to 2D Tensor of size 2x1 c:add(t)endmlp:add(c)               -- Add the Parallel container in the Sequential containerpred = mlp:forward(torch.randn(10,3)) -- 2D Tensor of size 10x3 goes through the Sequential container                                      -- which contains a Parallel container of 10 Linear+Reshape.                                      -- Each Linear+Reshape module receives a slice of dimension 1                                      -- which corresponds to a 1D Tensor of size 3.                                      -- Eventually all the Linear+Reshape modules' outputs of size 2x1                                      -- are concatenated alond the 2nd dimension (column space)                                      -- to form pred, a 2D Tensor of size 2x10.> pred-0.7987 -0.4677 -0.1602 -0.8060  1.1337 -0.4781  0.1990  0.2665 -0.1364  0.8109-0.2135 -0.3815  0.3964 -0.4078  0.0516 -0.5029 -0.9783 -0.5826  0.4474  0.6092[torch.DoubleTensor of size 2x10]for i = 1, 10000 do     -- Train for a few iterations x = torch.randn(10,3); y = torch.ones(2,10); pred = mlp:forward(x) criterion = nn.MSECriterion() local err = criterion:forward(pred,y) local gradCriterion = criterion:backward(pred,y); mlp:zeroGradParameters(); mlp:backward(x, gradCriterion); mlp:updateParameters(0.01); print(err)end

3.4 Concat


module = nn.Concat(dim)

根据提供的 dim 将 parallel module 的输出连接:相同的输入,连接各 module 的输出.


mlp = nn.Concat(1);mlp:add(nn.Linear(5,3))mlp:add(nn.Linear(5,7))> print(mlp:forward(torch.randn(5))) 0.7486 0.1349 0.7924-0.0371-0.4794 0.3044-0.0835-0.7928 0.7856-0.1815[torch.Tensor of dimension 10]

3.5 Weight Normalization


module = nn.WeightNorm(module)


3.6 NaN


dmodule = nn.NaN(module, [id])

NaN module 设定 module 的 output 和 gradInput 不包含 NaNs. 对于确定 Nan 错误很有用. id 默认为 1,2,3,....


linear = nn.Linear(3,4)mlp = nn.Sequential()mlp:add(nn.NaN(nn.Identity()))mlp:add(nn.NaN(linear))mlp:add(nn.NaN(nn.Linear(4,2)))print(mlp)-- nn.Sequential {--   [input -> (1) -> (2) -> (3) -> output]--   (1): nn.NaN(1) @ nn.Identity--   (2): nn.NaN(2) @ nn.Linear(3 -> 4)--   (3): nn.NaN(3) @ nn.Linear(4 -> 2)-- }

4. Table Layer

4.1 ConcatTable


module = nn.ConcatTable()


                  +-----------+             +----> {member1, |+-------+    |    |           || input +----+---->  member2, |+-------+    |    |           |   or        +---->  member3} | {input}          +-----------+


mlp = nn.ConcatTable()mlp:add(nn.Linear(5, 2))mlp:add(nn.Linear(5, 3))pred = mlp:forward(torch.randn(5))for i, k in ipairs(pred) do print(i, k) end

4.2 ParallelTable


module = nn.ParallelTable()


+----------+         +-----------+| {input1, +---------> {member1, ||          |         |           ||  input2, +--------->  member2, ||          |         |           ||  input3} +--------->  member3} |+----------+         +-----------+


mlp = nn.ParallelTable()mlp:add(nn.Linear(10, 2))mlp:add(nn.Linear(5, 3))x = torch.randn(10)y = torch.rand(5)pred = mlp:forward{x, y}for i, k in pairs(pred) do print(i, k) end

4.3 MapTable


module = nn.MapTable(m, share)


+----------+         +-----------+| {input1, +---------> {member,  ||          |         |           ||  input2, +--------->  clone,   ||          |         |           ||  input3} +--------->  clone}   |+----------+         +-----------+


map = nn.MapTable()map:add(nn.Linear(10, 3))x1 = torch.rand(10)x2 = torch.rand(10)y = map:forward{x1, x2}for i, k in pairs(y) do print(i, k) end

4.4 SplitTable


module = SplitTable(dimension, nInputDims)
    +----------+         +-----------+    | input[1] +---------> {member1, |  +----------+-+         |           |  | input[2] +----------->  member2, |+----------+-+           |           || input[3] +------------->  member3} |+----------+             +-----------+


mlp = nn.SplitTable(2)x = torch.randn(4, 3)pred = mlp:forward(x)for i, k in ipairs(pred) do print(i, k) end

4.5 JoinTable


module = JoinTable(dimension, nInputDims)


+----------+             +-----------+| {input1, +-------------> output[1] ||          |           +-----------+-+|  input2, +-----------> output[2] ||          |         +-----------+-+|  input3} +---------> output[3] |+----------+         +-----------+


x = torch.randn(5, 1)y = torch.randn(5, 1)z = torch.randn(2, 1)print(nn.JoinTable(1):forward{x, y})print(nn.JoinTable(2):forward{x, y})print(nn.JoinTable(1):forward{x, z})

5. Convolutional layers

6. Criterions

7. Reference

[1] - Neural Network Package

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热门问题 老师的惩罚 人脸识别 我在镇武司摸鱼那些年 重生之率土为王 我在大康的咸鱼生活 盘龙之生命进化 天生仙种 凡人之先天五行 春回大明朝 姑娘不必设防,我是瞎子 sp实践网站 管理的实践 管理实践 理论实践 校内实践 实践是 实践内容 社会实践报告 让儿子实践一下 社会实践体会 社会实践活动记录表 大学生社会实践报告 社会实践活动 敬老院社会实践心得 实践论读后感 社会实践报告2000字 社会实践心得 大学生实践报告 新时代文明实践 小学综合实践活动 社会实践总结 暑期社会实践报告 社会实践报告3000字范文通用 暑假实践报告 大一社会实践报告2000字 社会实践经历 暑假社会实践报告 新时代文明实践中心 实践部面试自我介绍 综合实践活动 社会实践报告范文 暑期社会实践心得 三下乡社会实践活动报告 社会实践内容 实践的反义词 关于实践的名言 寒假社会实践报告 免费女贝实践图片 女贝贝实践网 社会实践报告图片 毛概实践报告