[DirectShow] 034 - Using Windowless Mode

来源:互联网 发布:搜附近的网络 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/06 02:46

The Video Mixing Renderer filters (VMR-7 andVMR-9) both support windowless mode, which represents a majorimprovement over the IVideoWindow interface. This article describes the differences betweenwindowless mode and windowed mode, and how to use windowless mode.

Video Mixing Renderer filterVMR-7 VMR-9)都支持windowless模式,这是在IVideoWindwo接口上的主要提高。这篇文章描述windowless模式和windowed模式的不同,以及如何使用windowless模式。

To remain backward-compatible with existing applications, the VMR defaultsto windowed mode. In windowed mode, the renderer creates its own window todisplay the video. Typically the application sets the video window to be achild of the application window. The existence of a separate video windowcauses some problems, however:


·        Most importantly, there is a potential fordeadlocks if window messages are sent between threads.

·        如果窗口消息在两个线程之间发送会产生潜在的死锁。

·        The Filter Graph Manager must forwardcertain window messages, such as WM_PAINT, to the Video Renderer. Theapplication must use the Filter Graph Manager's implementation of IVideoWindow(and not the Video Renderer's), so that the Filter Graph Manager maintains thecorrect internal state.

·        Filter Graph Manager 必须发送类似WM_PAINTwindows消息到Video Renderer。应用程序必须使用Filter Graph Manager IVideoWindow执行(不是Video RendererIVideoWindow),以至于Filter Graph Mnager保持正确的内部状态。

·        To receive mouse or keyboard events fromthe video window, the application must set a "message drain," causingthe video window to forward these messages to the application.

·        为了从视频窗口接收鼠标和键盘事件,应用程序必须设置一个”message drain”,使视频窗口向应用程序发送消息。

·        To prevent clipping problems, the videowindow must have the right window styles.

·        为了避免出现遮挡问题,视频窗口必须设置正确的样式。

Windowless mode avoids these problems by having the VMR draw directly onthe application window's client area, using DirectDraw to clip the videorectangle. Windowless mode significantly reduces the chance of deadlocks. Also,the application does not have to set the owner window or the window styles. Infact, when the VMR is in windowless mode, it does not even expose the IVideoWindowinterface, which is no longer needed.


To use windowless mode, you must explicitly configure the VMR. However,you will find that is more flexible and easier to use than windowed mode.


Configure the VMR for Windowless Mode

To override the VMR's default behavior, configure the VMR before buildingthe filter graph:

 要忽略VMR的默认行为,生成filter graph之前先配置VMR

6.Create the Filter Graph Manager.

7.创建Filter Graph Manager

8.Create the VMR and add it to the filter graph.

9.创建VMR并添加到filter graph中。

10.Call IVMRFilterConfig::SetRenderingMode on the VMR with the VMRMode_Windowless flag.


12.Call IVMRWindowlessControl::SetVideoClippingWindow on the VMR. Specify a handle to the window where the video should appear.


Now build the rest of the filter graph by calling IGraphBuilder::RenderFile or other graph-building methods. The Filter Graph Manager automaticallyuses the instance of the VMR that you added to the graph. (For details on whythis happens, see Intelligent Connect.)

然后调用IGraphBuilder::RenderFile或者其他的方法生成filter graph的其他部分。Filter Graph Manager自动使用你添加到graph中的VMR实例。

The following code shows a helper function that creates the VMR, adds itto the graph, and sets up windowless mode.



    HWND hwndApp,                  // Window to hold the video.

    IGraphBuilder* pGraph,         // Pointer to the Filter GraphManager.

    IVMRWindowlessControl** ppWc   // Receives a pointer to the VMR.



    if (!pGraph || !ppWc)


        return E_POINTER;


    IBaseFilter* pVmr = NULL;

    IVMRWindowlessControl* pWc = NULL;

    // Create the VMR.

    HRESULT hr =CoCreateInstance(CLSID_VideoMixingRenderer, NULL,

        CLSCTX_INPROC, IID_IBaseFilter,(void**)&pVmr);

    if (FAILED(hr))


        return hr;



    // Add the VMR to the filter graph.

    hr = pGraph->AddFilter(pVmr,L"Video Mixing Renderer");

    if (FAILED(hr))



        return hr;


    // Set the rendering mode. 

    IVMRFilterConfig* pConfig;

    hr =pVmr->QueryInterface(IID_IVMRFilterConfig, (void**)&pConfig);

    if (SUCCEEDED(hr))


        hr =pConfig->SetRenderingMode(VMRMode_Windowless);



    if (SUCCEEDED(hr))


        // Set the window.

        hr =pVmr->QueryInterface(IID_IVMRWindowlessControl, (void**)&pWc);

        if( SUCCEEDED(hr))


            hr =pWc->SetVideoClippingWindow(hwndApp);

            if (SUCCEEDED(hr))


                *ppWc = pWc; // Return this asan AddRef'd pointer.




                // An error occurred, sorelease the interface.






    return hr;


This function assumes that are displaying only one video stream and are notmixing a static bitmap over the video. For details, see VMR Windowless Mode. You would call this function as follows:


IVMRWindowlessControl*pWc = NULL;

hr= InitWindowlessVMR(hwnd, pGraph, &g_pWc);



    // Build the graph. For example:

    pGraph->RenderFile(wszMyFileName, 0);

    // Release the VMR interface when you aredone.



Position the Video

After configuring the VMR, the next step is to set the position of thevideo. There are two rectangles to consider, the source rectangle andthe destination rectangle. The source rectangle defines which portion ofthe video to display. The destination rectangle specifies the region in thewindow's client area that will contain the video. The VMR crops the video imageto the source rectangle and stretches the cropped image to fit the destinationrectangle.


Call the IVMRWindowlessControl::SetVideoPosition method to specify both rectangles. The source rectangle must be equal toor smaller than the native video size; you can use the IVMRWindowlessControl::GetNativeVideoSize method to get the native video size. 

调用IVMRWindowlessControl::SetVideoPosition方法 指定这两个矩形。源矩形必须等于后者小于原始视频尺寸。可以调用IVMRWindowlessControl::GetNativeVideoSize或者原始视频尺寸。

For example, the following code sets the source rectangle equal to theentire video image and the destination rectangle equal to the entire windowclient area:


//Find the native video size.

longlWidth, lHeight;

HRESULThr = g_pWc->GetNativeVideoSize(&lWidth, &lHeight, NULL, NULL);



    RECT rcSrc, rcDest;

    // Set the source rectangle.

    SetRect(&rcSrc, 0, 0, lWidth, lHeight);


    // Get the window client area.

    GetClientRect(hwnd, &rcDest);

    // Set the destination rectangle.

    SetRect(&rcDest, 0, 0, rcDest.right,rcDest.bottom);


    //Set the video position.

    hr = g_pWc->SetVideoPosition(&rcSrc,&rcDest);


If you want to video to occupy a smaller portion of the client area,modify the rcDest parameter. If you want to crop the video image, modifythe rcSrc parameter.


Handle Window Messages

Because the VMR does not have its own window, you must inform it when thevideo needs to be repainted or modified.

因为 VMR没有自己的窗口,当视频需要重绘或者修改的时候,你必须通知他。

·        When you receive a WM_PAINT message, call IVMRWindowlessControl::RepaintVideo to repaint the image.

·        当接收到WM_PAINT消息时,调用IVMRWindowlessControl::RepaintVideo重绘图像。

·        When you receive a WM_DISPLAYCHANGEmessage, call IVMRWindowlessControl::DisplayModeChanged. The VMR takes any actions that are needed to display the video at thenew resolution or color depth.

·        当接收到WM_DISPLAYCHANGE消息,调用IVMRWindowlessControl::DisplayModeChanged。在新的分辨率或颜色深度上VMR需要花费一些动作显示视频。

·        When you receive a WM_SIZE message,recalculate the position of the video and call SetVideoPosition again ifnecessary.

·        当接收到WM_SIZE消息,如果需要的话,重新计算视频的位置并调用SetVideoPosition

The following example shows a WM_PAINT message handler. It paints a regiondefined by the client rectangle minus the video rectangle. Do not draw onto thevideo rectangle, because the VMR will paint over it, causing flickering. Forthe same reason, do not set a background brush in your window class.


voidOnPaint(HWND hwnd)



    HDC        hdc;

    RECT       rcClient;

    GetClientRect(hwnd, &rcClient);

    hdc = BeginPaint(hwnd, &ps);

    if (g_pWc != NULL)


        // Find the region where theapplication can paint by subtracting

        // the video destination rectangle fromthe client area.

        // (Assume that g_rcDest was calculatedpreviously.)

        HRGN rgnClient =CreateRectRgnIndirect(&rcClient);

        HRGN rgnVideo  = CreateRectRgnIndirect(&g_rcDest); 

        CombineRgn(rgnClient, rgnClient,rgnVideo, RGN_DIFF); 


        // Paint on window.

        HBRUSH hbr =GetSysColorBrush(COLOR_BTNFACE);

        FillRgn(hdc, rgnClient, hbr);


        // Clean up.





        // Request the VMR to paint the video.

        HRESULT hr =g_pWc->RepaintVideo(hwnd, hdc); 


    else // There is no video, so paint the whole client area.


        FillRect(hdc, &rc2,(HBRUSH)(COLOR_BTNFACE + 1));


    EndPaint(hwnd, &ps);


Although you must respond to WM_PAINT messages, there is nothing you needto do between WM_PAINT messages to update the video. As this example shows,windowless mode lets you treat the video image simply as a self-drawing regionon the window.




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