Irregular Verbs

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Irregular Verbs: Overview and List

In English, regular verbs consist of three main parts: the root form (present), the (simple) past, and the past participle. Regular verbs have an -ed ending added to the root verb for both the simple past and past participle. Irregular verbs do not follow this pattern, and instead take on an alternative pattern.

The following is a partial list of irregular verbs found in English. Each listing consists of the present/root form of the verb, the (simple) past form of the verb, and the past participle form of the verb.

List of Irregular Verbs in EnglishPresentPastPast Participlebewas, werebeenbecomebecamebecomebeginbeganbegunblowblewblownbreakbrokebrokenbringbroughtbroughtbuildbuiltbuiltburstburstburstbuyboughtboughtburstburstburstcatchcaughtcaughtchoosechosechosencomecamecomecutcutcutdealdealtdealtdodiddonedrinkdrankdrunkdrivedrovedriveneatateeatenfallfellfallenfeedfedfedfeelfeltfeltfightfoughtfoughtfindfoundfoundflyflewflownforbidforbadeforbiddenforgetforgotforgottenforgiveforgaveforgivenfreezefrozefrozengetgotgottengivegavegivengowentgonegrowgrewgrownhavehadhadhearheardheardhidehidhiddenholdheldheldhurthurthurtkeepkeptkeptknowknewknownlaylaidlaidleadledledleaveleftleftletletletlielaylainloselostlostmakemademademeetmetmetpaypaidpaidquitquitquitreadreadreadrideroderiddenrunranrunsaysaidsaidseesawseenseeksoughtsoughtsellsoldsoldsendsentsentshakeshookshakenshineshoneshonesingsangsungsitsatsatsleepsleptsleptspeakspokespokenspendspentspentspringsprangsprungstandstoodstoodstealstolestolenswimswamswumswingswungswungtaketooktakenteachtaughttaughtteartoretorntelltoldtoldthinkthoughtthoughtthrowthrewthrownunderstandunderstoodunderstoodwakewoke (waked)woken (waked)wearworewornwinwonwonwritewrotewritten

All Sections in Irregular Verbs:

  1. Irregular Verbs: Overview and List
  2. Commonly Confused Verbs

Commonly Confused Verbs

LIE versus LAY

Lie vs. Lay usagePresentPastPast Participlelie, lying (to tell a falsehood)I lied to my mother.I have lied under oath.lie, lying (to recline)I lay on the bed because I was tired.He has lain in the grass.lay, laying (to put, place)I laid the baby in her cradle.We have laid the dishes on the table.

Example sentences:

After laying down his weapon, the soldier lay down to sleep.

Will you lay out my clothes while I lie down to rest?

SIT versus SET

Sit vs. Set usagePresentPastPast Participlesit (to be seated or come to resting position)I sat in my favorite chair.You have sat there for three hours.set (to put or place)I set my glass on the table.She has set her books on my desk again.

Example sentences:

Let's set the table before we sit down to rest.


Rise vs. Raise usagePresentPastPast Participlerise (steady or customary upward movement)The balloon rose into the air.He has risen to a position of power.raise (to cause to rise)They raised their hands because they knew the answer.I have raised the curtain many times.

Example sentences:

The boy raised the flag just before the sun rose.