【个人学习笔记8之--关于OVER子句 多属性的比较 PIVOT 聚合问题】

来源:互联网 发布:网络看电视 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/29 19:17



我在上个笔记中其实已经用到了这个用法 我再换个例子说说:
create table #(id int, a int)
insert # select
1,2 union all select
1,3 union all select
1,4 union all select
1,5 union all select
2,2 union all select
2,4 union all select
2,8 union all select
select id,a,
SUM(a) over(partition by id ),--分组总和
AVG(a) over(partition by id ),--分组平均
COUNT(a) over(partition by id ),--分组计数
MAX(a) over (partition by id )--分组最大数
from #
id          a                                              
----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- -----------
1           2           14          3           4           5
1           3           14          3           4           5
1           4           14          3           4           5
1           5           14          3           4           5
2           2           22          5           4           8
2           4           22          5           4           8
2           8           22          5           4           8
2           8           22          5           4           8
上面的SUM(a) over(partition by id)等价于(select sum(a) from # group by id)
我在上篇学习笔记也提过了,用OVER()聚合的效率比子查询 高非常多.


create table #test (id int, a int, b int , c int)
insert #test select
1,2,3,4 union all select
1,3,5,4 union all select
1,3,7,4 union all select
1,3,7,8 union all select
2,2,3,4 union all select
2,5,3,8 union all select
2,5,3,8 union all select
2,7,3,8 union all select
--这个题目我们要求出根据ID分组,求出最大的一条记录..这个所谓的最大就是先比A 再比B 再比C 要求结果:
--如果有这么个写法 SQL 可以支持就好了-- || 可惜没有
select ID,MAX(a,b,C)
from #test
group by ID
select *
from #test k
where not exists(select * from #test
where id=k.id and (a>k.a or a=k.a and b>k.b or a=k.a and b=k.b and c>k.c))
from (
select ID,
MAX(CAST(a as char(5))+CAST(b as char(5))+CAST(c as char(5))) as col
from #test
group by ID
) l



这个基本语法大家都知道,我只说一点吧,你不能旋转多列属性,除非你提前在CTE 或者派生表里面处理好 ,如下:
create table #p(empid int, name varchar(10),val int)
insert #p select
1,'a',2 union all select
1,'a',3 union all select
1,'a',4 union all select
1,'b',4 union all select
2,'a',5 union all select
2,'a',2 union all select
2,'b',2  --drop table #p
;with cte as
 select RTRIM(empid)+'_'+name as e_name,val from #p
select *
from cte pivot
(sum(val) for e_name in ([1_a],[1_b],[2_a],[2_b])) l
1_a         1_b         2_a         2_b
----------- ----------- ----------- -----------
9           4           7           2
至于Unpivot 简单理解就是Pivot的反向操作.当然注意一点:被旋转的数据必须具有相同的数据类型.




a.连接字符串问题:这个论坛里已经写烂了,2000用函数,2005用XML PATH 我就不写
create table #p(empid int, name varchar(10))
insert #p select
1,'a'union all select
1,'b' union all select
1,'c'union all select
1,'d'union all select
2,'a' union all select
2,'t'union all select
2,'v'  --drop table #p
name=MAX(case when rn=1 then name  else '' end)+MAX(case when rn=2 then ','+name else '' end)
+MAX(case when rn=3 then ','+name else '' end)+MAX(case when rn=4 then ','+name else ''  end)
select empid,name,
(select COUNT(*) from #p where k.empid=empid and k.name>=name) as rn
from #p k )z
group by empid
empid       name
----------- -------------------------------------------
1           a,b,c,d
2           a,t,v



create table #p(empid int, val varchar(10))
insert #p select
1,2union all select
1,6union all select
1,3union all select
1,4union all select
2,2union all select
2,3union all select
2,6  --drop table #p
--loga(b)=x 等价于 power(a,x)=b
select empid,
from #p
group by empid
empid       乘积
----------- -----------
1           144
2           36



create table a(rq varchar(8), ddsj int)
insert into a
'200805',30 union all select
'200805',40 union all select
'200805',50 union all select
'200805',20 union all select
'200806',250 union all select
'200806',200 union all select
'200806',310 union all select
'200806',100 union all select
select rq,ddsj=AVG(ddsj)
(select ROW_NUMBER() over(partition by rq order by ddsj ) as rn1,
ROW_NUMBER() over(partition by rq order by ddsj desc  ) as rn2
 ,* from a ) k
where abs(rn1-rn2)<=1
select rq,ddsj=AVG(ddsj)
(select ROW_NUMBER() over(partition by rq order by ddsj) as rn1,
COUNT(*) over(partition by rq) as rn
 ,* from a ) k
where abs(2*rn1-rn-1)<=1

rq       ddsj
-------- -----------
200805   35
200806   200
