12.29 2-3-4树之总结

来源:互联网 发布:阿里云应用引擎 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/16 10:16



  1. 在框架还没有搭好之前,不要写细节代码。先用system.out.println()进行测试,测试成功了再开始具体实现。
  2. 在算法步骤没有彻底想明白之前,不要写任何一行代码。最好先画几张示意图,在图上通过了之后,再开始写。
  3. 不要改变传入函数的参数,否则就不要传引用进去
  4. 在写代码之前,先用自然语言将算法步描述出来,这些自然语句可以放入注释中。
  5. 程序的各个代码段之间的分工要明确。




To insert a value, we start at the root of the 2-3-4 tree:

  1. If the current node is a 4-node:
    • Push the middle element of the 4-node up into the parent, leaving a 3-node.
    • Split the remaining 3-node up into a pair of 2-nodes.
    • If this is the root node (which thus has no parent), the middle value becomes the new root 2-node and the tree height increases by 1. Ascend into the root.
      • Otherwise, push the middle value up into the parent node. Ascend into the parent node.
  2. Find the child whose interval contains the value to be inserted.
  3. If the child is empty, insert the value into current node and finish.
    • Otherwise, descend into the child and repeat from step 1.