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5). DIGEST-MD5认证方式
DIGEST-MD5认证也是Challenge/Response的方式, 与CRAM-MD5相比, 它的Challenge信息更多, 其Response计算方式也非常复杂, 我在测试时也是以认证失败而告终, 只是将在网上找到的资料整理于此, 能为后来研究的人多提供点资料, 或者有兴趣的朋友们可以和我一起讨论下.


DIGEST-MD5服务器格式说明(见RFC 2831 Digest SASL Mechanism Mai 2000):
   digest-challenge =
         1 # (Reich | Nonce | qop-Optionen | schal | MAXBUF | charset
               Algorithmus | Chiffre-opts | auth-param)

        realm = "Reich" "=" < "> Reich-Wert <">
        Reich-Wert = qdstr-val
        Nonce = "Nonce" "=" < "> Nonce-Wert <">
        Nonce-Wert = qdstr-val
        qop-options = "qop" "=" < "> qop-Liste <">
        qop-list = 1 # qop-Wert
        qop-Wert = "auth" | "auth-int" | "auth-conf" |
        stale = "veraltete" "=" "true"
        MAXBUF = "MAXBUF" "=" MAXBUF-Wert
        MAXBUF-Wert = 1 * DIGIT
        charset = "charset" = "" UTF-8 "
        algorithm = "Algorithmus" "=" "md5-sess"
        Chiffre-opts = "Chiffre" "=" < "> 1 # Null-Wert <">
        Chiffre-value = "3des" | "des" | "RC4-40" | "RC4" |
                            "RC4-56" | Token
        auth-param = Token "=" (token | quoted-string)
DIGEST-MD5客户端响应格式说明(见RFC 2831 Digest SASL Mechanism Mai 2000):
   digest-response = 1 # (Benutzername | Reich | Nonce | cnonce |
                          Nonce-count | qop | digest-uri | Antwort |
                          MAXBUF | charset | Chiffre | authzid |

       username = "username" = "<"> username-Wert < ">
       Benutzernamen-Wert = qdstr-val
       cnonce = "cnonce" "=" < "> cnonce-Wert <">
       cnonce-Wert = qdstr-val
       Nonce-count = "nc" "=" nc-Wert
       nc-Wert = 8LHEX
       qop = "qop" "=" qop-Wert
       digest-uri = "digest-uri" = "<"> digest-uri-value < ">
       digest-uri-value = serv-type "/" host [ "/" serv-name]   //eg: smtp/mail3.example.com/example.com
       serv-type = 1 * ALPHA            //www for web-service, ftp for ftp-dienst, SMTP for mail-versand-service …
       host = 1 * (ALPHA | DIGIT | "-" | ".")
       serv-name = host
       response = "Antwort" "=" Response-Wert
       response-value = 32LHEX
       LHEX = "0" | "1" | "2" | "3" |
                          "4" | "5" | "6" | "7" |
                          "8" | "9" | "a" | "b" |
                          "c" | "d" | "e" | "f"
       cipher = "Chiffre" "=" Null-Wert
       authzid = "authzid" "=" < "> authzid-Wert <">
       authzid-Wert = qdstr-val

其各字段具体含义见相关文档, 这里只介始几个需要用到的字段是如何产生的, C/S响应示例如下:
    S: realm="elwood.innosoft.com",nonce="OA6MG9tEQGm2hh",qop="auth",
    C: charset=utf-8,username="chris",realm="elwood.innosoft.com",
    S: rspauth=ea40f60335c427b5527b84dbabcdfffd

    The password in this example was "secret".
从这个示例可以看出, 客户端返回的信息比服务器端发送过来的多了以下几个:
username, nc, cnonce, digest-uri和respone
username就不用说了, nc是8位长的16进制数字符串,统计客户端使用nonce发出请求的次数(包含当前请求),例示我们可以设为”00000001”, cnonce是是用了4个随机数组成一个8位长16进制的字符串,digest-uri是由在realm前加上请求类型(如http, smtp等), response是一个32位长的16进制数组, 计算公式如下:
If the "qop" value is "auth" or "auth-int":
      request-digest  = <"> < KD ( H(A1),     unq(nonce-value)
                                          ":" nc-value
                                          ":" unq(cnonce-value)
                                          ":" unq(qop-value)
                                          ":" H(A2)
                                  ) <">
   If the "qop" directive is not present (this construction is for
   compatibility with RFC 2069):
      request-digest  =
                 <"> < KD ( H(A1), unq(nonce-value) ":" H(A2) ) >
   See below for the definitions for A1 and A2.
Read more: http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc2617.html#ixzz0c4s8ck3F

           对于"MD5" 和"MD5-sess" 算法:
H(data) = MD5(data)

KD(secret, data) = H(concat(secret, ":", data))

A1  =  unq(username-value) ":" unq(realm-value) ":" passwd
如果"algorithm"指定为"MD5-sess", 则需要nonce和cnonce的参与:
A1       = H(unq(username-value) ":" unq(realm-value) ":" passwd )
                     ":" unq(nonce-value) ":" unq(cnonce-value)

如果"qop"没有指定或指定为"auth", A2计算方式如下:
A2  = Method ":" digest-uri-value
如果"qop"没有指定或指定为"auth int", A2计算方式如下:
A2 = Method ":" digest-uri-value ":" H(entity-body)

Method是http请求时的方法(post,get), 由于英文水平比较差, 很多都看不明白, 有兴趣的朋友可以自己去看看原文(http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc2617.html), 这里还提供了DIGEST验证的代码:
   File "digcalc.h":

#define HASHLEN 16
typedef char HASH[HASHLEN];
#define HASHHEXLEN 32
typedef char HASHHEX[HASHHEXLEN+1];
#define IN
#define OUT

/* calculate H(A1) as per HTTP Digest spec */
void DigestCalcHA1(
    IN char * pszAlg,
    IN char * pszUserName,
    IN char * pszRealm,
    IN char * pszPassword,
    IN char * pszNonce,
    IN char * pszCNonce,
    OUT HASHHEX SessionKey

/* calculate request-digest/response-digest as per HTTP Digest spec */
void DigestCalcResponse(
    IN HASHHEX HA1,           /* H(A1) */
    IN char * pszNonce,       /* nonce from server */
    IN char * pszNonceCount,  /* 8 hex digits */
    IN char * pszCNonce,      /* client nonce */
    IN char * pszQop,         /* qop-value: "", "auth", "auth-int" */
    IN char * pszMethod,      /* method from the request */
    IN char * pszDigestUri,   /* requested URL */
    IN HASHHEX HEntity,       /* H(entity body) if qop="auth-int" */
    OUT HASHHEX Response      /* request-digest or response-digest */

File "digcalc.c":

#include <global.h>
#include <md5.h>

#include <string.h>
#include "digcalc.h"

void CvtHex(
    IN HASH Bin,
    unsigned short i;
    unsigned char j;

    for (i = 0; i < HASHLEN; i++) {
        j = (Bin[i] >> 4) & 0xf;
        if (j <= 9)
            Hex[i*2] = (j + '0');
            Hex[i*2] = (j + 'a' - 10);
        j = Bin[i] & 0xf;
        if (j <= 9)
            Hex[i*2+1] = (j + '0');
            Hex[i*2+1] = (j + 'a' - 10);
    Hex[HASHHEXLEN] = '/0';

/* calculate H(A1) as per spec */
void DigestCalcHA1(
    IN char * pszAlg,
    IN char * pszUserName,
    IN char * pszRealm,
    IN char * pszPassword,
    IN char * pszNonce,
    IN char * pszCNonce,
    OUT HASHHEX SessionKey
      MD5_CTX Md5Ctx;
      HASH HA1;

      MD5Update(&Md5Ctx, pszUserName, strlen(pszUserName));
      MD5Update(&Md5Ctx, ":", 1);
      MD5Update(&Md5Ctx, pszRealm, strlen(pszRealm));
      MD5Update(&Md5Ctx, ":", 1);
      MD5Update(&Md5Ctx, pszPassword, strlen(pszPassword));
      MD5Final(HA1, &Md5Ctx);
      if (stricmp(pszAlg, "md5-sess") == 0) {

            MD5Update(&Md5Ctx, HA1, HASHLEN);
            MD5Update(&Md5Ctx, ":", 1);
            MD5Update(&Md5Ctx, pszNonce, strlen(pszNonce));
            MD5Update(&Md5Ctx, ":", 1);
            MD5Update(&Md5Ctx, pszCNonce, strlen(pszCNonce));
            MD5Final(HA1, &Md5Ctx);
      CvtHex(HA1, SessionKey);

/* calculate request-digest/response-digest as per HTTP Digest spec */
void DigestCalcResponse(
    IN HASHHEX HA1,           /* H(A1) */
    IN char * pszNonce,       /* nonce from server */
    IN char * pszNonceCount,  /* 8 hex digits */
    IN char * pszCNonce,      /* client nonce */
    IN char * pszQop,         /* qop-value: "", "auth", "auth-int" */
    IN char * pszMethod,      /* method from the request */
    IN char * pszDigestUri,   /* requested URL */
    IN HASHHEX HEntity,       /* H(entity body) if qop="auth-int" */
    OUT HASHHEX Response      /* request-digest or response-digest */
      MD5_CTX Md5Ctx;
      HASH HA2;
      HASH RespHash;
       HASHHEX HA2Hex;

      // calculate H(A2)
      MD5Update(&Md5Ctx, pszMethod, strlen(pszMethod));
      MD5Update(&Md5Ctx, ":", 1);
      MD5Update(&Md5Ctx, pszDigestUri, strlen(pszDigestUri));
      if (stricmp(pszQop, "auth-int") == 0) {
            MD5Update(&Md5Ctx, ":", 1);
            MD5Update(&Md5Ctx, HEntity, HASHHEXLEN);
      MD5Final(HA2, &Md5Ctx);
       CvtHex(HA2, HA2Hex);

      // calculate response
      MD5Update(&Md5Ctx, HA1, HASHHEXLEN);
      MD5Update(&Md5Ctx, ":", 1);
      MD5Update(&Md5Ctx, pszNonce, strlen(pszNonce));
      MD5Update(&Md5Ctx, ":", 1);
      if (*pszQop) {

          MD5Update(&Md5Ctx, pszNonceCount, strlen(pszNonceCount));
          MD5Update(&Md5Ctx, ":", 1);
          MD5Update(&Md5Ctx, pszCNonce, strlen(pszCNonce));
          MD5Update(&Md5Ctx, ":", 1);
          MD5Update(&Md5Ctx, pszQop, strlen(pszQop));
          MD5Update(&Md5Ctx, ":", 1);
      MD5Update(&Md5Ctx, HA2Hex, HASHHEXLEN);
      MD5Final(RespHash, &Md5Ctx);
      CvtHex(RespHash, Response);

File "digtest.c":

#include <stdio.h>
#include "digcalc.h"

void main(int argc, char ** argv) {

      char * pszNonce = "dcd98b7102dd2f0e8b11d0f600bfb0c093";
      char * pszCNonce = "0a4f113b";
      char * pszUser = "Mufasa";
      char * pszRealm = "testrealm@host.com";
      char * pszPass = "Circle Of Life";
      char * pszAlg = "md5";
      char szNonceCount[9] = "00000001";
      char * pszMethod = "GET";
      char * pszQop = "auth";
      char * pszURI = "/dir/index.html";
      HASHHEX HA1;
      HASHHEX HA2 = "";
      HASHHEX Response;

      DigestCalcHA1(pszAlg, pszUser, pszRealm, pszPass, pszNonce,
pszCNonce, HA1);
      DigestCalcResponse(HA1, pszNonce, szNonceCount, pszCNonce, pszQop,
       pszMethod, pszURI, HA2, Response);
      printf("Response = %s/n", Response);

到这里,关于使用SMTP发送mail就结束了, 由于水平有限, 有很多地方可能讲不够透彻!!!
