the physical assessment

来源:互联网 发布:淘宝卖家怎样设置打折 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/02 06:57


        Mr.James Clinton comes to your ward late on the evening shift.He is a 44-years old teacher.He has no known allergies.He is complaining of abdominal pain.Upon questioning,you find that his pain started 2 1/2 days ago and was first located at the right of his umbilicus,but then moved to the lower right quadrant.He also has nausea and vomiting.He says he does not have a fever.He has no history of abdominal pain or surgery,high blood pressure,diabetes,heart disease or respiratory problems.He smokes a pack a day.After the Chief Complaint and Past Medical History are completed,you need to do a physical assessment.

        The physical assessment,which is the final part of the admission interview,begins with inspection.Before you touch Mr.Clinton,usually while you are asking about his health history,you should look at him carefully.How does he look?You can see that he is in pain by the way he holds his body and bends his knees.His speech is clear and he is able to give a complete history.As Mr.Clinton walks or moves,you do not see any paralysis that might point to a problem with the nervous system.Looking at Mr.Clinton's skin,you cannot see any jaundice or cyanosis.

      Looking at his abdomen,note whether it is round or flat.See if there are any rashes,bruises,or scars.Be sure your hands are clean and warm.Whenever a patient's skin is irritated or red,wear gloves.Begin by auscultating the abdomen to assess the bowel sounds.Using a stethoscope,start in one quadrant and move on after you hear the normal gurgling sounds which usually occur every 5 to 15 seconds.If you don't hear any sounds in two minutes,move on to another quadrant.If you cannot hear bowel sounds within five minutes,it may indicate a bowel obstruction.Always auscultate the abdomen before you palpate it.

*gurgling sound:气过水声。bowel sound:肠鸣音。


*past medical history:既往史。既往史包括既往健康状况和曾患过的疾病(含传染病史)、手术外伤史,预防注射、过敏史(allergies)。

*present history:现病史。

*chief complaints:主诉。主诉为患者感觉最主要、最明显的症状(symptom)和体征(sign),或是本次就诊的最主要原因。陈述时应注明自发生到就诊的时间,语句要简短扼要并高度概括,如“发热、头痛16小时”、“乏力,纳差5天,尿黄3天”。

*physical examination:体格检查。including:视诊(inspection)、触诊(palpation)、叩诊(percussion)、听诊(auscultation)、嗅诊(smelling)。

percussion sound:叩诊音。1、清音(resonance)是一种音调较低,音响较强,振动时间较长的叩诊音。为正常肺部的叩诊音。





 6、护理诊断(ND:nurse's diagnosis)

7、护理评估(nurse's assessment)


