ZT - Simple JavaScript Object Reflection API (.NET Style)

来源:互联网 发布:装修设计什么软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/07 18:24

csdn 不能分享网址, 就放在这里吧

原始地址: http://pietschsoft.com/post/2008/02/Simple-JavaScript-Object-Reflection-API-%28NET-Style%29.aspx

I was thinking about how JavaScript JSON serializers go about serializing objects. But how does the serializer know about each of the objects properties? I figured JavaScript must have some method of object reflection (similar to .NET Reflection) and it does.

Here's a simple Reflection namespace that allows you to more easily reflect through an objects methods and properties:

if (typeof PietschSoft == "undefined") var PietschSoft = {};
if (typeof PietschSoft.Reflection == "undefined") PietschSoft.Reflection = {};

PietschSoft.Reflection.GetProperties = function(obj){
    var props = new Array();

    for (var s in obj)
        if (typeof(obj[s]) != "function") {
            props[props.length] = s;

    return props;

PietschSoft.Reflection.GetMethods = function(obj){
    var methods = new Array();

    for (var s in obj)
        if (typeof(obj[s]) == "function") {
            methods[methods.length] = s;

    return methods

And, here's some simple code using the above simple reflection api:

/// Define our Person Object
Person = function(){
this.FirstName = "";
this.LastName = "";
Person.prototype.TestFunction = function(){return "Test Function";};

// Define our instance of the Person object
var p = new Person();
p.FirstName = "Chris";
p.LastName = "Pietschmann";

/// Loop through the Objects Properties
var props = PietschSoft.Reflection.GetProperties(p);
for (var i in props)
    alert(props[i] + " : " + p[props[i]]);

/// Loop through the Objects Methods
var methods = PietschSoft.Reflection.GetMethods(p);
for (var i in methods)
    alert(methods[i] + " : " + p[methods[i]]);
