ExtJs Grid GroupingView 单击分组标题不展开子项目2

来源:互联网 发布:magnet仿真软件下载 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/01 23:47




    var realheight = document.documentElement.clientHeight;
 var RowCount = Math.floor((realheight-300)/24);
 if (RowCount<0){RowCount=1;}
 var reader11 = new Ext.data.JsonReader({
  root: 'data',
  totalProperty: 'totalCount'
  {name: 'proj_id'},
  {name: 'proj_bh'},
  {name: 'proj_mc'},
  {name: 'dwgc_bh'},
        {name: 'dwgc_mc'},
        {name: 'proj_jsdw'},
        {name: 'proj_wtdw'},
        {name: 'proj_zxlx'},
        {name: 'dwgc_xmfzr'},
        {name: 'dwgc_htqd'},
        {name: 'dwgc_lxr'},
        {name: 'dwgc_zt'},
        {name: 'dwgc_djsj'},
        {name: 'proj_ssje'}
 var gs11= new Ext.data.GroupingStore({
     proxy: new Ext.data.HttpProxy({
   url: contextPath + '/servlets/XiangMuGuanLi_WeiWanCheng'
     reader: reader11,
     groupField: 'proj_id',
     sortInfo:{field: 'bh', direction: "ASC"},
  remoteSort: true
    var weiwanchengxiangmu = new Ext.grid.GridPanel({
        ds: gs11,
        height: 100,
        frame: false,
        border: false,
        loadMask : true,
        bodyStyle: 'width:100%',
        stripeRows: true,//斑马线效果
        columns: [
            //new Ext.grid.RowNumberer(),
   new Ext.grid.RowNumberer({ 
    renderer : function(v, p, record, rowIndex){ 
      p.cellAttr = 'rowspan="'+this.rowspan+'"'; 
     this.lastGroupId = record._groupId; 
     return this._index; 
            {header: '项目ID',   dataIndex: 'proj_id',   width:  70, hidden:true},
            {header: '项目编号',   dataIndex: 'proj_bh',   width: 100, hidden:true},
   {header: '单位工程编号',  dataIndex: 'dwgc_bh',   width: 120},
   {header: '单位工程名称',  dataIndex: 'dwgc_mc',   width: 160},
   {header: '建设单位',   dataIndex: 'proj_jsdw',  width: 160, hidden:true},
   {header: '委托单位',   dataIndex: 'proj_wtdw',  width: 160, hidden:true},
   {header: '咨询类型',   dataIndex: 'proj_zxlx',  width: 100},
   {header: '项目负责人',  dataIndex: 'dwgc_xmfzr',  width:  70},
   {header: '合同签订',   dataIndex: 'dwgc_htqd',  width:  70},
   {header: '联系人',   dataIndex: 'dwgc_lxr',   width:  70},
   {header: '状态',   dataIndex: 'dwgc_zt',   width:  70},
   {header: '登记时间',   dataIndex: 'dwgc_djsj',  width: 120},
   {header: '送审金额',   dataIndex: 'proj_ssje',  width:  80}
        view: new Ext.grid.GroupingView({
            enableGroupingMenu: false,
            //groupByText:'按此分组',   //当enableGroupingMenu为true时显示
            //showGroupsText:'是否显示分组', //当enableGroupingMenu为true时显示
            emptyGroupText:'<font style="color:#333">空</font>',
            hideGroupedColumn: false,
            //forceFit: true,  //字段自适应屏幕宽度
            startCollapsed: true,//一开始进到grid这页,它的group是合起还是展开
            groupTextTpl: '<span style="font-size:12px;">'+
               '<input type="radio" id="wmradio{[values.rs[0].data["proj_id"]]}" name="isOn"> '+
               '委托单位:{[values.rs[0].data["proj_wtdw"]]} '+
               '({["单位工程数:"]}{[values.rs.length]} {["个"]})'+
        bbar: new Ext.PagingToolbar({
         pageSize: RowCount,
         store: gs11,
         displayInfo: true,
         displayMsg: '显示第 {0} 条到 {1} 条记录,一共 {2} 条',
         emptyMsg: "没有记录"
        tbar: [{
            text: '查看项目详细信息',
            iconCls: 'icon-xmxq-found', 
            handler : function(){
    alert('function is null , call the manager to add it');
            text: '修改项目登记信息',
            iconCls: 'icon-xmdj-modify', 
            handler : function(){
    alert('function is null , call the manager to add it');
            text: '删除项目',
            iconCls: 'icon-xm-del', 
            handler : function(){
             alert('function is null , call the manager to add it');
            text: '咨询项目EXCEL报表',
            iconCls: 'icon-zxxm-report', 
            handler : function(){
             alert('function is null , call the manager to add it');
            text: '咨询项目EXCEL报表(A3)',
            iconCls: 'icon-zxxm-report-a3', 
            handler : function(){
             alert('function is null , call the manager to add it');
            text: '修改项目安排信息',
            iconCls: 'icon-xmap-modify', 
            handler : function(){
             alert('function is null , call the manager to add it');
            text: '查看财务收款记录',
            iconCls: 'icon-cwscjl-view', 
            handler : function(){
             alert('function is null , call the manager to add it');
    weiwanchengxiangmu.addListener('cellclick',function(grid, rowIndex, col, e){
     var record = weiwanchengxiangmu.getStore().getAt(rowIndex); //Get the Record
  var fieldName = weiwanchengxiangmu.getColumnModel().getDataIndex(1); //Get field 0 name
  var data = record.get(fieldName);
    weiwanchengxiangmu.addListener('rowdblclick',function(grid, rowIndex, e){
  var record = weiwanchengxiangmu.getStore().getAt(rowIndex); //Get the Record
  var fieldName = weiwanchengxiangmu.getColumnModel().getDataIndex(3); //Get field 0 name
  var data = record.get(fieldName);







new Ext.grid.RowNumberer({ 
    renderer : function(v, p, record, rowIndex){ 
      p.cellAttr = 'rowspan="'+this.rowspan+'"'; 
     this.lastGroupId = record._groupId; 
     return this._index; 



groupTextTpl: '<span style="font-size:12px;">'+
               '<input type="radio" id="wmradio{[values.rs[0].data["proj_id"]]}" name="isOn"> '+
               '委托单位:{[values.rs[0].data["proj_wtdw"]]} '+
               '({["单位工程数:"]}{[values.rs.length]} {["个"]})'+



weiwanchengxiangmu.addListener('cellclick',function(grid, rowIndex, col, e){
     var record = weiwanchengxiangmu.getStore().getAt(rowIndex); //Get the Record
  var fieldName = weiwanchengxiangmu.getColumnModel().getDataIndex(1); //Get field 0 name
  var data = record.get(fieldName);

    weiwanchengxiangmu.addListener('rowdblclick',function(grid, rowIndex, e){
  var record = weiwanchengxiangmu.getStore().getAt(rowIndex); //Get the Record
  var fieldName = weiwanchengxiangmu.getColumnModel().getDataIndex(3); //Get field 0 name
  var data = record.get(fieldName);




