
来源:互联网 发布:企业淘宝店铺怎么登陆 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/30 21:23

<% Option Explicit %>
'**  Copyright Notice   
'**  Web Wiz Guide Advanced Site Search Engine
'**  Copyright 2001-2002 Bruce Corkhill All Rights Reserved.                               
'**  This program is free software; you can modify (at your own risk) any part of it
'**  under the terms of the License that accompanies this software and use it both
'**  privately and commercially.
'**  All copyright notices must remain in tacked in the scripts and the
'**  outputted HTML.
'**  You may use parts of this program in your own private work, but you may NOT
'**  redistribute, repackage, or sell the whole or any part of this program even
'**  if it is modified or reverse engineered in whole or in part without express
'**  permission from the author.
'**  You may not pass the whole or any part of this application off as your own work.
'**  All links to Web Wiz Guide and powered by logo's must remain unchanged and in place
'**  and must remain visible when the pages are viewed unless permission is first granted
'**  by the copyright holder.
'**  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
'**  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
'**  You should have received a copy of the License along with this program;
'**  if not, write to:- Web Wiz Guide, PO Box 4982, Bournemouth, BH8 8XP, United Kingdom.
'**  No official support is available for this program but you may post support questions at: -
'**  http://www.webwizguide.info/forum
'**  Support questions are NOT answered by e-mail ever!
'**  For correspondence or non support questions contact: -
'**  info@webwizguide.com
'**  or at: -
'**  Web Wiz Guide, PO Box 4982, Bournemouth, BH8 8XP, United Kingdom

'Set the response buffer to true
Response.Buffer = False

'Dimension global variables
Dim fsoObject   'File system object
Dim fldObject   'Folder object 
Dim sarySearchWord  'Array to hold the words to be searched for
Dim strSearchWords  'Holds the search words
Dim blnIsRoot   'Set to true if we are searching in the root directory
Dim strFileURL   'Holds the path to the file on the site
Dim strServerPath  'Holds the server path to this script
Dim intNumFilesShown  'Holds the number of files shown so far
Dim intTotalFilesSearched 'Holds the number of files searched
Dim intTotalFilesFound  'Holds the total matching files found
Dim intFileNum   'Holds the file number
Dim intPageLinkLoopCounter 'Loop counter to display links to the other result pages
Dim sarySearchResults(1000,2) 'Two Dimensional Array holding the search results
Dim intDisplayResultsLoopCounter 'loop counter to diplay the results of the search
Dim intResultsArrayPosition 'Stores the array position of the array storing the results
Dim blnSearchResultsFound 'Set to true if search results are found
Dim strFilesTypesToSearch 'Holds the types of files to be searched
Dim strBarredFolders  'Holds the folders that you don't want searched
Dim strBarredFiles  'Holds the names of the files not to be searched
Dim blnEnglishLanguage  'Set to True if the user is using English

' -------------------------- Change the following line to the number of results you wish to have on each page ------------------------------------
Const intRecordsPerPage = 10 'change this to the number of results to show on each page

' --------------------- Place the names of the files types you want searching in the following line sepeararted by commas --------------------------
strFilesTypesToSearch = "htm,html,asp,shtml"

' --------------------- Place the names of the folders you don't want searched in the following line spearated by commas --------------------------
strBarredFolders = "cgi_bin,_bin" 'cgi_bin and _bin have been put in here as examples, but you can put any folders in here

' ---------- Place the names of the files you don't want searched in the following line spearated by commas include the file extension -------------
strBarredFiles = "adminstation.htm,no_allowed.asp" 'adminstration.htm and not_allowed.asp have been put in as an examples

' -------------------- Set this boolean to False if you are not using an English language web site --------------------------------------------------
blnEnglishLanguage = True 'True = HTML Encode best for English sites / False = no Emcoding best for non English sites


'Initalise variables
intTotalFilesSearched = 0

<title>Search the Website</title>
<meta name="Description" content="Search the web site for pages or information that you are after">
<meta name="KeyWords" content="site search">

<!-- The Web Wiz Guide advanced site search engine is written and produced by Bruce Corkhill ?001
      If you want your own site search engine then goto http://www.webwizguide.info -->
<!-- Check the from is filled in correctly before submitting -->
<script  language="JavaScript">
<!-- Hide from older browsers...

//Preload search icon
var search_icon_off = new Image();
search_icon_off.src = "site_search_icon_off.gif";

//Check the form before submitting
function CheckForm () {

 //Check for a word to search
 if (document.frmSiteSearch.search.value==""){
  alert("Please enter at least one keyword to search");
  return false;
 return true
// -->
<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF" text="#000000" link="#0000CC" vlink="#0000CC" alink="#FF0000">
<h1 align="center">Site Search Engine</h1>
<form method="get" name="frmSiteSearch" action="site_search.asp" onSubmit="return CheckForm();">
  <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="90%" align="center">
   <td height="66" width="165" align="right" rowspan="3" valign="middle"><img src="site_search_icon_on.gif" width="58" height="52" align="absmiddle" alt="Search the Web Site" name="searchIcon">
      <td height="66" width="15" align="right" rowspan="3" valign="middle">&nbsp;</td>
      <td class="arial" height="4" width="571"> Search the Web Site: </td>
      <td class="normal" height="2" width="571">
      <input type="TEXT" name="search" maxlength="50" size="36" value="<% =Request.QueryString("search") %>">
        <input type="submit" value="Search &gt;&gt;" name="submit">
      <td class="normal" height="34" width="571" valign="top"> Search On :
        <input type="radio" name="mode" value="allwords" CHECKED>
        All Words
        <input type="radio" name="mode" value="anywords">
        Any Words
        <input type="radio" name="mode" value="phrase">


'Read in all the search words into one variable
strSearchWords = Trim(Request.QueryString("search"))

'If the site is in English then use the server HTML encode method
If blnEnglishLanguage = True Then
 'Replace any HTML tags with the HTML codes for the same characters (stops people entering HTML tags)
 strSearchWords = Server.HTMLEncode(strSearchWords)

'If the site is not english just change the script tags
 'Just replace the script tag <> with HTML encoded &lt; and &gt;
 strSearchWords = Replace(strSearchWords, "<", "&lt;", 1, -1, 1)
 strSearchWords = Replace(strSearchWords, ">", "&gt;", 1, -1, 1)
End If

'Slit each word to be searched up and place in an array
sarySearchWord = Split(Trim(strSearchWords), " ")

'Read the file number to show from
intFileNum = CInt(Request.QueryString("FileNumPosition"))

'Set the number of files shown so far to the file number read in above
intNumFilesShown = intFileNum

'Create the file system object
Set fsoObject = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

'If there is no words entered by the user to search for then dont carryout the file search routine
If NOT strSearchWords = "" Then

 'Get the path and the root folder to be searched
 Set fldObject = fsoObject.GetFolder(Server.MapPath("./"))
 'Read in the server path to this ASP script
 strServerPath = fldObject.Path & "/"
 'Set to true as this is searching the root directory
 blnIsRoot = True
 'Call the search sub prcedure
 Call SearchFile(fldObject)   
 'Reset server variables
 Set fsoObject = Nothing
 Set fldObject = Nothing 
 'Call the Bubble Sort procedure to sort the results into highest matches first
 Call SortResultsByNumMatches(sarySearchResults, intTotalFilesFound)
 'Display the HTML table with the results status of the search or what type of search it is
 Response.Write vbCrLf & " <table width=""98%"" border=""0"" cellspacing=""1"" cellpadding=""1"" align=""center"" bgcolor=""#CCCCCC"">"
 Response.Write vbCrLf & "    <tr>"
 'Display that there where no matching records found
 If blnSearchResultsFound = False Then
  Response.Write vbCrLf & "      <td>&nbsp;Searched the site for <b>" & strSearchWords & "</b>. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Sorry, no results found.</td>"  
 'Else Search went OK so display how many records found
  Response.Write vbCrLf & "      <td>&nbsp;Searched the site for <b>" & strSearchWords & "</b>. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Displaying Results " & intFileNum + 1 & " - " & intNumFilesShown & " of " & intTotalFilesFound & ".</td>"    
 End If
 'Close the HTML table with the search status
 Response.Write vbCrLf & "   </tr>"
 Response.Write vbCrLf & " </table>"
 'HTML table to display the search results or an error if there are no results
 Response.Write vbCrLf & " <table width=""95%"" border=""0"" cellspacing=""1"" cellpadding=""1"" align=""center"">"
 Response.Write vbCrLf & "  <tr>"
 Response.Write vbCrLf & "   <td>"  
 'If no results are found then display an error message
 If blnSearchResultsFound = False Then
  'Write HTML displaying the error
  Response.Write vbCrLf & "   <br>"
  Response.Write vbCrLf & "    Your Search - <b>" & strSearchWords & "</b> - did not match any files on this site."
     Response.Write vbCrLf & "    <br><br>"
     Response.Write vbCrLf & "    Suggestions:"
     Response.Write vbCrLf & "    <br>"
     Response.Write vbCrLf & "    <ul><li>Make sure all words are spelled correctly.<li>Try different keywords.<li>Try more general keywords.<li>Try fewer keywords.</ul>"
 'Else display the results
  'Loop round to display each result within the search results array
  For intDisplayResultsLoopCounter = (intFileNum + 1) to intNumFilesShown
   Response.Write vbCrLf & "      <br>"
   Response.Write vbCrLf & "     " & sarySearchResults(intDisplayResultsLoopCounter,1)
   Response.Write vbCrLf & "      <br>"
 End If
 'Close the HTML table displaying the results
 Response.Write vbCrLf & "     </td>"
 Response.Write vbCrLf & "   </tr>"
 Response.Write vbCrLf & " </table>"

End If

'Display an HTML table with links to the other search results
If intTotalFilesFound > intRecordsPerPage then

 'Display an HTML table with links to the other search results
 Response.Write vbCrLf & " <br>"
 Response.Write vbCrLf & " <table width=""100%"" border=""0"" cellspacing=""0"" cellpadding=""0"" align=""center"">"
 Response.Write vbCrLf & "    <tr>"
 Response.Write vbCrLf & "      <td>"
 Response.Write vbCrLf & "  <table width=""100%"" border=""0"" cellpadding=""0"" cellspacing=""0"">"
 Response.Write vbCrLf & "    <tr>"
 Response.Write vbCrLf & "      <td width=""50%"" align=""center"">"
 Response.Write vbCrLf & "  Results Page:&nbsp;&nbsp;"
 'If the page number is higher than page 1 then display a back link     
 If intNumFilesShown > intRecordsPerPage Then
  Response.Write vbCrLf & "   <a href=""site_search.asp?FileNumPosition=" &  intFileNum - intRecordsPerPage  & "&search=" & Replace(strSearchWords, " ", "+") & "&mode=" & Request.QueryString("mode") & """ target=""_self"">&lt;&lt;&nbsp;Prev</a> "          
 End If      
 'If there are more pages to display then display links to all the search results pages
 If intTotalFilesFound > intRecordsPerPage Then
  'Loop to diplay a hyper-link to each page in the search results     
  For intPageLinkLoopCounter = 1 to CInt((intTotalFilesFound / intRecordsPerPage) + 0.5)
   'If the page to be linked to is the page displayed then don't make it a hyper-link
   If intFileNum = (intPageLinkLoopCounter * intRecordsPerPage) - intRecordsPerPage Then
    Response.Write vbCrLf & "       " & intPageLinkLoopCounter
    Response.Write vbCrLf & "       &nbsp;<a href=""site_search.asp?FileNumPosition=" &  (intPageLinkLoopCounter * intRecordsPerPage) - intRecordsPerPage & "&search=" & Replace(strSearchWords, " ", "+") & "&mode=" & Request.QueryString("mode") & """ target=""_self"">" & intPageLinkLoopCounter & "</a>&nbsp; "   
   End If
 End If
 'If it is Not the last of the search results than display a next link      
 If intTotalFilesFound > intNumFilesShown then    
  Response.Write vbCrLf & "  &nbsp;<a href=""site_search.asp?FileNumPosition=" &  intNumFilesShown  & "&search=" & Replace(strSearchWords, " ", "+") & "&mode=" & Request.QueryString("mode") & """ target=""_self"">Next&nbsp;&gt;&gt;</a>"     
 End If       
 'Finsh HTML the table       
 Response.Write vbCrLf & "      </td>"       
 Response.Write vbCrLf & "    </tr>"
 Response.Write vbCrLf & "  </table>"  
 Response.Write vbCrLf & "     </td>"
 Response.Write vbCrLf & "   </tr>"
 Response.Write vbCrLf & " </table>"
End If

 <div align="center"> 
  <table width="98%" border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1" bgcolor="#CCCCCC" align="center">
        <td width="47%" height="18">&nbsp;Searched <% = intTotalFilesSearched  %> documents in total. </td>
        <td width="53%" align="right" height="18"><%     
Response.Write("  Powered By - <a href=""http://www.webwizguide.info"" target=""_blank"">www.webwizguide.info</a>")
    <!-- Swap animated search icon for still icon -->
    <script langauge="JavaScript">document.searchIcon.src = search_icon_off.src</script>
  <a href="http://www.webwizguide.info" target="_blank"><img src="web_wiz_guide.gif" width="100" height="30" border="0" alt="Web Wiz Guide!"></a></div>

'Sub procedure to do the search
Public Sub SearchFile(fldObject)

 'Dimension local variabales
 Dim objRegExp    'Regular Expersions object
 Dim objMatches    'Holds the matches collection of the regular expresions object
 Dim filObject    'File object
 Dim tsObject    'Text stream object
 Dim subFldObject   'Sub folder object
 Dim strFileContents   'Holds the contents of the file being searched 
 Dim strPageTitle   'Holds the title of the page
 Dim strPageDescription   'Holds the description of the page
 Dim strPageKeywords   'Holds the keywords of the page
 Dim intSearchLoopCounter  'Loop counter to search all the words in the array
 Dim intNumMatches   'Holds the number of matches
 Dim blnSearchFound   'Set to true if the search words are found 
 'Error handler
 On Error Resume Next
 'Set the error object to 0
 Err.Number = 0
 'Create the regular expresions object
 Set objRegExp = New RegExp
 'If an error has occured then the server does not support Regular Expresions
 If Err.Number <> 0 Then
  Response.Write("<br>Error The Server does not support the Regular Expessions object<br>Please download the alternative version of this application from http://www.webwizguide.info/asp/sample_scripts/site_search_script.asp")
  'Reset error object
  Err.Number = 0
 End If
 'Loop to search each file in the folder
 For Each filObject in fldObject.Files
  'Check the file extension to make sure the file is of the extension type to be searched
  If InStr(1, strFilesTypesToSearch, fsoObject.GetExtensionName(filObject.Name), vbTextCompare) > 0 Then
     'Check to make sure the file about to be searched is not a barred file if it is don't search the file
   If NOT InStr(1, strBarredFiles, filObject.Name, vbTextCompare) > 0 Then     
      'Initalise the search found variable to flase
     blnSearchFound = False
      'Initalise the number of matches variable
      intNumMatches = 0     
      'Set the regular exprsion object to read all cases of the occurance not just the first
      objRegExp.Global = True
      'Set the regular expression object to ignore case
      objRegExp.IgnoreCase = True
      'Open the file for searching
        Set tsObject = filObject.OpenAsTextStream
    'Read in the contents of the file
       strFileContents = tsObject.ReadAll  
    'Read in the title of the file
    strPageTitle = GetFileMetaTag("<title>", "</title>", strFileContents)
    'Read in the description meta tag of the file
    strPageDescription = GetFileMetaTag("<meta name=""description"" content=""", """>", strFileContents)
     'Read in the keywords of the file
     strPageKeywords = GetFileMetaTag("<meta name=""keywords"" content=""", """>", strFileContents)
     'Set the pattern using regular expressions to srip any HTML tags
     objRegExp.Pattern = "<[^>]*>"
     'Strip HTML tags from the contects of the file to be searched
     strFileContents = objRegExp.Replace(strFileContents,"")
     'Put the tittle, description and the keywords back into the file to be searched
     strFileContents = strFileContents & " " & strPageTitle & " " & strPageDescription & " " & strPageKeywords
     'If the user has choosen to search by phrase
     If Request.QueryString("mode") = "phrase" Then
      'Set the pattern to search for
      objRegExp.Pattern = "/b" & strSearchWords & "/b"
      'Search the file for the phrase
      Set objMatches = objRegExp.Execute(strFileContents)
      'Check to see if the phrase has been found
      If objMatches.Count > 0 Then
       'Get the number of times the phrase is matched
       intNumMatches = objMatches.Count
       'If the search is found then set the search found variable to true
       blnSearchFound = True
      End If
     'Else the search is either by all or any words
      'If the search is by all words then initialise the search found variable to true
      If Request.QueryString("mode") = "allwords" then blnSearchFound = True
      'Loop round to search for each word to be searched
      For intSearchLoopCounter = 0 to UBound(sarySearchWord)
       'Set the pattern to search for
       objRegExp.Pattern = "/b" & sarySearchWord(intSearchLoopCounter) & "/b"
       'Search the file for the search words
       Set objMatches = objRegExp.Execute(strFileContents)
          'Check to see if any of the words have been found
          If objMatches.Count > 0 Then
           'Get the number of times the search word is matched
        intNumMatches = intNumMatches + objMatches.Count
           'If the search word is found and the search is for any words then set the search found variable to true
           If Request.QueryString("mode") = "anywords" then blnSearchFound = True
           'If the search word is not found and the search is for all words then set the search found variable back to false as one of the words has not been found
           If Request.QueryString("mode") = "allwords" then blnSearchFound = False
          End If
        End If
        'Calculate the total files searched
        intTotalFilesSearched = intTotalFilesSearched + 1
        'If the page contains no title then Page Title variable the appropriate message to display
        If strPageTitle = "" Then strPageTitle = "No Title"
        'If the page contains no title then Page Description variable the appropriate message to display
        If strPageDescription = "" Then strPageDescription = "There is no description available for this page"
        'If the search found variable is true then display the results
        If blnSearchFound = True Then
     'Calculate the total files found
     intTotalFilesFound = intTotalFilesFound + 1
     'Check that the file shown is between the the files shown so far and the maximum files to show per page
     If  intNumFilesShown < (intRecordsPerPage + intFileNum) and intTotalFilesFound > intNumFilesShown Then
      'Calculate the number of results shown
      intNumFilesShown = intNumFilesShown + 1
     End If 
            'Place the search results into the saerch results array
            'Calculate the array position of the results array
            intResultsArrayPosition = intResultsArrayPosition + 1
            'Set the search results found boolean to true
            blnSearchResultsFound = True
     'If the file is in the root directory then
     If blnIsRoot = True Then
      'Place the search results into the search results array
      sarySearchResults(intResultsArrayPosition,1) = "<a href=""./" &  filObject.Name & """ target=""_self"">" & strPageTitle & "</a>"
            'Else it is not in the root directiory
             'Place the search results into the search results array
             sarySearchResults(intResultsArrayPosition,1) = "<a href=""./" & strFileURL  & fldObject.Name & "/" & filObject.Name & """ target=""_self"">" & strPageTitle & "</a>"                    
     End If      
     'Place the rest of the search results in the search results array
     sarySearchResults(intResultsArrayPosition,1) = sarySearchResults(intResultsArrayPosition,1) & vbCrLf & "        <br>" & strPageDescription
     sarySearchResults(intResultsArrayPosition,1) = sarySearchResults(intResultsArrayPosition,1) & vbCrLf & "        <font size=""2"" color=""#0000FF""><br><i>Search Matches " & intNumMatches & " &nbsp;-&nbsp; Last Updated " & FormatDateTime(filObject.DateLastModified, VbLongDate) & " &nbsp;-&nbsp; Size " & CInt(filObject.Size / 1024) & "kb</i></font>"
     'Read in the number of search word matches into the second part of the two dimensional array
     sarySearchResults(intResultsArrayPosition,2) = intNumMatches
          End If
    'Close the text stream object
   End If
  End If
 'Reset the Regular Expression object
 Set objRegExp = Nothing
 'Loop to search through the sub folders within the site
 For Each subFldObject In FldObject.SubFolders
  'Check to make sure the folder about to be searched is not a barred folder if it is then don't search
  If NOT InStr(1, strBarredFolders, subFldObject.Name, vbTextCompare) > 0 Then
   'Set to false as we are searching sub directories
   blnIsRoot = False
   'Get the server path to the file
   strFileURL = fldObject.Path & "/"
   'Turn the server path to the file into a URL path to the file
   strFileURL = Replace(strFileURL, strServerPath, "")
   'Replace the NT backslash with the internet forward slash in the URL to the file
   strFileURL = Replace(strFileURL, "/", "/")
   'Encode the file name and path into the URL code method
   strFileURL = Server.URLEncode(strFileURL)
   'Just incase it's encoded any backslashes
   strFileURL = Replace(strFileURL, "%2F", "/")
   'Call the search sub prcedure to search the web site
   Call SearchFile(subFldObject)
  End If

 'Reset server variables
 Set filObject = Nothing
 Set tsObject = Nothing
 Set subFldObject = Nothing
End Sub

'Sub procedure to sort the array using a Bubble Sort to place highest matches first
Private Sub SortResultsByNumMatches(ByRef sarySearchResults, ByRef intTotalFilesFound)

 'Dimension variables
 Dim intArrayGap   'Holds the part of the array being sorted
 Dim intIndexPosition  'Holds the Array index position being sorted
 Dim intTempResultsHold  'Temperary hold for the results if they need swapping array positions  
 Dim intTempNumMatchesHold 'Temperary hold for the number of matches for the result if they need swapping array positions
 Dim intPassNumber  'Holds the pass number for the sort
 'Loop round to sort each result found
 For intPassNumber = 1 To intTotalFilesFound
  'Shortens the number of passes
  For intIndexPosition = 1 To (intTotalFilesFound - intPassNumber)
   'If the Result being sorted hass less matches than the next result in the array then swap them
   If sarySearchResults(intIndexPosition,2) < sarySearchResults((intIndexPosition+1),2) Then
    'Place the Result being sorted in a temporary variable
    intTempResultsHold = sarySearchResults(intIndexPosition,1)
    'Place the Number of Matches for the result being sorted in a temporary variable
    intTempNumMatchesHold = sarySearchResults(intIndexPosition,2)
    'Do the array position swap
    'Move the next Result with a higher match rate into the present array location
    sarySearchResults(intIndexPosition,1) = sarySearchResults((intIndexPosition+1),1)
    'Move the next Number of Matches for the result with a higher match rate into the present array location
    sarySearchResults(intIndexPosition,2) = sarySearchResults((intIndexPosition+1),2)
    'Move the Result from the teporary holding variable into the next array position
    sarySearchResults((intIndexPosition+1),1) = intTempResultsHold
    'Move the Number of Matches for the result from the teporary holding variable into the next array position
    sarySearchResults((intIndexPosition+1),2) = intTempNumMatchesHold   
   End If
End Sub

'Function to read in the files meta tags
Private Function GetFileMetaTag(ByRef strStartValue, ByRef strEndValue, ByVal strFileContents)

 'Dimension Variables
 Dim intStartPositionInFile 'Holds the start position in the file
 Dim intEndPositionInFile 'Holds the end position in the file
 'Get the start position in the file of the meta tag
 intStartPositionInFile = InStr(1, LCase(strFileContents), strStartValue, 1)
 'If no description or keywords are found then you may be using http-equiv= instead of name= in your meta tags
 If intStartPositionInFile = 0 And InStr(strStartValue, "name=") Then
  'Swap name= for http-equiv=
  strStartValue = Replace(strStartValue, "name=", "http-equiv=")
  'Check again for keywords or description
  intStartPositionInFile = InStr(1, LCase(strFileContents), strStartValue, 1)  
 End If
 'If there is a description then the position in file will be over 0
 If NOT intStartPositionInFile = 0 Then
  'Get the end position of the HTML meta tag
  intStartPositionInFile = intStartPositionInFile + Len(strStartValue)
  'Get the position in file of the closing tag for the meta tag
  intEndPositionInFile = InStr(intStartPositionInFile, LCase(strFileContents), strEndValue, 1)
  'Read in the meta tag from the file for the function to return
  GetFileMetaTag = Trim(Mid(strFileContents, intStartPositionInFile, (intEndPositionInFile - intStartPositionInFile)))
 'If the is no meta tag then the GetFileMetaTag function returns a null value
  GetFileMetaTag = ""
 End If

End Function
