.NET Web Deployment Project 编译错误An error occurred when merging assemblies: Index was outside the bounds of the array解决办法

来源:互联网 发布:星星知我心 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/07 01:07

1。昨日编译一专案Web安装程式,发生错误"aspnet_merge.exe" exited with code 1,错误信息不详。


2.1。菜单--Tools(工具)-->Options(选项)--> Projects and Solutions --> Build and Run在MSBuild project build output verbosity 列表里选择 Detailed.如下图

3。获取错误信息An error occurred when merging assemblies: Index was outside the bounds of the array。

4。修改Web Deployment属性页下的Output Assembilies,将默认第一项改为第二,三,四项。如下图。

