Flash Professional CS5的代码提示不显示的终极解决办法

来源:互联网 发布:单片机的作用是什么 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/16 11:34

Flash CS5终于加入了对自定义类的代码提示,这是一个大好事,但是最近笔者被一个新问题所困扰,因为在项目中用到了papervision3d、stardust、等一堆的东东,杯具就此产生了~代码提示出不来了,右下角一个黄色的警告标志,说是在classpath下找到太多文件,所以不能显示代码提示了,后来google了半天,也不得而果,最后用英文终于搜到这么个有用的,大概意思就是Flash默认支持的自定义类的条数是800个,可以通过修改注册表来更改这个值。




Increasing The Code Hint Cache Size In Flash CS5

Update: my instructions for Mac got truncated but it is fixed now. Thanks to Kevin Suttle for pointing it out.

You may have read my earlier post about needing to not have too many files in your ActionScript source path in Flash CS5. After a certain number of files is reached, Flash will basically abort. This is to prevent Flash from indexing your entire hard drive if you happen to save your file in the top level of your disk (i.e c:/). Now the limit is actually 800 files by default, but as hardcore Flashers know, sometimes your global AS directory can be much larger. Well luckily there is a way to change this limit.

WARNING: do not change this if you are uncomfortable with editing your registry. Also do not change this and then complain that Flash is running slow when you save your FLA into your root directory of your hard drive.


  1. Open Regedit and navigate to: HKEY_CURRENT_USER > Software > Adobe > Flash 11 > Settings
  2. Right+click and choose: ‘New… > DWORD Value’
  3. Rename the key: Project File Cap
  4. Select the key and choose: ‘Modify’
  5. Edit the value as either hex or decimal: 1000
  6. Click OK and restart Flash


  1. Open /Users/<username>/Library/Preferences/Flash CS5 Preferences in Text Edit
  2. Under the <settings> section add the following: <project_file_cap>1000</project_file_cap>
  3. Save the file and restart Flash

What should you set it at? Well if you are good about saving your FLA files into their own folders, then it doesn’t really matter. I would try 5000 and see if that works. You can always change it back. Adobe is working on an official TechNote about this too.
