HCI Interaction Style

来源:互联网 发布:淘宝并发量多大 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/06 01:13


HCI Interaction Styles:

Direct manipulation
Direct manipulation does not tell input from output anymore.  In this style of HCI, input have the same representation with output. The distance of user and the goal is the shortest among all kinds of interaction styles. We do not have the problem of translation among the interaction styles with dialogue.

直接操纵: 直接操纵用户界面(Direct Manipulation User Interface)是Schneiderman在1983年提出来的,特点是对象可视化、语法极小化和快速语义反馈。在直接操纵形式下,用户是动作的指挥者,处于控制地位,从而在人机交互过程中获得完全掌握和控制权,同时系统对于用户操作的响应也是可预见的。

The concpet of Direct Manipulation User Interface is suggested by  Schneiderman in 1983. It has the following features:
  • meaningful visual metaphors;
  • minimal gramar(lexical and syntax)
  • rapid semanic response; 

