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Customer Options导入导出插件 - JC_Custops

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我们都知道Magento麦金斗已经集成了产品导入/导出的功能,但是产品的Custom Options, Tier Prices和Grouped Products是没有导入/导出功能的,下面介绍的插件就实现了这个功能 - JC_Custops。
Magento Connect:69美元。
Import/Export Module/Extension with Custom Options, Tier Prices and Grouped Products Everyone wants to import and export with custom options and we don't know why it wasn't already made. We've done it and it works. you can import and export custom options (with limitations), tier prices and Grouped Products. Use this to import your products in a CSV format..


Magento整合Joomla的插件 - MageBridge for Joomla!

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Joomla是一个强大的CMS系统,Magento麦金斗又是一个强大的电子商务平台,两者可以整合那就可以开发出更加强大的平台了。下面介绍的插件就 是整合这两个系统的,不过是一个收费的插件,给出的Magento Connect只是一个downloader,整套程序还是要钱的,不过之前介绍过的Drupal整合Magento麦金斗的插件都是免费的呢。MageBridge for Joomla!

Magento Connect:magento-community/Jira_MageBridge(只是一个downloader,需要整套程序可以到http://www.yireo.com买license)


MageBridge adds a bridge between Joomla! 1.5 and the Magento e-commerce platform. It allows for displaying Magento content within the Joomla! component-area but also ships with Joomla! modules and Joomla! plugins.

Please note: This is a commercial extension. The extension-key supplied on this page is used to install a MageBridge Installer program, but to use the actual functionality you'll need to purchase a license key.

The Yireo Shop will be online in a few days time, allowing you to purchase a license for this wonderful solution.


产品浏览过滤插件-Year Make Model

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本插件可以在Magneto麦金斗前台浏览产品是通过Vehicle,Model和Year来过滤浏览的商品,这个主要是提高用户体验的。如果有需要的话可以使用这个插件 - Year Make Model。看下面效果图:

Magento Connect:magento-community/Year_Make_Model_Filter_Box


This is "Select Vehicle" box for Auto Parts web sites.
It adds ability to select Make Model Year.
Then when you navigate with categories menu you see only products that match the make, model, year selected (and the products that don't have any make, model, year restrictions).
The selected make, model, year options are stored in the visitor's browser cookies. So when he visits the site the next time the year, make, model are already selected and he sees only the products for his car.

Go to your Magento admin panel -> Ymm -> Manage Items and add YMM items to all your products.

NOTE: The products without model/make/year/ set are treated as for all models, all years, all makes.
If you want to select BMW and see only BMW products all the other products should be set to another car.
So you have to add YMM items to all your products to see the effect.

NOTE: You should know your product id to be able to add an YMM item to it.
You can find product id in the product description page url:
The number 119 is the product id in the url.

in version 2.0 import feature was added


Magento产品更新通知顾客插件-Product Updates Notifications

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在Magento麦金斗中本插件的作用是可以在有新产品,产品库存更新,促销信息和其他一些你希望的一些产品更新状态,可以通过Product Updates Notifications来通知客户。这个功能是一个营销的手段。方便管理老客户和可疑获得更多的回访率,随时知道商店的变化。


- under the title above the reviews block;
- after reviews before the price;
- after the price before "Add to cart" button;
- after "Add to cart" before short description.
You can also insert it anywhere you wish via CMS.


可以修改Magento的订单号,Invoice,Shipment和Credit Memo号码的插件-Flex Invoice

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在Magento麦金斗中订单号的生成方式是默认的方式,可能有很多人不喜欢这样的格式。包括Invoice,Shipment和Credit Memo号码的。这个插件就是可以自定义这些号码的格式的插件,不过是一个收费的插件,感觉不值。


- Custom prefixes for orders, invoices, shipments and credit memos;
- Custom postfixes for orders, invoices, shipments and credit memos;
- Set a starting number for orders, invoices, shipments and credit memos;
- Individual prefixes, postfixes and starting number may be used for each store;
- Support templates values for prefix and postfix, for example: %STOREID%, %YY%, %YYYY%.


Magento客户组自动转换插件 - Customer Group Switcher

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Magento麦金斗中的客户组是一个非常好的工具,可以在制定产品价格和购物车规则等的时候用到,可以很好的帮助网站进行推广。但有的时候你可以要客户 的客户组在达到一定的条件之后自动变化,例如在客户购买了800美元的产品之后,客户就升级成为高级客户组等。这样的需求是需要的,之前在Magento麦金斗的论坛上面也看到过有人提出了这样的需求。现在有了下面的这个插件,就可以轻松地满足这些需求了 - Customer Group Switcher。

Magento Connect:magento-community/Netzarbeiter_GroupSwitcher


This extension enables you to automatically change a customers group when specific conditions are met.
Possible conditions are:
- A specific product is brought
- A certain amount of orders (or more) have been placed by the customer
- The customer has generated a certain (or higher) turnover
- An order with a specific total (or higher) is placed

The details of the conditions can configured as follows:
- Customer group to switch the customer to
- Rule trigger type
- Rule condition value (the SKU, or the amounts)
- Apply rule only if the customer currently is in a specific group
- Apply rule only if the order matches a specific status (pending, complete, ...)
- Apply rule only to orders from specific store views

After the installation there is a new menu entry in the admin interface under
Customers > Customer Groups > Group Switch Rules

There you can add as many rules as you need in the usual magento way.

You can disable the extension on a store view level at
System > Configuration > Customer Configuration > Customer Group Switcher

0.1.7 Initial Release

- Add German locale
- Do I want to limit NumOrders and TotalTurnover selects to orders from the store_id's of the rule??
- Ajax search autocomplete when entering sku's
- Hide store_ids multiselect on single store installations
- Mass update rule status

If you have ideas for improvements or find bugs, please send them to vinai@netzarbeiter.comThis e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it ,
with Netzarbeiter_GroupSwitcher as part of the subject


值得推荐的新闻发布插件 - news

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Magento Connect:magento-community/news




Magento快速添加产品的插件 - Quick Product Adder Client

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由于Magento麦金斗的后台运行比较慢,所以在网站建设之初,为网站添加产品就成为了一个头痛的问题,添加一个产品就要好几分钟,真的让人受不了。在Magento麦金斗社区中 就这样的插件,可以把添加产品从magento麦金斗中分离出来,独立操作,那样就快很多了。这个插件是一个独立的PHP程序,你可以在本地或服务器上添加产品 (当然你要先安装环境),那样你就可以简单的为Magento添加产品了。这个插件是:Quick Product Adder Client。

Magento Connect:75美元。




Magento中的Google Analytics插件 - Fooman Google Analytics Plus

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Google Analytics是一个出色的流量统计软件,使用的人也很多,Magento麦金斗中也可以集成这个统计软件,也已经有专门的插件可以使用:Fooman Google Analytics Plus。

Magento Connect:magento-community/Fooman_GoogleAnalyticsPlus


Additional features for the default GoogleAnalytics module.

This is a beta release - please report how this extensions works for you.

Current improvements:

  • * Track every individual page - including sections retrieved via AJAX during one-page-checkout
  • * Track the actual typed in keywords by your user (this might not yet work due to a bug in Magento itself)
  • * Temporary solution to make your Magento install SEO friendlier via robots.txt

Your funnel in Google Analytics should include these steps:

Additional support can be obtained through our website.

Funnel Exits
Currently there seems to be an issue where exits are not properly displayed in the funnel visualisation in Google even though the pageviews are counted correctly in the top content report. [url=http://www.magentocommerce.com/boards/viewchild/10221/]See also this thread.[/url] If anyone has any ideas on how to make Google Analytics behave I am keen to hear it.


Magento即时流量统计插件 - Magento Clicky Extension

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介绍一个Magento麦金斗的流量统计插件,可以即时的看到流量的情况,不像一般的统计软件,一般的都是隔天才知道访问的统计的,这个是可以在后台即时的看到结果,是基于Clicky Web Analytics服务的,插件为:Magento Clicky Extension。

Magento Connect:20美元。