发现springmodules validation的问题

来源:互联网 发布:mes生产管理系统 源码 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/29 16:49
the solution for the error "does not support command class" error is that your validator xml form name does not match the class name (w/lower case 1st letter)
My redux redux is:
for a domain/entity class named SomeDumbClass:
?The commandClass in the Spring servlet config is com.foo.bar.SomeDumbClass
?The form name in the validation file must be someDumbClass
?The form name in the <v:javascript> tag in the JSP must be someDumbClass
? The name in the HTML form tag must be someDumbClassForm and the onsubmit attribute of the HTML form tag must be 'return validateSomeDumbClass (this)'
?Field names in the validation file will match the generated HTML names of the inputs

Thanks again Matt!

