FMM算法 分词

来源:互联网 发布:淘宝店如何加入村淘 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/07 10:14


标签: Python


[代码] [Python]代码

01import re  
02def PreProcess(sentence,edcode="utf-8"):  
03    sentence = sentence.decode(edcode)  
04    sentence=re.sub(u"[。,,!……!《》<>/"'::?/?、/|“”‘’;]"," ",sentence)  
05    return sentence  
07def FMM(sentence,diction,result = [],maxwordLength = 4,edcode="utf-8"):  
08    = 0  
09    sentence = PreProcess(sentence,edcode)  
10    length = len(sentence)  
11    while i < length: 
12        # find the ascii word  
13        tempi=i  
14        tok=sentence[i:i+1]  
15        while"[0-9A-Za-z/-/+#@_/.]{1}",tok)<>None:  
16            i= i+1  
17            tok=sentence[i:i+1]  
18        if i-tempi>0:  
19            result.append(sentence[tempi:i].lower().encode(edcode)) 
20        # find chinese word  
21        left = len(sentence[i:])  
22        if left == 1:  
23            """go to 4 step over the FMM""" 
24            """should we add the last one? Yes, if not blank""" 
25            if sentence[i:] <> " ":  
26                result.append(sentence[i:].encode(edcode))  
27            return result  
28        = min(left,maxwordLength)  
30        for in xrange(m,0,-1):  
31            leftword = sentence[i:j+i].encode(edcode) 
32         #   print leftword.decode(edcode)  
33            if LookUp(leftword,diction): 
34                # find the left word in dictionary 
35                # it's the right one  
36                = j+i  
37                result.append(leftword)  
38                break 
39            elif == 1:  
40                """only one word, add into result, if not blank""" 
41                if leftword.decode(edcode) <> " ":  
42                    result.append(leftword)  
43                = i+1  
44            else:  
45                continue 
46    return result  
47def LookUp(word,dictionary):  
48    if dictionary.has_key(word):  
49        return True  
50    return False  
51def ConvertGBKtoUTF(sentence):  
52    return sentence.decode('gbk').encode('utf-8'

[代码] [Python]代码

01dictions = {}  
02dictions["ab"= 1  
03dictions["cd"= 2  
04dictions["abc"= 1  
05dictions["ss"= 1  
06dictions[ConvertGBKtoUTF("好的")] = 1  
07dictions[ConvertGBKtoUTF("真的")] = 1  
08sentence = "asdfa好的是这样吗vasdiw呀真的daf dasfiw asid是吗?" 
09= FMM(ConvertGBKtoUTF(sentence),dictions)  
10for in s:  
11    print i.decode("utf-8"

[代码] [Python]代码

1test = open("test.txt","r")  
2for line in test:  
3    = FMM(CovertGBKtoUTF(line),dictions)  
4    for in s:  
5        print i.decode("utf-8")
