after running a think tank for a number of years

来源:互联网 发布:西安软件外包学院 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/04 17:44

Well, after running a think tank for a number of years, and studying all the brilliant scientists, and innovators of our time, I have finally come to realize that I am not the smartest person on the planet, but I have enough common sense to know when things just aren't right. For instance, our government gives out our tax dollars in social programs far too often to people who don't deserve it.

That is not to say that there are not some people amongst us who can't work, through no fault of their own. However I would submit to you that the number of people in that category is so small, that we don't need the Federal Government to take care of them, private enterprise, religious groups, and local communities could do it just fine. But as long as we have all these federal social programs which are running our country into bankruptcy, we should be getting more for it.

You see, rather than raising my taxes, and stealing the money from me to redistribute like a modern day Robin Hood, we ought to be able to have those folks who are getting a free paycheck from the government, putting in a little bit of productivity for the overall society and civilization. Far too often I have heard the far left liberals claim that those who don't want to give back to the common good are greedy capitalists, and they should be taxed into oblivion.

That my friends is ridiculous because it is the business owners and the people who have created jobs and wealth for this country, not to mention the products and services that everyone desires, who have already given the most to our civilization. We don't need to steal what they've earned to give it to those who haven't earned it. If someone is collecting a check from the government, there is no reason they can't volunteer to work in the schools in K-12 as a teacher's assistant.

There is no reason they can't pick up trash in the Park, or volunteer in the local community to help the common good. For far too long, I've listened to people call me greedy and claiming I am somehow not caring about society, and now we see politicians dividing the rich and poor, for their own personal gain.

No one should get a free check from the government without giving a little back, doing a little volunteer work, and if they won't do it voluntarily, we should make it mandatory. That's how I would create jobs, and even if these people are not considered in the job market, as least they'd be providing productivity to the common good, just as they are asking me to give more of my fair share, wilst they just take. Indeed I hope you will please consider all this.
