
来源:互联网 发布:数据挖掘32个经典案例 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/08 14:43


hgeFont是Hge的辅助类,用来渲染 bitmap 字体. 有两个必须的组件来实现该功能:

Font bitmap file:图像文件(通常是png文件),用来存储每一个字符。
Font description file:描述文件,定义每一个字符在图像文件中的位置,具体的定义细节你可以参考如下连接: Font description files in HGE


此处有hge默认的字体图像: Media:HGE_font1.png [link appears broken...however they can be obtained from the HGE website]

该字体文件的描述文件: Media:HGE_font1.fnt

将两个文件 font1.png and font1.fnt,放置在程序的同一目录下。


Font font1{ filename=font1.fnt}


#include <hgefont.h> hgeFont* font1;


font1 = myRes->GetFont("font1");

渲染字体,用 hgeFont的 Render() 或者 printf() 函数都可以。

 Render()函数带有4个参数:(x,y)的屏幕坐标,你要显示的文本, 对齐方式. 对齐方式包括: HGETEXT_LEFTHGETEXT_RIGHT, HGETEXT_CENTER, .  printf()函数参见 : printf statement


font1->SetScale(1.0); //set text size to normalfont1->SetColor(ARGB(255,0,0,0));  //set color of text to blackfont1->Render(5, 5, "This is some text");  //render text at coordinates 5, 5int someNumber = 50;font1->SetScale(2.0);  //set text size to twice its normal sizefont1->printf(5, 30, "Here is a number: %d", someNumber);  //render text using printf-style formatting


bool FrameFunc(){ float dt=hge->Timer_GetDelta();  //get the time since the last call to FrameFunc star->Update(dt);  //update the animation  hge->Gfx_BeginScene(); hge->Gfx_Clear(0);  //clear the screen, filling it with black bgSprite->RenderStretch(0, 0, 800, 600); //render the background sprite stretched playerSprite->Render(200, 200); //render the player sprite star->Render(400, 300); //render the animation of a star  font1->SetScale(1.0); //set text size to normal font1->SetColor(ARGB(255,0,0,0));  //set color of text to black font1->Render(5, 5, HGETEXT_LEFT, "This is some text");  //render text at coordinates 5, 5 int someNumber = 50; font1->SetScale(2.0);  //set text size to twice its normal size font1->printf(5, 30, HGETEXT_LEFT, "Here is a number: %d", someNumber);  //render text using printf-style formatting  hge->Gfx_EndScene();  return false;}