
来源:互联网 发布:证券公司 网络金融 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/17 21:07












7 9289 shengyan

5 8523 beijing

3 5184 guilin

8 2213 chongqing

10 0 wuhan






type  re=record       num:longint;       dis:ansistring;       name:string;     end;var  n:longint;  t:array[1..5000]of re;procedure init;begin  assign(input,'research.in');  assign(output,'research.out');  reset(input);  rewrite(output);end;procedure terminate;begin  close(input); close(output);  halt;end;procedure qsort(s_,t_:longint);var  i,j:longint;  x,tem:re;begin  x:=t[s_];  i:=s_; j:=t_;  repeat    while (i<j) and (((length(x.dis)=length(t[j].dis)) and (x.dis<=t[j].dis))or(length(x.dis)<length(t[j].dis))) do dec(j);    if i<j then begin tem:=t[j]; t[j]:=t[i]; t[i]:=tem; end;    while (i<j) and (((length(x.dis)=length(t[i].dis)) and (x.dis>=t[i].dis))or(length(x.dis)>length(t[i].dis))) do inc(i);    if i<j then begin tem:=t[i]; t[i]:=t[j]; t[j]:=tem; end;  until i=j;  t[i]:=x;  inc(i); dec(j);  if s_<j then qsort(s_,j);  if i<t_ then qsort(i,t_);end;procedure main;var  ch:char;  i,tot,tot_:longint;begin  n:=0;  tot:=0;  while not eof do    begin      inc(n);      read(t[n].num);      tot:=tot+t[n].num;      t[n].name:='';      t[n].dis:='';      read(ch);      read(ch);      while ch<>' 'do        begin          t[n].dis:=t[n].dis+ch;          read(ch);        end;      while not eoln do        begin          read(ch);          t[n].name:=t[n].name+ch;        end;      readln;    end;      {for i:=1 to n do    begin      writeln(t[i].num,' ',t[i].dis,' ',t[i].name)    end;}      qsort(1,n);  tot:=tot div 2;  tot_:=0;  for i:=1 to n do    begin      tot_:=tot_+t[i].num;      if tot_>tot then break;    end;  writeln(t[i].name);    {for i:=1 to n do    begin      writeln(t[i].num,' ',t[i].dis,' ',t[i].name)    end;}end;begin  init;  main;  terminate;end.  

