
来源:互联网 发布:java 线程挂起 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/25 23:56


// Binary tree node abstract class 二叉树结点的ADTtemplate <class Elem> class BinNode{public:// Return the node's element        virtual Elem& val() = 0;// Set the node's elementvirtual void setVal(const Elem&) = 0;// return the node's left childvirtual BinNode* left() const = 0;// Set the node's left childvirtual void setLeft(BinNode*) = 0;// Return the node's right childvirtual BinNode* right() const = 0;// Set the node's right childvirtual void setRight(BinNode*) = 0;// Return true if the node is a leafvirtual bool isLeaf() = 0;};// Binary tree node class 二叉树结点类声明template <class Elem>class BinNodePtr : public BinNode<Elem>{private:Elem it;// The node's valueBinNodePtr* lc;// Pointer to left childBinNodePtr* rc;// Pointer to right childpublic:// Two constructors -- with and without initial vaulesBinNodePtr(){ lc = rc = NULL; }BinNodePtr(Elem e, BinNode* l = NULL, BinNOde* r = NULL){ it = e; lc = l; rc = r;}~BinNodePtr(){}Elem& val (){ return it; }void setVal(const Elem& e){ it = e; }inline BinNode<Elem>* left() const{ return lc;}void setLeft(BinNode<Elem>* b){ lc = (BinNodePtr*)b;}inline BinNode<Elem>* right() const{ return rc;}void setRight(BinNode<Elem>*b){ rc = (BinNodePtr*)b;}bool isLeaf(){ return (lc == NULL) && (rc == NULL);}};