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计算inlabel值的方法是:对T做先序(preorder)深度优先遍历,从1开始对每一个结点编号,由于是先序遍历,每一棵子树的根结点(设为v)的编号在该子树中是最小的,如果同时记录该子树的结点个数size(v),可以得出以v为根的子树的编号范围是闭区间:[v, v+size(v)-1]。(这里同时用v表示它的编号,注意不要混淆)。将这个区间中每一个编号转换成二进制表示(二进制位数l+1=floor(logn)+1)之后,inlabel(v)就是这些二进制数中右边0最多的那个编号。显然叶结点的inlabel(v)就是v的编号。

inlabel值具有两个重要的性质:1)inlabel(v)相同的结点在T中构成一条简单路径,叫做inlabel(v)路径。2)将完全二叉树B按照中序(inorder)遍历对它的每一个结点编号,然后将T中每一个结点的inlabel值映射到B中编号相同的结点,得到一个多对一映射(n:1),但不是满射(surjective)。显然inlabel path上的点映射为B中的同一个结点,不在同一个inlabel path上的点映射为B中不同的结点。采用这样的映射方法之后,在T中,如果结点q是结点p祖先,那么在B中inlabel(q)也是inlabel(p)的祖先。为方便起见,这里认为每一个结点也是自身的祖先结点(下面的分析中也用到这一规定)。

计算ascendant值的方法是:ascendant(v)记录的是v的所有从根开始的祖先结点中inlabel值的最右边的"1"的索引下标。例如, 假设v(它的inlabel值等于0011)的祖先的inlabel值依次为:1000,0100,0011(注意v也是自身的祖先),那么ascendant(v)=1101。ascendant值的二进制位数也是l+1=floor(logn)+1。因为ascendant值需要inlabel值,因此计算ascendant需要在另一个遍历(以下实现中使用层序遍历)中完成。


2) 如果inlabel(x)不等于inlabel(y),即x和y不在同一条inlabel路径上。在树T中,令z=LCA(x,y),在树B中,令b=LCA(inlabel(x),inlabel(y))。设b的二进制表示中最右边的"1"索引值为i, inlabel(z)的最右边的“1”索引值为j。

a) 计算i: 设inlabel(x)和inlabel(y)中从左到右第一个不同的bit所在索引值为(1),inlabel(x)的最右边的"1"的索引值为(2),inlabel(y)的最右边的"1"的索引值为(3),那么i=max((1),(2),(3));

b) 根据i,计算j和inlabel(z): 由于z是x和y的最近公共祖先,因此在B中inlabel(z)也是inlabel(x)和inlabel(y)的祖先,而且是b的最近祖先(b也可能等于inlabel(z))。j的计算如下:ascendant(x)和ascendant(y)的二进制数从右边第i位开始一直往左扫描,找到的第一个"1"所在索引值就是j。inlabel(z)根据inlabel(x)或inlabel(y)以及j值很容易得出(参考以下实现中的方法findInlabel):左边l-j位与inlabel(x)或inlabel(y)相应位相同,然后右边添加1,最后右边补上j个"0"。

c) 根据j,计算z: 现在已经找到inlabel(z),目标是找到inlabel(z)路径上x的最近祖先x_hat以及y的最近祖先y_hat,然后根据x_hat和y_hat的level值大小按照情况1)中的方法确定z的值。下面只介绍计算x_hat的方法,计算y_hat的方法类似。如果inlabel(x)等于inlabel(z),那么x_hat就是x。否则,计算x_hat可以先计算x_hat的儿子w, w同时也要求是x的祖先(w可以等于x)。


根据inlabel(w)得出w: 由于x_hat是inlabel(z)路径上x的最近祖先,也就是说从x到x_hat的搜索路径上,当遇到inlabel(z)路径时,这个结点就是x_hat, 因此x_hat的儿子w不会在inlabel(z)路径上,而且又由于w的parent就是x_hat,它们的inlabel值不同,所以w就是它所在的inlabel path的head。所以可以得到w=HEAD(inlabel(w))。


import java.util.LinkedList;  /** *  * Online LCA algorithm * complexity: <O(n),O(1)> *  * see also: B. Schieber & U. Vishkin (1988) "On finding lowest common ancestors - Simplification and parallelization" *  * Copyright (c) 2011 ljs ( * Licensed under GPL (  *  *  * @author ljs * 2011-08-23 * */public class OnlineLCA {static class Node{int key;Node[] children;Node parent;int inlabel;int ascendant;int level;public Node(int key){this.key = key;}public String toString() {return String.valueOf(key) + " parent:" + (this.parent==null?"":this.parent.key) + " inlabel:" + inlabel + " level:" + level + " ascendant:" + ascendant;}}//the leaders of each inlabel pathprivate Node[] HEAD;//the bits of inlabel and ascendentprivate int l;private Node root;public OnlineLCA(int n,Node root){HEAD = new Node[n+1];this.root = root;l = (int)(Math.log(n) / Math.log(2));}//preprocess tree Tpublic void preprocess(){this.root.level = 0;doInOrderTraverse(this.root);doLevelOrderTraverse();}//return the LCA node of x and ypublic Node query(Node x,Node y){Node lca = null;if(x.inlabel==y.inlabel){if(x.level<y.level) lca = x;elselca = y;}else{//find i (lca of x.inlabel and y.inlabel in complete binary tree B) int i = findLSBOne(x.inlabel,0); int tmp = findLSBOne(y.inlabel,0); if(tmp>i)i=tmp;int diff = x.inlabel ^ y.inlabel;tmp = (int)(Math.log(diff) / Math.log(2));if(tmp>i)i=tmp;//find j and z.inlabel (z is lca of x and y)int ascand = x.ascendant & y.ascendant;int j = findLSBOne(ascand,i); int inlabelz = findInlabel(x,j); //find x-hat and y-hatNode x_hat = findHat(x,inlabelz,j);Node y_hat = findHat(y,inlabelz,j);if(x_hat.level<y_hat.level)lca = x_hat;elselca = y_hat;}return lca;}private Node findHat(Node x,int inlabelz,int j){Node x_hat = null;if(x.inlabel == inlabelz){x_hat = x;}else{int ascsub = x.ascendant & ((1<<j)-1); //000.A{j-1}...A{0}int k = (int)(Math.log(ascsub) / Math.log(2));//compute inlabel(w) pathint inlabelw = findInlabel(x,k);Node w = HEAD[inlabelw];x_hat = w.parent;}return x_hat;}private int findInlabel(Node x,int j){int mask = ((1<<(l-j)) - 1)<<(j+1); //e.g. 1110000int inlabel = (x.inlabel & mask) + (1<<j); //1111000return inlabel;} //find the index of rightmost "1" in num's binary formprivate int findLSBOne(int num,int rightStart){int i = rightStart;num >>= rightStart;while((num & 0x01) != 0x01){num >>=1;i++;}return i;}//calculate ascendants and head based on inlabel numbers//so this method must be called after inlabels are determined.private void doLevelOrderTraverse(){LinkedList<Node> queue = new LinkedList<Node>();queue.add(this.root); HEAD[this.root.inlabel] = this.root;this.root.ascendant = (1<<l); //2^lwhile(!queue.isEmpty()){Node parent = queue.remove();//enqueue childrenif(parent.children != null){for(Node child:parent.children){if(child.inlabel != parent.inlabel){HEAD[child.inlabel] = child;//calculate ascendant int i = findLSBOne(child.inlabel,0);child.ascendant = parent.ascendant + (1<<i);}else{child.ascendant = parent.ascendant;}queue.add(child);}}}} private int nr=1;private int doInOrderTraverse(Node node){//visit node int preorder = nr;nr++;int size = 1;if(node.children != null){for(Node child:node.children){child.parent = node; //update parentchild.level = node.level + 1; //calculate level valuessize += doInOrderTraverse(child);}}//calculate inlabel(node)int intervalMax = preorder+size-1;int diff = (preorder-1) ^ intervalMax;int i = (int)(Math.log(diff) / Math.log(2));int inlabel = intervalMax & ~((1<<i) - 1);node.inlabel = inlabel;return size;}public void lcaReport(Node x,Node y){Node lca = this.query(x,y);System.out.format("LCA of %d and %d is: %d%n",x.key,y.key,lca.key);}public static void main(String[] args) {int[] A = new int[]{10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90,100};Node a0 = new Node(A[0]);Node a1 = new Node(A[1]);Node a2 = new Node(A[2]);Node a3 = new Node(A[3]);Node a4 = new Node(A[4]);Node a5 = new Node(A[5]);Node a6 = new Node(A[6]);Node a7 = new Node(A[7]);Node a8 = new Node(A[8]);Node a9 = new Node(A[9]);a0.children = new Node[]{a1,a4};a1.children = new Node[]{a2,a3};a4.children = new Node[]{a5,a6,a7};a7.children = new Node[]{a8,a9};OnlineLCA onlineLCA = new OnlineLCA(A.length,a0);onlineLCA.preprocess();//queriesonlineLCA.lcaReport(a2,a3);onlineLCA.lcaReport(a2,a9);onlineLCA.lcaReport(a6,a9);onlineLCA.lcaReport(a7,a8);onlineLCA.lcaReport(a6,a7);onlineLCA.lcaReport(a9,a8);onlineLCA.lcaReport(a4,a9);System.out.println("************************");int[] B = new int[]{10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90,100,110,120,130,140,150,160,170,180,190,200,210,220};Node b0 = new Node(B[0]);Node b1 = new Node(B[1]);Node b2 = new Node(B[2]);Node b3 = new Node(B[3]);Node b4 = new Node(B[4]);Node b5 = new Node(B[5]);Node b6 = new Node(B[6]);Node b7 = new Node(B[7]);Node b8 = new Node(B[8]);Node b9 = new Node(B[9]);Node b10 = new Node(B[10]);Node b11 = new Node(B[11]);Node b12 = new Node(B[12]);Node b13 = new Node(B[13]);Node b14 = new Node(B[14]);Node b15 = new Node(B[15]);Node b16 = new Node(B[16]);Node b17 = new Node(B[17]);Node b18 = new Node(B[18]);Node b19 = new Node(B[19]);Node b20 = new Node(B[20]);Node b21 = new Node(B[21]);b0.children = new Node[]{b1,b10,b12};b1.children = new Node[]{b2};b2.children = new Node[]{b3,b6,b9};b3.children = new Node[]{b4,b5};b6.children = new Node[]{b7};b7.children = new Node[]{b8};b10.children = new Node[]{b11};b12.children = new Node[]{b13};b13.children = new Node[]{b14};b14.children = new Node[]{b15,b16,b17,b21};b17.children = new Node[]{b18};b18.children = new Node[]{b19,b20};onlineLCA = new OnlineLCA(B.length,b0);onlineLCA.preprocess();//queriesonlineLCA.lcaReport(b3,b6);onlineLCA.lcaReport(b16,b17);onlineLCA.lcaReport(b8,b21);onlineLCA.lcaReport(b12,b19);onlineLCA.lcaReport(b15,b21);onlineLCA.lcaReport(b19,b20);onlineLCA.lcaReport(b11,b18);onlineLCA.lcaReport(b4,b7);onlineLCA.lcaReport(b3,b10);onlineLCA.lcaReport(b5,b9);onlineLCA.lcaReport(b2,b19);onlineLCA.lcaReport(b5,b18);onlineLCA.lcaReport(b0,b4);onlineLCA.lcaReport(b1,b4);onlineLCA.lcaReport(b4,b8);onlineLCA.lcaReport(b2,b14);}}

LCA of 30 and 40 is: 20
LCA of 30 and 100 is: 10
LCA of 70 and 100 is: 50
LCA of 80 and 90 is: 80
LCA of 70 and 80 is: 50
LCA of 100 and 90 is: 80
LCA of 50 and 100 is: 50
LCA of 40 and 70 is: 30
LCA of 170 and 180 is: 150
LCA of 90 and 220 is: 10
LCA of 130 and 200 is: 130
LCA of 160 and 220 is: 150
LCA of 200 and 210 is: 190
LCA of 120 and 190 is: 10
LCA of 50 and 80 is: 30
LCA of 40 and 110 is: 10
LCA of 60 and 100 is: 30
LCA of 30 and 200 is: 10
LCA of 60 and 190 is: 10
LCA of 10 and 50 is: 10
LCA of 20 and 50 is: 20
LCA of 50 and 90 is: 30
LCA of 30 and 150 is: 10
