
来源:互联网 发布:linux iso文件怎么挂载 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/08 06:08

2011-9-5     三部要求导出pg1的数据结构到外地的一台服务器




Create directory dump_dir as ‘/apps’;

Grant read,write to directory dump_dir to pg1; 给pg1赋予读写权限

Expdp pg1/pg1 directory=dump_dir dumpfile=20110905.dmp nologfile=y content=metadata_only ;

但是在导入是出现错误 发现目标新建的数据库的undo 段为manual管理

将undo 段管理修改有 auto

SQL> show parameter undo
NAME                                 TYPE        VALUE
------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------
undo_management                      string     MANUAL
undo_retention                       integer     900
undo_tablespace                      string      SYSTEM
SQL> alter system set undo_management='AUTO' scope=spfile;
System altered.
SQL> show parameter undo
NAME                                 TYPE        VALUE
------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------
undo_management                      string     MANUAL
undo_retention                       integer     900
undo_tablespace                      string      SYSTEM
SQL> alter system set undo_tablespace='UNDOTBS1' scope=spfile;
System altered.
SQL> show parameter undo
NAME                                 TYPE        VALUE
------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------
undo_management                      string      AUTO
undo_retention                       integer     900
undo_tablespace                      string      SYSTEM
SQL> conn / as sysdba
Connected to an idle instance.
SQL> startup mount
ORACLE instance started.

Total System Global Area  167772160 bytes
Fixed Size                  1266392 bytes
Variable Size             138415400 bytes
Database Buffers           25165824 bytes
Redo Buffers                2924544 bytes
Database mounted.
SQL> alter system set undo_tablespace='UNDOTBS1' scope=spfile;
System altered.
SQL> show parameter undo
NAME                                 TYPE        VALUE
------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------
undo_management                      string      AUTO
undo_retention                       integer     900
undo_tablespace                      string      SYSTEM
SQL> shutdown immediate
ORA-01109: database not open
Database dismounted.
ORACLE instance shut down.
SQL> startup
ORACLE instance started.
Total System Global Area  167772160 bytes
Fixed Size                  1266392 bytes
Variable Size             138415400 bytes
Database Buffers           25165824 bytes
Redo Buffers                2924544 bytes
Database mounted.
Database opened.
SQL> show parameter undo
NAME                                 TYPE        VALUE
------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------
undo_management                      string     AUTO
undo_retention                       integer     900
undo_tablespace                      string     UNDOTBS1
SQL> select segment_name,status from dba_rollback_segs;

SEGMENT_NAME                   STATUS
------------------------------ ----------
SYSTEM                         ONLINE
_SYSSMU1$                      ONLINE
_SYSSMU2$                      ONLINE
_SYSSMU3$                      ONLINE
_SYSSMU4$                      ONLINE
_SYSSMU5$                      ONLINE
_SYSSMU6$                      ONLINE
_SYSSMU7$                      ONLINE
_SYSSMU8$                      ONLINE
_SYSSMU9$                      ONLINE
_SYSSMU10$                     ONLINE







[oracle@shopfloor ~]$ impdp pg1/pg1 directory=dump_dir dumpfile=20110905.dmp nologfile=y content=metadata_only


Import: Release - Production on Sunday, 04 September, 2011 15:12:59


Copyright (c) 2003, 2005, Oracle.  All rights reserved.


Connected to: Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - Production

With the Partitioning, OLAP and Data Mining options

ORA-31626: job does not exist

ORA-31637: cannot create job SYS_IMPORT_FULL_01 for user PG1

ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_SYS_ERROR", line 95

ORA-06512: at "SYS.KUPV$FT_INT", line 600

ORA-39080: failed to create queues "KUPC$C_1_20110904151300" and "KUPC$S_1_20110904151300" for Data Pump job

ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_SYS_ERROR", line 95

ORA-06512: at "SYS.KUPC$QUE_INT", line 1555

ORA-00832: no streams pool created and cannot automatically create one


[oracle@shopfloor ~]$ sqlplus / as sysdba


SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Sun Sep 4 15:13:42 2011


Copyright (c) 1982, 2005, Oracle.  All rights reserved.



Connected to:

Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - Production

With the Partitioning, OLAP and Data Mining options


SQL> show parameter streams


NAME                                 TYPE        VALUE

------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------

streams_pool_size                    big integer 0


streams_pool_size为0 太小 将它改为一个非空的值


SQL> alter system set streams_pool_size=10m scope=memory;

alter system set streams_pool_size=10m scope=memory


ERROR at line 1:

ORA-02097: parameter cannot be modified because specified value is invalid

ORA-04033: Insufficient memory to grow pool  --居然没有空间


SQL> show parameter sga     ---查看SGA发现只有332M


NAME                                 TYPE        VALUE

------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------

lock_sga                             boolean     FALSE

pre_page_sga                         boolean     FALSE

sga_max_size                         big integer 332M

sga_target                           big integer 0


发现SGA 只有332M


SQL> ! cat /etc/sysctl.conf

# Kernel sysctl configuration file for Red Hat Linux


# For binary values, 0 is disabled, 1 is enabled.  See sysctl(8) and

# sysctl.conf(5) for more details.


# Controls IP packet forwarding

net.ipv4.ip_forward = 0


# Controls source route verification

net.ipv4.conf.default.rp_filter = 1


# Do not accept source routing

net.ipv4.conf.default.accept_source_route = 0


# Controls the System Request debugging functionality of the kernel

kernel.sysrq = 0


# Controls whether core dumps will append the PID to the core filename

# Useful for debugging multi-threaded applications

kernel.core_uses_pid = 1


# Controls the use of TCP syncookies

net.ipv4.tcp_syncookies = 1


# Controls the maximum size of a message, in bytes

kernel.msgmnb = 65536


# Controls the default maxmimum size of a mesage queue

kernel.msgmax = 65536


# Controls the maximum shared segment size, in bytes

kernel.shmmax = 2294967295    ---2G


# Controls the maximum number of shared memory segments, in pages

kernel.shmall = 268435456




# Oracle DB parameter

kernel.sem = 250 32000 100 128

net.ipv4.ip_local_port_range=1024 65000

net.core.rmem_default = 262144

net.core.rmem_max = 262144

net.core.wmem_max = 262144

net.core.wmem_default = 262144


系统内存为2G  将SGA修改为物理内存的一半 1G


SQL> alter system set sga_max_size=1000m scope=spfile;


System altered.


SQL> alter system set sga_target=1000m scope=spfile;


System altered.


SQL> shutdown immediate;

Database closed.

Database dismounted.

ORACLE instance shut down.

SQL> startup

ORA-00824: cannot set sga_target due to existing internal settings, see alert log for more information

居然无法启动 吓了一跳 google了一下 发现是修改sga_target 造成的 metalink有这个问题介绍,---犯了个错不该修改sga target的值

Applies to:

Oracle Server - Enterprise Edition - Version: 10.2 to 10.2
This problem can occur on any platform.


Startup of 10g Database Instance fails with ORA-00824 Error

SQL> connect / as sysdba
Connected to an idle instance.
SQL> startup
ORA-00824: cannot set sga_target due to existing internal settings


If you enable automatic SGA Management by setting SGA_TARGET >0 and also have db_block_buffers(Obsolete parameter) in your parameter file (pfile/spfile)

Startup of Database fails with ORA-00824 Error


A) Either you need to disable the Automatic SGA Mangement by setting SGA_Target=0


B) Replace the db_block_buffers parameter with db_cache_size parameter


1. Make an OS copy of the spfile if you do not have a pfile for this database
2. Edit the copy of the spfile to remove the binary stuff before the first parameter
3. Remove the binary stuff after the last parameter.
4. Edit parameters needed to be changed.
5. Save the file and note name and location.
6. Start sqlplus and connect / as sysdba
7. Issue startup pfile = '<full path and file name of file just updated>'
8. Create spfile from pfile.


ORA-824cannot set sga_target due to existing internal settings


因为是新装的一台机器 数据都是空的 所以可以放心大胆的

根据pfile重建spfile启动  参数全部回到初始化 重新修改


SQL> create spfile from pfile;


File created.


SQL> startup

ORACLE instance started.


Total System Global Area  348127232 bytes

Fixed Size                  1219160 bytes

Variable Size             310379944 bytes

Database Buffers           33554432 bytes

Redo Buffers                2973696 bytes

Database mounted.

Database opened.

SQL> show parameter sga


NAME                                 TYPE        VALUE

------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------

lock_sga                             boolean     FALSE

pre_page_sga                         boolean     FALSE

sga_max_size                         big integer 332M

sga_target                           big integer 0

SQL> alter system set sga_max_size=1000m scope=spfile;


System altered.


SQL> shutdown immediate;

Database closed.

Database dismounted.

ORACLE instance shut down.

SQL> startup

ORACLE instance started.


Total System Global Area 1048576000 bytes

Fixed Size                  1223392 bytes

Variable Size            1010828576 bytes

Database Buffers           33554432 bytes

Redo Buffers                2969600 bytes

Database mounted.

Database opened.

SQL> show parameter sga


NAME                                 TYPE        VALUE

------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------

lock_sga                             boolean     FALSE

pre_page_sga                         boolean     FALSE

sga_max_size                         big integer 1000M

sga_target                           big integer 0





[oracle@shopfloor ~]$ impdp pg1/pg1 directory=dump_dir dumpfile=20110905.dmp nologfile=y content=metadata_only


Import: Release - Production on Sunday, 04 September, 2011 15:33:29


Copyright (c) 2003, 2005, Oracle.  All rights reserved.


Connected to: Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - Production

With the Partitioning, OLAP and Data Mining options

ORA-31626: job does not exist

ORA-31633: unable to create master table "PG1.SYS_IMPORT_FULL_05"

ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_SYS_ERROR", line 95

ORA-06512: at "SYS.KUPV$FT", line 863

ORA-01552: cannot use system rollback segment for non-system tablespace 'PG1D'



靠忘记修改undo段为auto自动管理了   将undo修改有auto管理





虽然很简单的问题 搞了3个小时才搞定,但是还是好有成就感!


