
来源:互联网 发布:免费门户网站模板源码 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/30 10:25

       好久没有关注 SQLite,这两天忽然想到它,就来看看,没想到SQLite都已经更新了好几版了。今天下了个最新的源代码,编译试试,发现编译dll后没lib文件,这让我有点郁闷,我再把以前我编译过的版本拿出来看看,靠,新的源码中竟然没提供def文件,怪不得搞不出lib文件。没撤,只好google一下怎么搞出lib文件,以下是一种方法我们可以照葫芦画瓢。


  1.将sqlite3.h(D:\sqlite-amalgamation-3_6_23.zip)拷贝到C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\Include目录下,这时编译可通过,但链接错误,因为没有LIB文件()
  2.启动一个命令行程序,进入VC的安装目录C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\Bin,在这个目录下面有一个LIB.exe文件,使用它就能生成sqlite3.lib文件,将sqlite3.def文件放到相同目录,或者绝对路径也可以, 然后在命令行输入如下命令:
   LIB /MACHINE:IX86 /DEF:sqlite3.def
   4.将sqlite3.lib加入到工程链接中,Project->Settings,Link选项卡,Object/library modules最后添入sqlite3.lib




SQLite毕竟是C的,我们使用起来比较麻烦不爽,现在都讲究面向对象,那我们就应该把它封装一下,唉,你想到的,别人早就做到了。这里有个SQLite C++的封装库,下载地址为http://www.sqlite.com.cn/MySqlite/7/95.Html

////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// CppSQLite3 - A C++ wrapper around the SQLite3 embedded database library.//// Copyright (c) 2004 Rob Groves. All Rights Reserved. rob.groves@btinternet.com// // Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its// documentation for any purpose, without fee, and without a written// agreement, is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice, // this paragraph and the following two paragraphs appear in all copies, // modifications, and distributions.//// IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE TO ANY PARTY FOR DIRECT,// INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, INCLUDING LOST// PROFITS, ARISING OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE AND ITS DOCUMENTATION,// EVEN IF THE AUTHOR HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.//// THE AUTHOR SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT// LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A// PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE SOFTWARE AND ACCOMPANYING DOCUMENTATION, IF// ANY, PROVIDED HEREUNDER IS PROVIDED "AS IS". THE AUTHOR HAS NO OBLIGATION// TO PROVIDE MAINTENANCE, SUPPORT, UPDATES, ENHANCEMENTS, OR MODIFICATIONS.//// V3.003/08/2004-Initial Version for sqlite3//// V3.116/09/2004-Implemented getXXXXField using sqlite3 functions//-Added CppSQLiteDB3::tableExists()////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////#ifndef _CppSQLite3_H_#define _CppSQLite3_H_#include "sqlite3.h"#include <cstdio>#include <cstring>#define CPPSQLITE_ERROR 1000class CppSQLite3Exception{public:    CppSQLite3Exception(const int nErrCode,                    char* szErrMess,                    bool bDeleteMsg=true);    CppSQLite3Exception(const CppSQLite3Exception&  e);    virtual ~CppSQLite3Exception();    const int errorCode() { return mnErrCode; }    const char* errorMessage() { return mpszErrMess; }    static const char* errorCodeAsString(int nErrCode);private:    int mnErrCode;    char* mpszErrMess;};class CppSQLite3Buffer{public:    CppSQLite3Buffer();    ~CppSQLite3Buffer();    const char* format(const char* szFormat, ...);    operator const char*() { return mpBuf; }    void clear();private:    char* mpBuf;};class CppSQLite3Binary{public:    CppSQLite3Binary();    ~CppSQLite3Binary();    void setBinary(const unsigned char* pBuf, int nLen);    void setEncoded(const unsigned char* pBuf);    const unsigned char* getEncoded();    const unsigned char* getBinary();    int getBinaryLength();    unsigned char* allocBuffer(int nLen);    void clear();private:    unsigned char* mpBuf;    int mnBinaryLen;    int mnBufferLen;    int mnEncodedLen;    bool mbEncoded;};class CppSQLite3Query{public:    CppSQLite3Query();    CppSQLite3Query(const CppSQLite3Query& rQuery);    CppSQLite3Query(sqlite3* pDB,sqlite3_stmt* pVM,                bool bEof,                bool bOwnVM=true);    CppSQLite3Query& operator=(const CppSQLite3Query& rQuery);    virtual ~CppSQLite3Query();    int numFields();    int fieldIndex(const char* szField);    const char* fieldName(int nCol);    const char* fieldDeclType(int nCol);    int fieldDataType(int nCol);    const char* fieldValue(int nField);    const char* fieldValue(const char* szField);    int getIntField(int nField, int nNullValue=0);    int getIntField(const char* szField, int nNullValue=0);    double getFloatField(int nField, double fNullValue=0.0);    double getFloatField(const char* szField, double fNullValue=0.0);    const char* getStringField(int nField, const char* szNullValue="");    const char* getStringField(const char* szField, const char* szNullValue="");    const unsigned char* getBlobField(int nField, int& nLen);    const unsigned char* getBlobField(const char* szField, int& nLen);    bool fieldIsNull(int nField);    bool fieldIsNull(const char* szField);    bool eof();    void nextRow();    void finalize();private:    void checkVM();sqlite3* mpDB;    sqlite3_stmt* mpVM;    bool mbEof;    int mnCols;    bool mbOwnVM;};class CppSQLite3Table{public:    CppSQLite3Table();    CppSQLite3Table(const CppSQLite3Table& rTable);    CppSQLite3Table(char** paszResults, int nRows, int nCols);    virtual ~CppSQLite3Table();    CppSQLite3Table& operator=(const CppSQLite3Table& rTable);    int numFields();    int numRows();    const char* fieldName(int nCol);    const char* fieldValue(int nField);    const char* fieldValue(const char* szField);    int getIntField(int nField, int nNullValue=0);    int getIntField(const char* szField, int nNullValue=0);    double getFloatField(int nField, double fNullValue=0.0);    double getFloatField(const char* szField, double fNullValue=0.0);    const char* getStringField(int nField, const char* szNullValue="");    const char* getStringField(const char* szField, const char* szNullValue="");    bool fieldIsNull(int nField);    bool fieldIsNull(const char* szField);    void setRow(int nRow);    void finalize();private:    void checkResults();    int mnCols;    int mnRows;    int mnCurrentRow;    char** mpaszResults;};class CppSQLite3Statement{public:    CppSQLite3Statement();    CppSQLite3Statement(const CppSQLite3Statement& rStatement);    CppSQLite3Statement(sqlite3* pDB, sqlite3_stmt* pVM);    virtual ~CppSQLite3Statement();    CppSQLite3Statement& operator=(const CppSQLite3Statement& rStatement);    int execDML();    CppSQLite3Query execQuery();    void bind(int nParam, const char* szValue);    void bind(int nParam, const int nValue);    void bind(int nParam, const double dwValue);    void bind(int nParam, const unsigned char* blobValue, int nLen);    void bindNull(int nParam);    void reset();    void finalize();private:    void checkDB();    void checkVM();    sqlite3* mpDB;    sqlite3_stmt* mpVM;};class CppSQLite3DB{public:    CppSQLite3DB();    virtual ~CppSQLite3DB();    void open(const char* szFile);    void close();bool tableExists(const char* szTable);    int execDML(const char* szSQL);    CppSQLite3Query execQuery(const char* szSQL);    int execScalar(const char* szSQL);    CppSQLite3Table getTable(const char* szSQL);    CppSQLite3Statement compileStatement(const char* szSQL);    sqlite_int64 lastRowId();    void interrupt() { sqlite3_interrupt(mpDB); }    void setBusyTimeout(int nMillisecs);    static const char* SQLiteVersion() { return SQLITE_VERSION; }private:    CppSQLite3DB(const CppSQLite3DB& db);    CppSQLite3DB& operator=(const CppSQLite3DB& db);    sqlite3_stmt* compile(const char* szSQL);    void checkDB();    sqlite3* mpDB;    int mnBusyTimeoutMs;};#endif


////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// CppSQLite3 - A C++ wrapper around the SQLite3 embedded database library.//// Copyright (c) 2004 Rob Groves. All Rights Reserved. rob.groves@btinternet.com// // Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its// documentation for any purpose, without fee, and without a written// agreement, is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice, // this paragraph and the following two paragraphs appear in all copies, // modifications, and distributions.//// IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE TO ANY PARTY FOR DIRECT,// INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, INCLUDING LOST// PROFITS, ARISING OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE AND ITS DOCUMENTATION,// EVEN IF THE AUTHOR HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.//// THE AUTHOR SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT// LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A// PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE SOFTWARE AND ACCOMPANYING DOCUMENTATION, IF// ANY, PROVIDED HEREUNDER IS PROVIDED "AS IS". THE AUTHOR HAS NO OBLIGATION// TO PROVIDE MAINTENANCE, SUPPORT, UPDATES, ENHANCEMENTS, OR MODIFICATIONS.//// V3.003/08/2004-Initial Version for sqlite3//// V3.116/09/2004-Implemented getXXXXField using sqlite3 functions//-Added CppSQLiteDB3::tableExists()////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////#include "CppSQLite3.h"#include <cstdlib>// Named constant for passing to CppSQLite3Exception when passing it a string// that cannot be deleted.static const bool DONT_DELETE_MSG=false;////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Prototypes for SQLite functions not included in SQLite DLL, but copied below// from SQLite encode.c////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////int sqlite3_encode_binary(const unsigned char *in, int n, unsigned char *out);int sqlite3_decode_binary(const unsigned char *in, unsigned char *out);////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////CppSQLite3Exception::CppSQLite3Exception(const int nErrCode,char* szErrMess,bool bDeleteMsg/*=true*/) :mnErrCode(nErrCode){mpszErrMess = sqlite3_mprintf("%s[%d]: %s",errorCodeAsString(nErrCode),nErrCode,szErrMess ? szErrMess : "");if (bDeleteMsg && szErrMess){sqlite3_free(szErrMess);}}CppSQLite3Exception::CppSQLite3Exception(const CppSQLite3Exception&  e) :mnErrCode(e.mnErrCode){mpszErrMess = 0;if (e.mpszErrMess){mpszErrMess = sqlite3_mprintf("%s", e.mpszErrMess);}}const char* CppSQLite3Exception::errorCodeAsString(int nErrCode){switch (nErrCode){case SQLITE_OK          : return "SQLITE_OK";case SQLITE_ERROR       : return "SQLITE_ERROR";case SQLITE_INTERNAL    : return "SQLITE_INTERNAL";case SQLITE_PERM        : return "SQLITE_PERM";case SQLITE_ABORT       : return "SQLITE_ABORT";case SQLITE_BUSY        : return "SQLITE_BUSY";case SQLITE_LOCKED      : return "SQLITE_LOCKED";case SQLITE_NOMEM       : return "SQLITE_NOMEM";case SQLITE_READONLY    : return "SQLITE_READONLY";case SQLITE_INTERRUPT   : return "SQLITE_INTERRUPT";case SQLITE_IOERR       : return "SQLITE_IOERR";case SQLITE_CORRUPT     : return "SQLITE_CORRUPT";case SQLITE_NOTFOUND    : return "SQLITE_NOTFOUND";case SQLITE_FULL        : return "SQLITE_FULL";case SQLITE_CANTOPEN    : return "SQLITE_CANTOPEN";case SQLITE_PROTOCOL    : return "SQLITE_PROTOCOL";case SQLITE_EMPTY       : return "SQLITE_EMPTY";case SQLITE_SCHEMA      : return "SQLITE_SCHEMA";case SQLITE_TOOBIG      : return "SQLITE_TOOBIG";case SQLITE_CONSTRAINT  : return "SQLITE_CONSTRAINT";case SQLITE_MISMATCH    : return "SQLITE_MISMATCH";case SQLITE_MISUSE      : return "SQLITE_MISUSE";case SQLITE_NOLFS       : return "SQLITE_NOLFS";case SQLITE_AUTH        : return "SQLITE_AUTH";case SQLITE_FORMAT      : return "SQLITE_FORMAT";case SQLITE_RANGE       : return "SQLITE_RANGE";case SQLITE_ROW         : return "SQLITE_ROW";case SQLITE_DONE        : return "SQLITE_DONE";case CPPSQLITE_ERROR    : return "CPPSQLITE_ERROR";default: return "UNKNOWN_ERROR";}}CppSQLite3Exception::~CppSQLite3Exception(){if (mpszErrMess){sqlite3_free(mpszErrMess);mpszErrMess = 0;}}////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////CppSQLite3Buffer::CppSQLite3Buffer(){mpBuf = 0;}CppSQLite3Buffer::~CppSQLite3Buffer(){clear();}void CppSQLite3Buffer::clear(){if (mpBuf){sqlite3_free(mpBuf);mpBuf = 0;}}const char* CppSQLite3Buffer::format(const char* szFormat, ...){clear();va_list va;va_start(va, szFormat);mpBuf = sqlite3_vmprintf(szFormat, va);va_end(va);return mpBuf;}////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////CppSQLite3Binary::CppSQLite3Binary() :mpBuf(0),mnBinaryLen(0),mnBufferLen(0),mnEncodedLen(0),mbEncoded(false){}CppSQLite3Binary::~CppSQLite3Binary(){clear();}void CppSQLite3Binary::setBinary(const unsigned char* pBuf, int nLen){mpBuf = allocBuffer(nLen);memcpy(mpBuf, pBuf, nLen);}void CppSQLite3Binary::setEncoded(const unsigned char* pBuf){clear();mnEncodedLen = strlen((const char*)pBuf);mnBufferLen = mnEncodedLen + 1; // Allow for NULL terminatormpBuf = (unsigned char*)malloc(mnBufferLen);if (!mpBuf){throw CppSQLite3Exception(CPPSQLITE_ERROR,"Cannot allocate memory",DONT_DELETE_MSG);}memcpy(mpBuf, pBuf, mnBufferLen);mbEncoded = true;}const unsigned char* CppSQLite3Binary::getEncoded(){if (!mbEncoded){unsigned char* ptmp = (unsigned char*)malloc(mnBinaryLen);memcpy(ptmp, mpBuf, mnBinaryLen);mnEncodedLen = sqlite3_encode_binary(ptmp, mnBinaryLen, mpBuf);free(ptmp);mbEncoded = true;}return mpBuf;}const unsigned char* CppSQLite3Binary::getBinary(){if (mbEncoded){// in/out buffers can be the samemnBinaryLen = sqlite3_decode_binary(mpBuf, mpBuf);if (mnBinaryLen == -1){throw CppSQLite3Exception(CPPSQLITE_ERROR,"Cannot decode binary",DONT_DELETE_MSG);}mbEncoded = false;}return mpBuf;}int CppSQLite3Binary::getBinaryLength(){getBinary();return mnBinaryLen;}unsigned char* CppSQLite3Binary::allocBuffer(int nLen){clear();// Allow extra space for encoded binary as per comments in// SQLite encode.c See bottom of this file for implementation// of SQLite functions use 3 instead of 2 just to be sure ;-)mnBinaryLen = nLen;mnBufferLen = 3 + (257*nLen)/254;mpBuf = (unsigned char*)malloc(mnBufferLen);if (!mpBuf){throw CppSQLite3Exception(CPPSQLITE_ERROR,"Cannot allocate memory",DONT_DELETE_MSG);}mbEncoded = false;return mpBuf;}void CppSQLite3Binary::clear(){if (mpBuf){mnBinaryLen = 0;mnBufferLen = 0;free(mpBuf);mpBuf = 0;}}////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////CppSQLite3Query::CppSQLite3Query(){mpVM = 0;mbEof = true;mnCols = 0;mbOwnVM = false;}CppSQLite3Query::CppSQLite3Query(const CppSQLite3Query& rQuery){mpVM = rQuery.mpVM;// Only one object can own the VMconst_cast<CppSQLite3Query&>(rQuery).mpVM = 0;mbEof = rQuery.mbEof;mnCols = rQuery.mnCols;mbOwnVM = rQuery.mbOwnVM;}CppSQLite3Query::CppSQLite3Query(sqlite3* pDB,sqlite3_stmt* pVM,bool bEof,bool bOwnVM/*=true*/){mpDB = pDB;mpVM = pVM;mbEof = bEof;mnCols = sqlite3_column_count(mpVM);mbOwnVM = bOwnVM;}CppSQLite3Query::~CppSQLite3Query(){try{finalize();}catch (...){}}CppSQLite3Query& CppSQLite3Query::operator=(const CppSQLite3Query& rQuery){try{finalize();}catch (...){}mpVM = rQuery.mpVM;// Only one object can own the VMconst_cast<CppSQLite3Query&>(rQuery).mpVM = 0;mbEof = rQuery.mbEof;mnCols = rQuery.mnCols;mbOwnVM = rQuery.mbOwnVM;return *this;}int CppSQLite3Query::numFields(){checkVM();return mnCols;}const char* CppSQLite3Query::fieldValue(int nField){checkVM();if (nField < 0 || nField > mnCols-1){throw CppSQLite3Exception(CPPSQLITE_ERROR,"Invalid field index requested",DONT_DELETE_MSG);}return (const char*)sqlite3_column_text(mpVM, nField);}const char* CppSQLite3Query::fieldValue(const char* szField){int nField = fieldIndex(szField);return (const char*)sqlite3_column_text(mpVM, nField);}int CppSQLite3Query::getIntField(int nField, int nNullValue/*=0*/){if (fieldDataType(nField) == SQLITE_NULL){return nNullValue;}else{return sqlite3_column_int(mpVM, nField);}}int CppSQLite3Query::getIntField(const char* szField, int nNullValue/*=0*/){int nField = fieldIndex(szField);return getIntField(nField, nNullValue);}double CppSQLite3Query::getFloatField(int nField, double fNullValue/*=0.0*/){if (fieldDataType(nField) == SQLITE_NULL){return fNullValue;}else{return sqlite3_column_double(mpVM, nField);}}double CppSQLite3Query::getFloatField(const char* szField, double fNullValue/*=0.0*/){int nField = fieldIndex(szField);return getFloatField(nField, fNullValue);}const char* CppSQLite3Query::getStringField(int nField, const char* szNullValue/*=""*/){if (fieldDataType(nField) == SQLITE_NULL){return szNullValue;}else{return (const char*)sqlite3_column_text(mpVM, nField);}}const char* CppSQLite3Query::getStringField(const char* szField, const char* szNullValue/*=""*/){int nField = fieldIndex(szField);return getStringField(nField, szNullValue);}const unsigned char* CppSQLite3Query::getBlobField(int nField, int& nLen){checkVM();if (nField < 0 || nField > mnCols-1){throw CppSQLite3Exception(CPPSQLITE_ERROR,"Invalid field index requested",DONT_DELETE_MSG);}nLen = sqlite3_column_bytes(mpVM, nField);return (const unsigned char*)sqlite3_column_blob(mpVM, nField);}const unsigned char* CppSQLite3Query::getBlobField(const char* szField, int& nLen){int nField = fieldIndex(szField);return getBlobField(nField, nLen);}bool CppSQLite3Query::fieldIsNull(int nField){return (fieldDataType(nField) == SQLITE_NULL);}bool CppSQLite3Query::fieldIsNull(const char* szField){int nField = fieldIndex(szField);return (fieldDataType(nField) == SQLITE_NULL);}int CppSQLite3Query::fieldIndex(const char* szField){checkVM();if (szField){for (int nField = 0; nField < mnCols; nField++){const char* szTemp = sqlite3_column_name(mpVM, nField);if (strcmp(szField, szTemp) == 0){return nField;}}}throw CppSQLite3Exception(CPPSQLITE_ERROR,"Invalid field name requested",DONT_DELETE_MSG);}const char* CppSQLite3Query::fieldName(int nCol){checkVM();if (nCol < 0 || nCol > mnCols-1){throw CppSQLite3Exception(CPPSQLITE_ERROR,"Invalid field index requested",DONT_DELETE_MSG);}return sqlite3_column_name(mpVM, nCol);}const char* CppSQLite3Query::fieldDeclType(int nCol){checkVM();if (nCol < 0 || nCol > mnCols-1){throw CppSQLite3Exception(CPPSQLITE_ERROR,"Invalid field index requested",DONT_DELETE_MSG);}return sqlite3_column_decltype(mpVM, nCol);}int CppSQLite3Query::fieldDataType(int nCol){checkVM();if (nCol < 0 || nCol > mnCols-1){throw CppSQLite3Exception(CPPSQLITE_ERROR,"Invalid field index requested",DONT_DELETE_MSG);}return sqlite3_column_type(mpVM, nCol);}bool CppSQLite3Query::eof(){checkVM();return mbEof;}void CppSQLite3Query::nextRow(){checkVM();int nRet = sqlite3_step(mpVM);if (nRet == SQLITE_DONE){// no rowsmbEof = true;}else if (nRet == SQLITE_ROW){// more rows, nothing to do}else{nRet = sqlite3_finalize(mpVM);mpVM = 0;const char* szError = sqlite3_errmsg(mpDB);throw CppSQLite3Exception(nRet,(char*)szError,DONT_DELETE_MSG);}}void CppSQLite3Query::finalize(){if (mpVM && mbOwnVM){int nRet = sqlite3_finalize(mpVM);mpVM = 0;if (nRet != SQLITE_OK){const char* szError = sqlite3_errmsg(mpDB);throw CppSQLite3Exception(nRet, (char*)szError, DONT_DELETE_MSG);}}}void CppSQLite3Query::checkVM(){if (mpVM == 0){throw CppSQLite3Exception(CPPSQLITE_ERROR,"Null Virtual Machine pointer",DONT_DELETE_MSG);}}////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////CppSQLite3Table::CppSQLite3Table(){mpaszResults = 0;mnRows = 0;mnCols = 0;mnCurrentRow = 0;}CppSQLite3Table::CppSQLite3Table(const CppSQLite3Table& rTable){mpaszResults = rTable.mpaszResults;// Only one object can own the resultsconst_cast<CppSQLite3Table&>(rTable).mpaszResults = 0;mnRows = rTable.mnRows;mnCols = rTable.mnCols;mnCurrentRow = rTable.mnCurrentRow;}CppSQLite3Table::CppSQLite3Table(char** paszResults, int nRows, int nCols){mpaszResults = paszResults;mnRows = nRows;mnCols = nCols;mnCurrentRow = 0;}CppSQLite3Table::~CppSQLite3Table(){try{finalize();}catch (...){}}CppSQLite3Table& CppSQLite3Table::operator=(const CppSQLite3Table& rTable){try{finalize();}catch (...){}mpaszResults = rTable.mpaszResults;// Only one object can own the resultsconst_cast<CppSQLite3Table&>(rTable).mpaszResults = 0;mnRows = rTable.mnRows;mnCols = rTable.mnCols;mnCurrentRow = rTable.mnCurrentRow;return *this;}void CppSQLite3Table::finalize(){if (mpaszResults){sqlite3_free_table(mpaszResults);mpaszResults = 0;}}int CppSQLite3Table::numFields(){checkResults();return mnCols;}int CppSQLite3Table::numRows(){checkResults();return mnRows;}const char* CppSQLite3Table::fieldValue(int nField){checkResults();if (nField < 0 || nField > mnCols-1){throw CppSQLite3Exception(CPPSQLITE_ERROR,"Invalid field index requested",DONT_DELETE_MSG);}int nIndex = (mnCurrentRow*mnCols) + mnCols + nField;return mpaszResults[nIndex];}const char* CppSQLite3Table::fieldValue(const char* szField){checkResults();if (szField){for (int nField = 0; nField < mnCols; nField++){if (strcmp(szField, mpaszResults[nField]) == 0){int nIndex = (mnCurrentRow*mnCols) + mnCols + nField;return mpaszResults[nIndex];}}}throw CppSQLite3Exception(CPPSQLITE_ERROR,"Invalid field name requested",DONT_DELETE_MSG);}int CppSQLite3Table::getIntField(int nField, int nNullValue/*=0*/){if (fieldIsNull(nField)){return nNullValue;}else{return atoi(fieldValue(nField));}}int CppSQLite3Table::getIntField(const char* szField, int nNullValue/*=0*/){if (fieldIsNull(szField)){return nNullValue;}else{return atoi(fieldValue(szField));}}double CppSQLite3Table::getFloatField(int nField, double fNullValue/*=0.0*/){if (fieldIsNull(nField)){return fNullValue;}else{return atof(fieldValue(nField));}}double CppSQLite3Table::getFloatField(const char* szField, double fNullValue/*=0.0*/){if (fieldIsNull(szField)){return fNullValue;}else{return atof(fieldValue(szField));}}const char* CppSQLite3Table::getStringField(int nField, const char* szNullValue/*=""*/){if (fieldIsNull(nField)){return szNullValue;}else{return fieldValue(nField);}}const char* CppSQLite3Table::getStringField(const char* szField, const char* szNullValue/*=""*/){if (fieldIsNull(szField)){return szNullValue;}else{return fieldValue(szField);}}bool CppSQLite3Table::fieldIsNull(int nField){checkResults();return (fieldValue(nField) == 0);}bool CppSQLite3Table::fieldIsNull(const char* szField){checkResults();return (fieldValue(szField) == 0);}const char* CppSQLite3Table::fieldName(int nCol){checkResults();if (nCol < 0 || nCol > mnCols-1){throw CppSQLite3Exception(CPPSQLITE_ERROR,"Invalid field index requested",DONT_DELETE_MSG);}return mpaszResults[nCol];}void CppSQLite3Table::setRow(int nRow){checkResults();if (nRow < 0 || nRow > mnRows-1){throw CppSQLite3Exception(CPPSQLITE_ERROR,"Invalid row index requested",DONT_DELETE_MSG);}mnCurrentRow = nRow;}void CppSQLite3Table::checkResults(){if (mpaszResults == 0){throw CppSQLite3Exception(CPPSQLITE_ERROR,"Null Results pointer",DONT_DELETE_MSG);}}////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////CppSQLite3Statement::CppSQLite3Statement(){mpDB = 0;mpVM = 0;}CppSQLite3Statement::CppSQLite3Statement(const CppSQLite3Statement& rStatement){mpDB = rStatement.mpDB;mpVM = rStatement.mpVM;// Only one object can own VMconst_cast<CppSQLite3Statement&>(rStatement).mpVM = 0;}CppSQLite3Statement::CppSQLite3Statement(sqlite3* pDB, sqlite3_stmt* pVM){mpDB = pDB;mpVM = pVM;}CppSQLite3Statement::~CppSQLite3Statement(){try{finalize();}catch (...){}}CppSQLite3Statement& CppSQLite3Statement::operator=(const CppSQLite3Statement& rStatement){mpDB = rStatement.mpDB;mpVM = rStatement.mpVM;// Only one object can own VMconst_cast<CppSQLite3Statement&>(rStatement).mpVM = 0;return *this;}int CppSQLite3Statement::execDML(){checkDB();checkVM();const char* szError=0;int nRet = sqlite3_step(mpVM);if (nRet == SQLITE_DONE){int nRowsChanged = sqlite3_changes(mpDB);nRet = sqlite3_reset(mpVM);if (nRet != SQLITE_OK){szError = sqlite3_errmsg(mpDB);throw CppSQLite3Exception(nRet, (char*)szError, DONT_DELETE_MSG);}return nRowsChanged;}else{nRet = sqlite3_reset(mpVM);szError = sqlite3_errmsg(mpDB);throw CppSQLite3Exception(nRet, (char*)szError, DONT_DELETE_MSG);}}CppSQLite3Query CppSQLite3Statement::execQuery(){checkDB();checkVM();int nRet = sqlite3_step(mpVM);if (nRet == SQLITE_DONE){// no rowsreturn CppSQLite3Query(mpDB, mpVM, true/*eof*/, false);}else if (nRet == SQLITE_ROW){// at least 1 rowreturn CppSQLite3Query(mpDB, mpVM, false/*eof*/, false);}else{nRet = sqlite3_reset(mpVM);const char* szError = sqlite3_errmsg(mpDB);throw CppSQLite3Exception(nRet, (char*)szError, DONT_DELETE_MSG);}}void CppSQLite3Statement::bind(int nParam, const char* szValue){checkVM();int nRes = sqlite3_bind_text(mpVM, nParam, szValue, -1, SQLITE_TRANSIENT);if (nRes != SQLITE_OK){throw CppSQLite3Exception(nRes,"Error binding string param",DONT_DELETE_MSG);}}void CppSQLite3Statement::bind(int nParam, const int nValue){checkVM();int nRes = sqlite3_bind_int(mpVM, nParam, nValue);if (nRes != SQLITE_OK){throw CppSQLite3Exception(nRes,"Error binding int param",DONT_DELETE_MSG);}}void CppSQLite3Statement::bind(int nParam, const double dValue){checkVM();int nRes = sqlite3_bind_double(mpVM, nParam, dValue);if (nRes != SQLITE_OK){throw CppSQLite3Exception(nRes,"Error binding double param",DONT_DELETE_MSG);}}void CppSQLite3Statement::bind(int nParam, const unsigned char* blobValue, int nLen){checkVM();int nRes = sqlite3_bind_blob(mpVM, nParam,(const void*)blobValue, nLen, SQLITE_TRANSIENT);if (nRes != SQLITE_OK){throw CppSQLite3Exception(nRes,"Error binding blob param",DONT_DELETE_MSG);}}void CppSQLite3Statement::bindNull(int nParam){checkVM();int nRes = sqlite3_bind_null(mpVM, nParam);if (nRes != SQLITE_OK){throw CppSQLite3Exception(nRes,"Error binding NULL param",DONT_DELETE_MSG);}}void CppSQLite3Statement::reset(){if (mpVM){int nRet = sqlite3_reset(mpVM);if (nRet != SQLITE_OK){const char* szError = sqlite3_errmsg(mpDB);throw CppSQLite3Exception(nRet, (char*)szError, DONT_DELETE_MSG);}}}void CppSQLite3Statement::finalize(){if (mpVM){int nRet = sqlite3_finalize(mpVM);mpVM = 0;if (nRet != SQLITE_OK){const char* szError = sqlite3_errmsg(mpDB);throw CppSQLite3Exception(nRet, (char*)szError, DONT_DELETE_MSG);}}}void CppSQLite3Statement::checkDB(){if (mpDB == 0){throw CppSQLite3Exception(CPPSQLITE_ERROR,"Database not open",DONT_DELETE_MSG);}}void CppSQLite3Statement::checkVM(){if (mpVM == 0){throw CppSQLite3Exception(CPPSQLITE_ERROR,"Null Virtual Machine pointer",DONT_DELETE_MSG);}}////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////CppSQLite3DB::CppSQLite3DB(){mpDB = 0;mnBusyTimeoutMs = 60000; // 60 seconds}CppSQLite3DB::CppSQLite3DB(const CppSQLite3DB& db){mpDB = db.mpDB;mnBusyTimeoutMs = 60000; // 60 seconds}CppSQLite3DB::~CppSQLite3DB(){close();}CppSQLite3DB& CppSQLite3DB::operator=(const CppSQLite3DB& db){mpDB = db.mpDB;mnBusyTimeoutMs = 60000; // 60 secondsreturn *this;}void CppSQLite3DB::open(const char* szFile){int nRet = sqlite3_open(szFile, &mpDB);if (nRet != SQLITE_OK){const char* szError = sqlite3_errmsg(mpDB);throw CppSQLite3Exception(nRet, (char*)szError, DONT_DELETE_MSG);}setBusyTimeout(mnBusyTimeoutMs);}void CppSQLite3DB::close(){if (mpDB){sqlite3_close(mpDB);mpDB = 0;}}CppSQLite3Statement CppSQLite3DB::compileStatement(const char* szSQL){checkDB();sqlite3_stmt* pVM = compile(szSQL);return CppSQLite3Statement(mpDB, pVM);}bool CppSQLite3DB::tableExists(const char* szTable){char szSQL[128];sprintf(szSQL,"select count(*) from sqlite_master where type='table' and name='%s'",szTable);int nRet = execScalar(szSQL);return (nRet > 0);}int CppSQLite3DB::execDML(const char* szSQL){checkDB();char* szError=0;int nRet = sqlite3_exec(mpDB, szSQL, 0, 0, &szError);if (nRet == SQLITE_OK){return sqlite3_changes(mpDB);}else{throw CppSQLite3Exception(nRet, szError);}}CppSQLite3Query CppSQLite3DB::execQuery(const char* szSQL){checkDB();sqlite3_stmt* pVM = compile(szSQL);int nRet = sqlite3_step(pVM);if (nRet == SQLITE_DONE){// no rowsreturn CppSQLite3Query(mpDB, pVM, true/*eof*/);}else if (nRet == SQLITE_ROW){// at least 1 rowreturn CppSQLite3Query(mpDB, pVM, false/*eof*/);}else{nRet = sqlite3_finalize(pVM);const char* szError= sqlite3_errmsg(mpDB);throw CppSQLite3Exception(nRet, (char*)szError, DONT_DELETE_MSG);}}int CppSQLite3DB::execScalar(const char* szSQL){CppSQLite3Query q = execQuery(szSQL);if (q.eof() || q.numFields() < 1){throw CppSQLite3Exception(CPPSQLITE_ERROR,"Invalid scalar query",DONT_DELETE_MSG);}return atoi(q.fieldValue(0));}CppSQLite3Table CppSQLite3DB::getTable(const char* szSQL){checkDB();char* szError=0;char** paszResults=0;int nRet;int nRows(0);int nCols(0);nRet = sqlite3_get_table(mpDB, szSQL, &paszResults, &nRows, &nCols, &szError);if (nRet == SQLITE_OK){return CppSQLite3Table(paszResults, nRows, nCols);}else{throw CppSQLite3Exception(nRet, szError);}}sqlite_int64 CppSQLite3DB::lastRowId(){return sqlite3_last_insert_rowid(mpDB);}void CppSQLite3DB::setBusyTimeout(int nMillisecs){mnBusyTimeoutMs = nMillisecs;sqlite3_busy_timeout(mpDB, mnBusyTimeoutMs);}void CppSQLite3DB::checkDB(){if (!mpDB){throw CppSQLite3Exception(CPPSQLITE_ERROR,"Database not open",DONT_DELETE_MSG);}}sqlite3_stmt* CppSQLite3DB::compile(const char* szSQL){checkDB();char* szError=0;const char* szTail=0;sqlite3_stmt* pVM;int nRet = sqlite3_prepare(mpDB, szSQL, -1, &pVM, &szTail);if (nRet != SQLITE_OK){throw CppSQLite3Exception(nRet, szError);}return pVM;}////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// SQLite encode.c reproduced here, containing implementation notes and source// for sqlite3_encode_binary() and sqlite3_decode_binary() /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*** 2002 April 25**** The author disclaims copyright to this source code.  In place of** a legal notice, here is a blessing:****    May you do good and not evil.**    May you find forgiveness for yourself and forgive others.**    May you share freely, never taking more than you give.***************************************************************************** This file contains helper routines used to translate binary data into** a null-terminated string (suitable for use in SQLite) and back again.** These are convenience routines for use by people who want to store binary** data in an SQLite database.  The code in this file is not used by any other** part of the SQLite library.**** $Id: encode.c,v 1.10 2004/01/14 21:59:23 drh Exp $*//*** How This Encoder Works**** The output is allowed to contain any character except 0x27 (') and** 0x00.  This is accomplished by using an escape character to encode** 0x27 and 0x00 as a two-byte sequence.  The escape character is always** 0x01.  An 0x00 is encoded as the two byte sequence 0x01 0x01.  The** 0x27 character is encoded as the two byte sequence 0x01 0x03.  Finally,** the escape character itself is encoded as the two-character sequence** 0x01 0x02.**** To summarize, the encoder works by using an escape sequences as follows:****       0x00  ->  0x01 0x01**       0x01  ->  0x01 0x02**       0x27  ->  0x01 0x03**** If that were all the encoder did, it would work, but in certain cases** it could double the size of the encoded string.  For example, to** encode a string of 100 0x27 characters would require 100 instances of** the 0x01 0x03 escape sequence resulting in a 200-character output.** We would prefer to keep the size of the encoded string smaller than** this.**** To minimize the encoding size, we first add a fixed offset value to each ** byte in the sequence.  The addition is modulo 256.  (That is to say, if** the sum of the original character value and the offset exceeds 256, then** the higher order bits are truncated.)  The offset is chosen to minimize** the number of characters in the string that need to be escaped.  For** example, in the case above where the string was composed of 100 0x27** characters, the offset might be 0x01.  Each of the 0x27 characters would** then be converted into an 0x28 character which would not need to be** escaped at all and so the 100 character input string would be converted** into just 100 characters of output.  Actually 101 characters of output - ** we have to record the offset used as the first byte in the sequence so** that the string can be decoded.  Since the offset value is stored as** part of the output string and the output string is not allowed to contain** characters 0x00 or 0x27, the offset cannot be 0x00 or 0x27.**** Here, then, are the encoding steps:****     (1)   Choose an offset value and make it the first character of**           output.****     (2)   Copy each input character into the output buffer, one by**           one, adding the offset value as you copy.****     (3)   If the value of an input character plus offset is 0x00, replace**           that one character by the two-character sequence 0x01 0x01.**           If the sum is 0x01, replace it with 0x01 0x02.  If the sum**           is 0x27, replace it with 0x01 0x03.****     (4)   Put a 0x00 terminator at the end of the output.**** Decoding is obvious:****     (5)   Copy encoded characters except the first into the decode **           buffer.  Set the first encoded character aside for use as**           the offset in step 7 below.****     (6)   Convert each 0x01 0x01 sequence into a single character 0x00.**           Convert 0x01 0x02 into 0x01.  Convert 0x01 0x03 into 0x27.****     (7)   Subtract the offset value that was the first character of**           the encoded buffer from all characters in the output buffer.**** The only tricky part is step (1) - how to compute an offset value to** minimize the size of the output buffer.  This is accomplished by testing** all offset values and picking the one that results in the fewest number** of escapes.  To do that, we first scan the entire input and count the** number of occurances of each character value in the input.  Suppose** the number of 0x00 characters is N(0), the number of occurances of 0x01** is N(1), and so forth up to the number of occurances of 0xff is N(255).** An offset of 0 is not allowed so we don't have to test it.  The number** of escapes required for an offset of 1 is N(1)+N(2)+N(40).  The number** of escapes required for an offset of 2 is N(2)+N(3)+N(41).  And so forth.** In this way we find the offset that gives the minimum number of escapes,** and thus minimizes the length of the output string.*//*** Encode a binary buffer "in" of size n bytes so that it contains** no instances of characters '\'' or '\000'.  The output is ** null-terminated and can be used as a string value in an INSERT** or UPDATE statement.  Use sqlite3_decode_binary() to convert the** string back into its original binary.**** The result is written into a preallocated output buffer "out".** "out" must be able to hold at least 2 +(257*n)/254 bytes.** In other words, the output will be expanded by as much as 3** bytes for every 254 bytes of input plus 2 bytes of fixed overhead.** (This is approximately 2 + 1.0118*n or about a 1.2% size increase.)**** The return value is the number of characters in the encoded** string, excluding the "\000" terminator.*/int sqlite3_encode_binary(const unsigned char *in, int n, unsigned char *out){  int i, j, e, m;  int cnt[256];  if( n<=0 ){    out[0] = 'x';    out[1] = 0;    return 1;  }  memset(cnt, 0, sizeof(cnt));  for(i=n-1; i>=0; i--){ cnt[in[i]]++; }  m = n;  for(i=1; i<256; i++){    int sum;    if( i=='\'' ) continue;    sum = cnt[i] + cnt[(i+1)&0xff] + cnt[(i+'\'')&0xff];    if( sum<m ){      m = sum;      e = i;      if( m==0 ) break;    }  }  out[0] = e;  j = 1;  for(i=0; i<n; i++){    int c = (in[i] - e)&0xff;    if( c==0 ){      out[j++] = 1;      out[j++] = 1;    }else if( c==1 ){      out[j++] = 1;      out[j++] = 2;    }else if( c=='\'' ){      out[j++] = 1;      out[j++] = 3;    }else{      out[j++] = c;    }  }  out[j] = 0;  return j;}/*** Decode the string "in" into binary data and write it into "out".** This routine reverses the encoding created by sqlite3_encode_binary().** The output will always be a few bytes less than the input.  The number** of bytes of output is returned.  If the input is not a well-formed** encoding, -1 is returned.**** The "in" and "out" parameters may point to the same buffer in order** to decode a string in place.*/int sqlite3_decode_binary(const unsigned char *in, unsigned char *out){  int i, c, e;  e = *(in++);  i = 0;  while( (c = *(in++))!=0 ){    if( c==1 ){      c = *(in++);      if( c==1 ){        c = 0;      }else if( c==2 ){        c = 1;      }else if( c==3 ){        c = '\'';      }else{        return -1;      }    }    out[i++] = (c + e)&0xff;  }  return i;
这里还有一个外国哥们写的一个SQLite C++类http://www.adp-gmbh.ch/sqlite/wrapper.html,具体哪个好,还没比较过,试试吧