How Display and Iterate through vsSwitch Nodes and Masks

来源:互联网 发布:高通网络解锁工具 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 06:17


 This example function illustrates how to :


How define vsSwitch::const_iterator_mask iterator to traverse through vsSwitch Nodes Masks
How to get the name of a vsSwitch node
How to display the address of a vsSwitch node
How vsSwitch node masks are stored as an stl::pair
How to retrieve the name of a vsSwitch node masks
How to retrieve the number of active children of a vsSwitch node mask
How to retrieve the vuVector of active children from vsSwitch::Mask
How to iterate through the vuVector of active children
How to retrieve and display the indices of the active children
How to use begin and end iterator more efficently
To use ++Val as pre-increment rather than Val++ post-increment
Code :



printSwitchDetails( vsSwitch *switchNode ){

// ---------------------------------------------------------

// Public Function                  


//  Quick and simple function to display switch node state


//  Assumes that switchNode is a valid vsSwitch Node


// ---------------------------------------------------------



    // Sanity check we need a node


    if( switchNode == NULL )





    // For clarity grab the iterator's for start and end of the list



    // Note that getting the  'Start' and 'End ' iterator's outside 

    //       of the loop is generally considered more efficient than

    //       getting the iterators inside of the loops



    vsSwitch::const_iterator_mask swIter = switchNode->begin_mask();


    vsSwitch::const_iterator_mask swEnd  = switchNode->end_mask();



    printf("Getting Masks for switch Node :  %s ( %p ) /n/n",  switchNode->getName(),  switchNode );



    // Iterate through the Masks which a Vector containing a value pair


    //     std::pair<vuString, vuVector<int> > where


    //     first  : is the name of the Mask if it has one


    //     second : is a vector of ints representing the active children



    // Firstly we step through the list of all the masks which is

    // vector of ( stl::pair<vuString, vuVector<int> > )



    // Note it is generally accepted that using the ++Iter (pre-increment) 

    //       with iterators is efficent that using iter++ (post-increment)



    for (  ; swIter != swEnd; ++ swIter ) {


        printf("   Mask : %s :  Number Active children = %d /n/n",


                      (*swIter).second.size() );




            // The Second value of the pair is a Vector of Ints which represent

            // the active children for the mask


            // So we need to grab and create some Interators of type vuVector<int>



            vuVector< int >::const_iterator  maskIt  =  (*swIter).second.begin();



            vuVector< int >::const_iterator  maskEnd =  (*swIter).second.end();



            // Now step through and show the active childrend indices


            for (  ; maskIt != maskEnd; ++ maskIt ) {     


                printf( "       Child Index : = %d /n", *maskIt );






} //  printSwitchDetails

