
来源:互联网 发布:大数据人才需求分析 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/17 23:35
<?php // Plug-in 79: Search Google Books/* * 搜索google图书 * 插件说明: * 插件接受一个搜索串,返回在Google图书数据库中找到的图书。 * 若操作成功,则返回一个两元素的数组,其中第一个元素表示返回的图书的数量,第二个元素是一个数组,保存这些图书的详细信息。 * 若操作失败,则返回单个元素的数组,元素的值为FALSE。 * 本插件需要以下参数: * $search 一个标准的搜索查询 * $start 返回的第一个结果 * $count 返回结果的最大个数 * $type 返回结果的类型,如果它的值为none,则表示返回全部图书, * 如果它的值为partial,表示只返回书的部分预览内容。 * 如果它的值为full,则只返回包含完整预览内容在内的全部图书。 */// This is an executable example with additional code supplied// To obtain just the plug-ins please click on the Download link$search = "Mark Twain";echo "<font face='Arial' size='2'>Google Books results " .     "for: <b>$search</b>:<br /><br />";$result = PIPHP_SearchGoogleBooks($search, 1, 20, 'none');if (!$result[0]) echo "No books found for $search.";else{   foreach($result[1] as $book)   {      echo "<img src='$book[5]' align='left' border='1'>";      echo "<a href='$book[6]'>$book[0]</a> ($book[2], " .           "$book[3])<br />$book[4]";      if ($book[7]) echo " (<a href='$book[7]'>preview</a>)";      echo "<br clear='left'/><br />";   }}function PIPHP_SearchGoogleBooks($search, $start, $count, $type){   // Plug-in 79: Search Google Books   //   // This plug-in takes a search query and returns matching   // books from books.google.com. Upon success it returns   // a two elemet array, the first being the number of books   // returned and the second is an array whose elements are   // each sub-arrays containing these details: 1) Title, 2)   // Author, 3) Publisher, 4)Date, 5) Description, 6) Info   // URL, 7) Preview URL. on failure it returns a single   // element array with the value FALSE. It requires these   // arguments:   //   //    $search: A search query   //    $start:  The first result to return   //    $count:  The maximum number of results to return   //    $type:   If 'none' return all books, if 'partial'   //             return books with partial previews, if   //             'full' only return books where the entire   //             book can be read   $results = array();   $url     = 'http://books.google.com/books/feeds/volumes?' .              'q=' . rawurlencode($search) . '&start-index=' .              "$start&max-results=$count&min-viewability=" .              "$type";   $xml     = @file_get_contents($url);   if (!strlen($xml)) return array(FALSE);   $xml  = str_replace('dc:', 'dc', $xml);   $sxml = simplexml_load_string($xml);   foreach($sxml->entry as $item)   {      $title   = $item->title;      $author  = $item->dccreator;      $pub     = $item->dcpublisher;      $date    = $item->dcdate;      $desc    = $item->dcdescription;      $thumb   = $item->link[0]['href'];      $info    = $item->link[1]['href'];      $preview = $item->link[2]['href'];      if (!strlen($pub))         $pub = $author;      if ($preview ==         'http://www.google.com/books/feeds/users/me/volumes')         $preview = FALSE;      if (!strlen($desc))         $desc = '(No description)';      if (!strstr($thumb, '&sig='))         $thumb = 'http://books.google.com/googlebooks/' .            'images/no_cover_thumb.gif';      $results[] = array($title, $author, $pub, $date, $desc,         $thumb, $info, $preview);   }   return array(count($results), $results);}?>
