插件75:读取Yahoo! Answers

来源:互联网 发布:大数据人才需求分析 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/20 02:24

<?php // Plug-in 75: Get Yahoo! Answers/* * 获取Yahoo!Answers * 插件说明: * 插件接受一个搜索关键词,返回在Yaoo!Answers上找到的结果。 * 若操作成功,则返回一个两元素数组,第一个元素值为返回的问答题的个数,第二个参数是一个数组, * 数组的每个元素又是一个子数组,子数组含有以下五个值: *     主题 *     Unix时间戳,表示该问题发帖的时间 *     题目 *     答案 *     指向原来的Q&Q的URL地址 * 若操作失败,则返回单个元素的数组,元素值为FALSE。 * 本插件需要以下参数: * $search 搜索串 */// This is an executable example with additional code supplied// To obtain just the plug-ins please click on the Download link$search = "gardening tips";$result = PIPHP_GetYahooAnswers($search);if (!$result[0]) echo "No matching questions found for $search.";else   foreach($result[1] as $qa)      echo "<b>$qa[0]</b> (" . date('M \'y', $qa[1]) . ')<br />'.           "<b>Q.</b> <i>$qa[2]</i><br />" .           "<b>A.</b> $qa[3]<br />" .           "<a href='$qa[4]'>Original Question</a><br /><br />";function PIPHP_GetYahooAnswers($search){   // Plug-in 75: Get Yahoo! Answers   //   // This plug-in fetches a collection of questions and answers   // from Yahoo! Answers based on the query passed in $search.   // Upon success it returns a two element array with the first   // value being the number of Q&As returned and the second   // an array containing the sets of Q&As. This array contains   // sub-arrays for the elements of each Q&A with these items:   // 1) Subject, 2) Timestamp, 3) Question, 4) Answer, 5) URL.   // Yahoo! Web Search web services are limited to 5,000 queries   // per IP per day, per API so you are recommended to cache   // results where you can. It requires the following argument:   //   //    $search: A search query   $search = rawurlencode($search);   $id     = 'YahooDemo'; // Use your own API key here   $url    = 'http://answers.yahooapis.com' .             '/AnswersService/V1/questionSearch' .             "?appid=$id&query=$search";   $xml    = @file_get_contents($url);   if (!$xml) return array(FALSE);   $sxml   = simplexml_load_string($xml);   $qandas = array();   foreach($sxml->Question as $question)   {      $s = trim($question->Subject);      $t = $question->Timestamp + 0;      $q = trim($question->Content);      $a = trim($question->ChosenAnswer);      $l = $question->Link;            $s = str_replace("\n", '<br />', htmlentities($s));      $q = str_replace("\n", '<br />', htmlentities($q));      $a = str_replace("\n", '<br />', htmlentities($a));      if (strlen($a)) $qandas[] = array($s, $t, $q, $a, $l);   }   return array(count($qandas), $qandas);}?>
