
来源:互联网 发布:人工智能做的好的企业 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 20:58




1. 同步消息,由SendMessage、SendSyncMessage发送的同步消息,消息将被立即处理,消息的返回值将通过函数的返回值返回;

2. Notify消息,通过SendNotifyMessage发送 。这是一个异步的消息,但是一定能够被处理

3. Post消息,通过PostMessage发送,这也是一个异步消息,可能会丢失

4. 特殊的消息,包括MSG_PAINT和MSG_TIMER,MSG_QUIT,这三个消息是系统消息,在消息队列中,实际上以标志位的方式存在。MSG_PAINT消息可以由InvalidateRect和 UpdateRect两个函数引起。而MSG_TIMER消息,则必须由系统产生。MSG_QUIT只能通过PostQuitMessage产生

消息的优先级是这样定义的:MSG_QUIT > 同步消息 > Notify消息 > Post消息 > MSG_PAINT > MSG_TIMER消息。

在上一篇中,在创建一个窗口时,我们使用了函数 InitMsgQueueThisThread(3.0版本的为mg_InitMsgQueueThisThread)和GetMsgQueueThisThread,前者为当前线程创建一个消息队列(仅限线程版,进程版和standalone版都只有一个消息队列),后者是获取当前线程的消息队列。

InitMsgQueueThisThread函数本身很简单。它主要是创建和初始化MSGQUEUE结构体。(_LITE_VERSION代表的是进程版和standalone版。在3.0中,这个宏已经被规范为_MGRM_PROCESSES 和_MGRM_STANDALONE。)

struct _MSGQUEUE{    DWORD dwState;              // message queue states#ifndef _LITE_VERSION    pthread_mutex_t lock;       // lock    sem_t wait;                 // the semaphore for wait message    sem_t sync_msg;             // the semaphore for sync message#endif    PQMSG  pFirstNotifyMsg;     // head of the notify message queue    PQMSG  pLastNotifyMsg;      // tail of the notify message queue#ifndef _LITE_VERSION    PSYNCMSG pFirstSyncMsg;     // head of the sync message queue    PSYNCMSG pLastSyncMsg;      // tail of the sync message queue#else    IDLEHANDLER OnIdle;         // Idle handler#endif#ifndef _LITE_VERSION    PMAINWIN pRootMainWin;      // The root main window of this message queue.#endif    MSG* msg;                   /* post message buffer */    int len;                    /* buffer len */    int readpos, writepos;      /* positions for reading and writing */    int FirstTimerSlot;         /* the first timer slot to be checked */    DWORD TimerMask;            /* timer slots mask */    int loop_depth;             /* message loop depth, for dialog boxes. */};


#define QS_NOTIFYMSG        0x10000000#ifndef _LITE_VERSION  #define QS_SYNCMSG        0x20000000#else  #define QS_DESKTIMER      0x20000000#endif#define QS_POSTMSG          0x40000000#define QS_QUIT             0x80000000#define QS_INPUT            0x01000000#define QS_PAINT            0x02000000#define QS_TIMER            0x0000FFFF#define QS_EMPTY            0x00000000

QS_NOTIFYMSG 标志表示消息队列中有待处理的notify消息。同理,QS_SYNCMSG表示有待处理的同步消息;QS_POSTMSG表示有待处理的post消息。




所以,在线程版的MSGQUEUE结构体中,增加了sync_msg, pFirstSyncMsg和pLastSyncMsg。其中,wait变量的作用是为了唤醒消息循环。


int GUIAPI SendMessage (HWND hWnd, int iMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam){    WNDPROC WndProc;    MG_CHECK_RET (MG_IS_WINDOW(hWnd), -1);#ifndef _LITE_VERSION    if (!BE_THIS_THREAD(hWnd))        return SendSyncMessage (hWnd, iMsg, wParam, lParam);#endif /* !_LITE_VERSION */        if ( !(WndProc = GetWndProc(hWnd)) )        return ERR_INV_HWND;    return (*WndProc)(hWnd, iMsg, wParam, lParam);


int SendSyncMessage (HWND hWnd, int msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam){    PMSGQUEUE pMsgQueue, thinfo = NULL;    SYNCMSG SyncMsg;    sem_t sync_msg;    if (!(pMsgQueue = GetMsgQueue(hWnd)))        return ERR_INV_HWND;    if ((thinfo = GetMsgQueueThisThread ())) {        /* avoid to create a new semaphore object */        SyncMsg.sem_handle = &thinfo->sync_msg;    }    else {        /* this is not a GUI thread */        sem_init (&sync_msg, 0, 0);        SyncMsg.sem_handle = &sync_msg;    }    /* queue the sync message. */    SyncMsg.Msg.hwnd = hWnd;    SyncMsg.Msg.message = msg;    SyncMsg.Msg.wParam = wParam;    SyncMsg.Msg.lParam = lParam;    SyncMsg.retval = ERR_MSG_CANCELED;    SyncMsg.pNext = NULL;    LOCK_MSGQ (pMsgQueue);    if (pMsgQueue->pFirstSyncMsg == NULL) {        pMsgQueue->pFirstSyncMsg = pMsgQueue->pLastSyncMsg = &SyncMsg;    }    else {        pMsgQueue->pLastSyncMsg->pNext = &SyncMsg;        pMsgQueue->pLastSyncMsg = &SyncMsg;    }    pMsgQueue->dwState |= QS_SYNCMSG;    UNLOCK_MSGQ (pMsgQueue);    POST_MSGQ (pMsgQueue);    /* suspend until the message has been handled. */    if (sem_wait (SyncMsg.sem_handle) < 0) {        fprintf (stderr,             "SendSyncMessage: thread is interrupted abnormally!\n");    }    if (thinfo == NULL)        sem_destroy (&sync_msg);    return SyncMsg.retval;}



  #define POST_MSGQ(pMsgQueue) \  { \    int sem_value; \    /* Signal that the msg queue contains one more element for reading */ \    sem_getvalue (&(pMsgQueue)->wait, &sem_value); \    if (sem_value <= 0) \        sem_post(&(pMsgQueue)->wait); \  }








int GUIAPI SendNotifyMessage (HWND hWnd, int iMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam){    PMSGQUEUE pMsgQueue;    PQMSG pqmsg;    MG_CHECK_RET (MG_IS_WINDOW(hWnd), ERR_INV_HWND);    if (!(pMsgQueue = GetMsgQueue(hWnd)))        return ERR_INV_HWND;      pqmsg = QMSGAlloc();    LOCK_MSGQ (pMsgQueue);    /* queue the notification message. */    pqmsg->Msg.hwnd = hWnd;    pqmsg->Msg.message = iMsg;    pqmsg->Msg.wParam = wParam;    pqmsg->Msg.lParam = lParam;    pqmsg->next = NULL;    if (pMsgQueue->pFirstNotifyMsg == NULL) {        pMsgQueue->pFirstNotifyMsg = pMsgQueue->pLastNotifyMsg = pqmsg;    }    else {        pMsgQueue->pLastNotifyMsg->next = pqmsg;        pMsgQueue->pLastNotifyMsg = pqmsg;    }    pMsgQueue->dwState |= QS_NOTIFYMSG;    UNLOCK_MSGQ (pMsgQueue);#ifndef _LITE_VERSION    if ( !BE_THIS_THREAD(hWnd) )        POST_MSGQ(pMsgQueue);#endif    return ERR_OK;}



int GUIAPI PostMessage (HWND hWnd, int iMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam){    PMSGQUEUE pMsgQueue;    MSG msg;    if (!(pMsgQueue = GetMsgQueue(hWnd)))        return ERR_INV_HWND;    if (iMsg == MSG_PAINT) {        LOCK_MSGQ (pMsgQueue);        pMsgQueue->dwState |= QS_PAINT;        UNLOCK_MSGQ (pMsgQueue);#ifndef _LITE_VERSION        if ( !BE_THIS_THREAD(hWnd) )            POST_MSGQ(pMsgQueue);#endif        return ERR_OK;    }    msg.hwnd = hWnd;    msg.message = iMsg;    msg.wParam = wParam;    msg.lParam = lParam;    if (!QueueMessage(pMsgQueue, &msg))        return ERR_QUEUE_FULL;    return ERR_OK;}




BOOL QueueMessage (PMSGQUEUE msg_que, PMSG msg){    LOCK_MSGQ(msg_que);    /* check whether the last message is MSG_MOUSEMOVE */    if (msg->message == MSG_MOUSEMOVE && msg->hwnd == HWND_DESKTOP                    && msg_que->readpos != msg_que->writepos) {        PMSG last_msg;        if (msg_que->writepos == 0)            last_msg = msg_que->msg + msg_que->len - 1;        else            last_msg = msg_que->msg + msg_que->writepos - 1;        if (last_msg->message == MSG_MOUSEMOVE                        && last_msg->wParam == msg->wParam                        && last_msg->hwnd == msg->hwnd) {            last_msg->lParam = msg->lParam;            last_msg->time = msg->time;            goto ret;        }    }    if ((msg_que->writepos + 1) % msg_que->len == msg_que->readpos) {        UNLOCK_MSGQ(msg_que);        return FALSE;    }    /* Write the data and advance write pointer */    msg_que->msg [msg_que->writepos] = *msg;    msg_que->writepos++;    if (msg_que->writepos >= msg_que->len) msg_que->writepos = 0;ret:    msg_que->dwState |= QS_POSTMSG;    UNLOCK_MSGQ (msg_que);#ifndef _LITE_VERSION    if (!BE_THIS_THREAD (msg->hwnd))        POST_MSGQ (msg_que);#endif    return TRUE;}



 while (GetMessage(&Msg, hMainWnd)) {          TranslateMessage(&Msg);          DispatchMessage(&Msg);  }  


static inline BOOL GUIAPI GetMessage (PMSG pMsg, HWND hWnd){    return PeekMessageEx (pMsg, hWnd, 0, 0, TRUE, PM_REMOVE);}


BOOL PeekMessageEx (PMSG pMsg, HWND hWnd, int iMsgFilterMin, int iMsgFilterMax,                           BOOL bWait, UINT uRemoveMsg){    PMSGQUEUE pMsgQueue;    PQMSG phead;    if (!pMsg || (hWnd != HWND_DESKTOP && !MG_IS_MAIN_WINDOW(hWnd)))        return FALSE;#ifndef _LITE_VERSION    if (!(pMsgQueue = GetMsgQueueThisThread ()))            return FALSE;#else    pMsgQueue = __mg_dsk_msg_queue;#endif    memset (pMsg, 0, sizeof(MSG));checkagain:    LOCK_MSGQ (pMsgQueue);    if (pMsgQueue->dwState & QS_QUIT) {        pMsg->hwnd = hWnd;        pMsg->message = MSG_QUIT;        pMsg->wParam = 0;        pMsg->lParam = 0;        SET_PADD (NULL);        if (uRemoveMsg == PM_REMOVE) {            pMsgQueue->loop_depth --;            if (pMsgQueue->loop_depth == 0)                pMsgQueue->dwState &= ~QS_QUIT;        }         UNLOCK_MSGQ (pMsgQueue);        return FALSE;    }    /* Dealing with sync messages before notify messages is better ? */#ifndef _LITE_VERSION    if (pMsgQueue->dwState & QS_SYNCMSG) {        if (pMsgQueue->pFirstSyncMsg) {            *pMsg = pMsgQueue->pFirstSyncMsg->Msg;            SET_PADD (pMsgQueue->pFirstSyncMsg);            if (IS_MSG_WANTED(pMsg->message)) {              if (uRemoveMsg == PM_REMOVE) {                  pMsgQueue->pFirstSyncMsg = pMsgQueue->pFirstSyncMsg->pNext;              }              UNLOCK_MSGQ (pMsgQueue);              return TRUE;            }        }        else            pMsgQueue->dwState &= ~QS_SYNCMSG;    }#endif    if (pMsgQueue->dwState & QS_NOTIFYMSG) {        if (pMsgQueue->pFirstNotifyMsg) {            phead = pMsgQueue->pFirstNotifyMsg;            *pMsg = phead->Msg;            SET_PADD (NULL);            if (IS_MSG_WANTED(pMsg->message)) {              if (uRemoveMsg == PM_REMOVE) {                  pMsgQueue->pFirstNotifyMsg = phead->next;                  FreeQMSG (phead);              }              UNLOCK_MSGQ (pMsgQueue);              return TRUE;            }        }        else            pMsgQueue->dwState &= ~QS_NOTIFYMSG;    }    if (pMsgQueue->dwState & QS_POSTMSG) {        if (pMsgQueue->readpos != pMsgQueue->writepos) {            *pMsg = pMsgQueue->msg[pMsgQueue->readpos];            SET_PADD (NULL);            if (IS_MSG_WANTED(pMsg->message)) {                CheckCapturedMouseMessage (pMsg);                if (uRemoveMsg == PM_REMOVE) {                    pMsgQueue->readpos++;                    if (pMsgQueue->readpos >= pMsgQueue->len)                        pMsgQueue->readpos = 0;                }                UNLOCK_MSGQ (pMsgQueue);                return TRUE;            }        }        else            pMsgQueue->dwState &= ~QS_POSTMSG;    }    /*     * check invalidate region of the windows     */    if (pMsgQueue->dwState & QS_PAINT && IS_MSG_WANTED(MSG_PAINT)) {        PMAINWIN pHostingRoot;        HWND hNeedPaint;        PMAINWIN pWin; #ifndef _LITE_VERSION        /* REMIND this */        if (hWnd == HWND_DESKTOP) {            pMsg->hwnd = hWnd;            pMsg->message = MSG_PAINT;            pMsg->wParam = 0;            pMsg->lParam = 0;            SET_PADD (NULL);            if (uRemoveMsg == PM_REMOVE) {                pMsgQueue->dwState &= ~QS_PAINT;            }            UNLOCK_MSGQ (pMsgQueue);            return TRUE;        }#endif        pMsg->message = MSG_PAINT;        pMsg->wParam = 0;        pMsg->lParam = 0;        SET_PADD (NULL);#ifdef _LITE_VERSION        pHostingRoot = __mg_dsk_win;#else        pHostingRoot = pMsgQueue->pRootMainWin;#endif        if ( (hNeedPaint = msgCheckHostedTree (pHostingRoot)) ) {            pMsg->hwnd = hNeedPaint;            pWin = (PMAINWIN) hNeedPaint;            pMsg->lParam = (LPARAM)(&pWin->InvRgn.rgn);            UNLOCK_MSGQ (pMsgQueue);            return TRUE;        }         /* no paint message */        pMsgQueue->dwState &= ~QS_PAINT;    }    /*     * handle timer here     */#ifdef _LITE_VERSION    if (pMsgQueue->dwState & QS_DESKTIMER) {        pMsg->hwnd = HWND_DESKTOP;        pMsg->message = MSG_TIMER;        pMsg->wParam = 0;        pMsg->lParam = 0;        if (uRemoveMsg == PM_REMOVE) {            pMsgQueue->dwState &= ~QS_DESKTIMER;        }        return TRUE;    }#endif    if (pMsgQueue->TimerMask && IS_MSG_WANTED(MSG_TIMER)) {        int slot;        TIMER* timer;#ifndef _LITE_VERSION        if (hWnd == HWND_DESKTOP) {            pMsg->hwnd = hWnd;            pMsg->message = MSG_TIMER;            pMsg->wParam = 0;            pMsg->lParam = 0;            SET_PADD (NULL);            if (uRemoveMsg == PM_REMOVE) {                pMsgQueue->TimerMask = 0;            }            UNLOCK_MSGQ (pMsgQueue);            return TRUE;        }#endif        /* get the first expired timer slot */        slot = pMsgQueue->FirstTimerSlot;        do {            if (pMsgQueue->TimerMask & (0x01 << slot))                break;            slot ++;            slot %= DEF_NR_TIMERS;            if (slot == pMsgQueue->FirstTimerSlot) {                slot = -1;                break;            }        } while (TRUE);        pMsgQueue->FirstTimerSlot ++;        pMsgQueue->FirstTimerSlot %= DEF_NR_TIMERS;        if ((timer = __mg_get_timer (slot))) {            unsigned int tick_count = timer->tick_count;            timer->tick_count = 0;            pMsgQueue->TimerMask &= ~(0x01 << slot);            if (timer->proc) {                BOOL ret_timer_proc;                /* unlock the message queue when calling timer proc */                UNLOCK_MSGQ (pMsgQueue);                /* calling the timer callback procedure */                ret_timer_proc = timer->proc (timer->hWnd,                         timer->id, tick_count);                /* lock the message queue again */                LOCK_MSGQ (pMsgQueue);                if (!ret_timer_proc) {                    /* remove the timer */                    __mg_remove_timer (timer, slot);                }            }            else {                pMsg->message = MSG_TIMER;                pMsg->hwnd = timer->hWnd;                pMsg->wParam = timer->id;                pMsg->lParam = tick_count;                SET_PADD (NULL);                UNLOCK_MSGQ (pMsgQueue);                return TRUE;            }        }    }    UNLOCK_MSGQ (pMsgQueue);#ifndef _LITE_VERSION    if (bWait) {        /* no message, wait again. */        sem_wait (&pMsgQueue->wait);        goto checkagain;    }#else    /* no message, idle */    if (bWait) {         pMsgQueue->OnIdle (pMsgQueue);         goto checkagain;    }#endif    /* no message */    return FALSE;}





MSG_PAINT消息,其重点是检查了QS_PAINT标志。当有QS_PAINT标志的时候,它实际上通过 msgCheckHostedTree函数,来检查那些窗口是需要重绘的。那些需要重绘的窗口,就会产生MSG_PAINT消息。


static HWND msgCheckHostedTree (PMAINWIN pHosting){    HWND hNeedPaint;    PMAINWIN pHosted;    if ( (hNeedPaint = msgCheckInvalidRegion (pHosting)) )        return hNeedPaint;    pHosted = pHosting->pFirstHosted;    while (pHosted) {        if ( (hNeedPaint = msgCheckHostedTree (pHosted)) )            return hNeedPaint;        pHosted = pHosted->pNextHosted;    }    return 0;}


  1. MiniGUI窗口的管理方式,是主窗口和普通窗口分离的。主窗口采用hosting的链表树方式管理,可以遍历到所有的主窗口。而每个主窗口则是一个树的根节点,通过parent-child关系管理所有的子窗口。所以,msgCheckHostedTree是遍历主窗口用的,而msgCheckInvalidRegion是遍历子窗口用的。注意这两个函数的返回值,都是需要重绘的窗口句柄。
  2. 当找到一个需要重绘的窗口句柄的时候,它就返回该窗口句柄。返回后,消息循环接下来回调用DispatchMessage,该函数会调用到窗口过程。在窗口过程中,处理MSG_PAINT消息时,我们必须用BeginPaint和EndPaint来获取绘制的DC。这一点非常重要,因为在BeginPaint中,会清除无效区域。当无效区域被清除后,下次在此调用msgCheckHostedTree和msgCheckInvalidRegion的时候,该窗口的子窗口或者兄弟窗口就会被检测。一直等到所有窗口被检测完毕后,整个绘制过程才算完成。在此过程中,MiniGUI会多次遍历所有的窗口
  3. msgCheckHostedTree和msgCheckInvalidRegion相结合使用,是通过递归的方法进行的一个先根遍历法,这个方法,总是能够保证父窗口先于子窗口被绘制,从而保证了窗口之间以正确的次序被绘制。

tatic HWND msgCheckInvalidRegion (PMAINWIN pWin){    PCONTROL pCtrl = (PCONTROL)pWin;    HWND hwnd;    if (pCtrl->InvRgn.rgn.head)        return (HWND)pCtrl;    pCtrl = pCtrl->children;    while (pCtrl) {        if ((hwnd = msgCheckInvalidRegion ((PMAINWIN) pCtrl)))            return hwnd;        pCtrl = pCtrl->next;    }    return 0;}

他是通过判断窗口结构体中的 InvRgn的区域是否为空来实现的。它的实现,是一个典型的先根遍历法,可以保证窗口的绘制次序。


我们知道,MiniGUI的Timer消息,通过SetTimer和SetTimerEx来启动的。SetTimerEx 函数是主要实现Timer安装的。

在MiniGUI中,Timer的相关信息,通过一个Timer slot来保存的。timer slot实际上一一组数组,数组内的元素可以被重复利用。通过MSGQUEUE中的TimerMark变量,保存那些数组元素被使用了。 TimerMark是用掩码来表示 timerslot的索引的。所以,在MiniGUI最多能够安装32个timer,就是因为TimerMark变量时32位的。


static TIMER *timerstr[DEF_NR_TIMERS];
其中DEF_NR_TIMERS被定义为32. TIMER结构体定义是:

typedef struct _timer {    HWND    hWnd;    int     id;    unsigned int speed;    unsigned int count;    TIMERPROC proc;    unsigned int tick_count;    PMSGQUEUE msg_queue;} TIMER;


BOOL GUIAPI SetTimerEx (HWND hWnd, int id, unsigned int speed,                 TIMERPROC timer_proc){    int i;    PMSGQUEUE pMsgQueue;    int slot = -1;#ifndef _LITE_VERSION    if (!(pMsgQueue = GetMsgQueueThisThread ()))        return FALSE;#else    pMsgQueue = __mg_dsk_msg_queue;#endif    TIMER_LOCK ();    /* Is there an empty timer slot? */    for (i=0; i<DEF_NR_TIMERS; i++) {        if (timerstr[i] == NULL) {            if (slot < 0)                slot = i;        }        else if (timerstr[i]->hWnd == hWnd && timerstr[i]->id == id) {            goto badret;        }    }    if (slot < 0 || slot == DEF_NR_TIMERS)        goto badret ;    timerstr[slot] = malloc (sizeof (TIMER));    timerstr[slot]->speed = speed;    timerstr[slot]->hWnd = hWnd;    timerstr[slot]->id = id;    timerstr[slot]->count = 0;    timerstr[slot]->proc = timer_proc;    timerstr[slot]->tick_count = 0;    timerstr[slot]->msg_queue = pMsgQueue;#if defined(_LITE_VERSION) && !defined(_STAND_ALONE)    if (!mgIsServer)        __mg_set_select_timeout (USEC_10MS * speed);#endif    TIMER_UNLOCK ();    return TRUE;    badret:    TIMER_UNLOCK ();    return FALSE;}


static inline void _os_timer_loop (void){    while (1) {        __mg_os_time_delay (10);        __mg_timer_action (NULL);    }}static void* TimerEntry (void* data){    if (!InitTimer ()) {        fprintf (stderr, "TIMER: Init Timer failure, exit!\n");#ifndef __NOUNIX__        exit (1);#endif        return NULL;    }    sem_post ((sem_t*)data);    _os_timer_loop ();    return NULL;}


static void __mg_timer_action (void *data){#if defined(_LITE_VERSION) && !defined(_STAND_ALONE)    SHAREDRES_TIMER_COUNTER += 1;#else#if defined(__uClinux__) && defined(_STAND_ALONE)    __mg_timer_counter += 10;#else    __mg_timer_counter ++;#endif#endif#ifndef _LITE_VERSION    /* alert desktop */    AlertDesktopTimerEvent ();#endif}


static inline void AlertDesktopTimerEvent (void){    __mg_dsk_msg_queue->TimerMask = 1;    POST_MSGQ(__mg_dsk_msg_queue);}

    if (pMsgQueue->TimerMask && IS_MSG_WANTED(MSG_TIMER)) {        int slot;        TIMER* timer;#ifndef _LITE_VERSION        if (hWnd == HWND_DESKTOP) {            pMsg->hwnd = hWnd;            pMsg->message = MSG_TIMER;            pMsg->wParam = 0;            pMsg->lParam = 0;            SET_PADD (NULL);            if (uRemoveMsg == PM_REMOVE) {                pMsgQueue->TimerMask = 0;            }            UNLOCK_MSGQ (pMsgQueue);            return TRUE;        }#endif

void DispatchTimerMessage (unsigned int inter){    int i;    TIMER_LOCK ();    for (i=0; i<DEF_NR_TIMERS; i++) {        if (timerstr[i] && timerstr[i]->msg_queue) {            timerstr[i]->count += inter;            if (timerstr[i]->count >= timerstr[i]->speed) {                if (timerstr[i]->tick_count == 0)#if defined(_LITE_VERSION) && !defined(_STAND_ALONE)                    timerstr[i]->tick_count = SHAREDRES_TIMER_COUNTER;#else                    timerstr[i]->tick_count = __mg_timer_counter;#endif                /* setting timer flag is simple, we do not need to lock msgq,                   or else we may encounter dead lock here */                 SetMsgQueueTimerFlag (timerstr[i]->msg_queue, i);                                timerstr[i]->count -= timerstr[i]->speed;            }        }    }    TIMER_UNLOCK ();}



