
来源:互联网 发布:js原型和原型链的概念 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/29 18:38

工行纸黄金不同于股票交易账户, 它直接和银行账户绑定.在进行多次不同重量的买入和卖出后, 统计一段时间的收益和收益率变得比较困难.

下面的这个程序可以对工行的导出纯文本进行自动分析得到收益值和收益率, 并可以对时间有序的多数据文本文件进行统计操作.

[Environment: GCC-4.4.3.]

#define _GNU_SOURCE#include <stdio.h>#include <stdlib.h>#include <string.h>#include <unistd.h>#include <ctype.h> /* isdigit */#define GOLDCALC_VERSION "0.0.3 for ICBC paper gold."#define GOLDCALC_DATE    "2011-12-28"//#define DTEST#ifdef DTEST#define dprint(x...) printf(x)#else#define dprint(x...) #endif#define MAX_FILE_NUMBER 10#define MAX_PATH_LENGTH 150enum {UNKOWN = 0,BUY,SELL,};struct one_trade_node {char date[11];#if 0char time[9];char no[10];#endifint  type;float  price;float  weight;float  subsum;int  line;struct one_trade_node *next;};static double current_price, current_weight, current_sum;static inline int _validline(char *line){int i = 0x1 & (isdigit(line[0]) && isdigit(line[1]) && isdigit(line[2]) && isdigit(line[3]));return ((i) && (line[4] == '-') && (line[7] == '-'));}static double _katof(const char *str){char p[50];bzero(p, sizeof(p));char *q = p;while ( *str != '\0') {if (*str != ',')*q = *str, q++;str++;}return (atof(p));}static inline int _date_order_check(const char *new, const char *old){int i, ret=1;for (i=0; i<10; i++) {if (new[i]- old[i] != 0) {ret = ((new[i] - old[i] > 0) ? 1 : 0);break;}}return (ret);}static double _get_cost_sum(struct one_trade_node *head){struct one_trade_node *p = head->next;if (p->type != BUY) {dprint("This data file is probable incomplete, normal one should start with a BUY.\n");}double cost, cash;int i = 0;cost = cash = 0;while(p) {i++;if (p->type == BUY) {if (p->subsum > cash) { cost += p->subsum - cash;cash = 0;}elsecash -= p->subsum;}else {cash += p->subsum;}p = p->next;dprint("%2d cost: %0.2f\n", i, cost);}dprint("cost sum: %0.2f\n", cost);return (cost);}static int parser(FILE *fp, struct one_trade_node *head){char *lineptr = NULL;unsigned char *p, *q;size_t len;ssize_t read;int line_num = 0;int i;char *token, *saveptr;static char lastdate[11];static int inited = 0;struct one_trade_node *node;if (!inited) {bzero(lastdate, sizeof(lastdate));inited++;}while (head->next)head = head->next;while ((read = getline(&lineptr, &len, fp)) != -1) {line_num++;if (read < 30 || !_validline(lineptr))continue;dprint("\n--------\n");dprint("line: %d\n", line_num);head->next = node = (struct one_trade_node *)malloc(sizeof(struct one_trade_node));bzero(node, sizeof(node));p = q = (unsigned char *)lineptr; // for recognizing Chinese characters.strncpy(node->date, (char*)p, 10);dprint("Node's date: %s, last node's date: %s\n", node->date, lastdate);if (!_date_order_check(node->date, lastdate)) {printf("Invalid date file with disorder date:  OLD: %s -> NEW: %s.\n", lastdate, node->date);goto ERROR;}strncpy(lastdate, (char*)p, 10);node->line = line_num;for (i=0; i<read-4; i++) {if (p[i] == 0xc2 && p[i+1] == 0xf2 && p[i+2] == 0xc8 && p[i+3] == 0xeb)node->type = BUY; // buyelse if (p[i] == 0xc2 && p[i+1] == 0xf4 && p[i+2] == 0xb3 && p[i+3] == 0xf6)node->type = SELL; // sell}for (i=0;;q=NULL,i++) {token = strtok_r((char*)q, " ", &saveptr);if (token == NULL) break;if (i == 6) {node->price = _katof(token);dprint("Price token: %s, %.02f\n", token, node->price); }if (i == 7) {node->weight = _katof(token);dprint("Weight token: %s, %.02f\n", token, node->weight); }if (i == 8) {node->subsum = _katof(token);dprint("Subsum token: %s, %.02f\n", token, node->subsum); }}if (node->type == 0 || i != 10 )goto ERROR;head = head->next;}if (lineptr)free(lineptr);return 0;ERROR:if (lineptr)free(lineptr);printf("Parsering error in line: %d\n", line_num);return -1;}static void print(struct one_trade_node *head){double buysum, sellsum, totalsum, earnsum, costsum, earnratio;buysum = sellsum = totalsum = earnsum = earnratio = 0;struct one_trade_node *last, *q, *p = head->next; q = p;printf("---------------------------------------------------------\n");if ((int)current_sum == 0)printf("Warning: Please confirm that no gold left currently.     \n");printf("---------------------------------------------------------\n");printf("                   HISTORY RECORD                        \n");printf("                   --------------                        \n");printf("DATE          TYPE    PRICE       WEIGHT      SUM        \n");printf("---------------------------------------------------------\n");while (p) {printf("%s:   %-4s    %-8.2f    %-8.2f    %-8.2f\n", p->date, (p->type==1) ? "BUY" : "SELL",    p->price, p->weight, p->subsum);if (p->type == 1)buysum += p->subsum;elsesellsum += p->subsum;last = p;p = p->next;}if (p == q) {printf("No valid  data can display.\n");printf("---------------------------------------------------------\n");return;}printf("---------------------------------------------------------\n");sellsum += current_sum;totalsum = buysum + sellsum;earnsum = sellsum - buysum;costsum = _get_cost_sum(head); // costsum is the maximum cost value during the investing period.earnratio = earnsum / costsum;printf("                       SUMMARY                            \n");printf("                   ---------------                        \n");printf("Current Sum Pending Sell: %.2f Yuan[%.f gram, %.02f Yuan/g]\n", current_sum, current_weight, current_price);printf("Totally Earning:          %0.2f Yuan\n", earnsum);printf("Totally Earning Ratio:    %.2f%%\n", earnratio*100);printf("Totally Cost:             %0.2f Yuan\n", costsum);printf("Date Range:               %s -> %s \n", head->next->date, last->date);printf("---------------------------------------------------------\n");return;}static void clear(struct one_trade_node *head){struct one_trade_node *q, *p;p = head;while(p) {q = p->next;free(p);p = q;}return;}static void usage(char *cmd){printf("---------------------------------------------------------\n");printf("goldcalc Version: %s, Date: %s\n", GOLDCALC_VERSION, GOLDCALC_DATE);printf("Usage: %s -f $data_file_path -s $current_sum \n", cmd);printf("   \"-p $current_price\" and \"-w $current_weight\" are optional if without -s option.\n");printf("       Note: if more than one data file need be parsed, can use several -f option with date in order.\n");printf("---------------------------------------------------------\n");return;}int main(int argc, char **argv){int opt, ret, i;FILE *fp;char **p, *path[MAX_PATH_LENGTH];if (argc < 3) {usage(argv[0]);return -1;}for (i=0; i<MAX_FILE_NUMBER; i++) {path[i] = (char*)calloc(MAX_PATH_LENGTH, sizeof(char));}p = path;current_price = current_weight = current_sum = 0;while ((opt = getopt(argc, argv, "p:w:s:i:f:h")) != -1) {switch (opt) {case 'p':current_price = _katof(optarg);break;case 'w':current_weight = _katof(optarg);break;case 's':current_sum = _katof(optarg);break;case 'i':case 'f':strncpy(*p, optarg, MAX_PATH_LENGTH-1);p++;break;case 'h':usage(argv[0]);return 0;default:printf("Unknown option: -%c\n", opt);return -2;}}dprint("current_price: %.2f, current_weight: %.2f, current_sum: %.2f\n", current_price,    current_weight, current_sum);if (current_price > 0 && current_sum > 0) {if ((int)(current_price * current_weight) != (int)current_sum) {printf("Error happen in one of current price/weight/sum value.\n");return -3;}} else if (current_price > 0 ) {current_sum = (current_price*current_weight);}struct one_trade_node *head = (struct one_trade_node *)malloc(sizeof(struct one_trade_node));p = path;while (*p[0] != '\0') {if ((fp = fopen(*p, "r")) == NULL) {printf("Invalid file path: %s\n",*p);return -4;}dprint("\nData File Number: %d", p-path+1);if ((ret = parser(fp, head)) != 0) {printf("Parser error for the %d file, check data file content first.\n", p-path+1);fclose(fp);return -5;}p++;fclose(fp);}print(head);clear(head);for (i=0; i<MAX_FILE_NUMBER; i++)   free(path[i]);return 0;}
