栈及其应用 - C语言实现(摘自数据结构与算法分析 C语言描述)

来源:互联网 发布:一建培训班哪家好 知乎 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/29 18:12




图1 栈模型:通过Push向栈输入,通过Pop从栈输出


1. 栈的链表实现


#ifndef _STACK_LIST_H#define _STACK_LIST_H#define ElementType intstruct Node;typedef struct Node *PtrToNode;typedef PtrToNode Stack;int IsEmpty( Stack S );Stack CreateStack( void );void DisposeStack( Stack S );void MakeEmpty( Stack S );void Push( ElementType X, Stack S );ElementType Top( Stack S );void Pop( Stack S );#endif /* _STACK_LIST_H */

#include "stack_list.h"#include "fatal.h"struct Node{  ElementType Element;  PtrToNode Next;};intIsEmpty( Stack S ){  return S->Next == NULL;}StackCreateStack( void ){  Stack S;  S = malloc( sizeof( struct Node ) );  if( S == NULL )    FatalError( "Out of space!!!" );  S->Next = NULL;  MakeEmpty( S );  return S;}voidMakeEmpty( Stack S ){  if( S == NULL )    Error( "Must use CreateStack first" );  else    while( !IsEmpty( S ) )      Pop( S );}voidPush( ElementType X, Stack S ){  PtrToNode TmpCell;  TmpCell = malloc( sizeof( struct Node ) );  if( TmpCell == NULL )    FatalError( "Out of space!!!" );  else  {    TmpCell->Element = X;    TmpCell->Next = S->Next;    S->Next = TmpCell;  }}ElementTypeTop( Stack S ){  if( !IsEmpty( S ) )    return S->Next->Element;  Error( "Empty stack" );  return 0;}voidPop(Stack S ){  PtrToNode FirstCell;  if( IsEmpty( S ) )    Error( "Empty Stack" );  else  {    FirstCell = S->Next;    S->Next = S->Next->Next;    free( FirstCell );  }}

#include <stdio.h>#include "stack_list.h"int main(){  Stack S;  int n, num, m;  int i;  S = CreateStack();  printf( "Initialization complete.\n" );  printf( "Please input the number of elements in the stack:\n" );  scanf( "%d", &n );  printf( "Please input %d elements push into stack:\n", n );  for(i = 0; i < n; i++ )  {    scanf( "%d", &num );    Push( num, S );  }  printf( "Please input the numbers you want pop out from the stack(no more than:%d)\n", n );  scanf( "%d", &n );  printf( "Pop out from the stack %d elements in turns:\n", n );  for( i = 0; i < n; i++ )  {    m = Top( S );    Pop( S );    printf( "%3d",m );  }  printf( "\n" );  return 0;}

2. 栈的数组实现


#ifndef _STACK_ARRARY_H#define _STACK_ARRARY_Hstruct StackRecord;typedef struct StackRecord *Stack;#define ElementType intint IsEmpty( Stack S );int IsFull( Stack S );Stack CreateStack( int MaxElements );void DisposeStack( Stack S );void MakeEmpty( Stack S );void Push( ElementType X, Stack S );ElementType Top( Stack S );void Pop( Stack S );ElementType TopAndPop( Stack S );#endif  /* _STACK_ARRARY_H */


#include "stack_array.h"#include "fatal.h"#define EmptyTOS ( -1 )#define MinStackSize ( 5 )struct StackRecord{    int Capacity;    int TopOfStack;    ElementType *Array;};StackCreateStack( int MaxElements ){  Stack S;  if( MaxElements < MinStackSize )    Error( "Stack size is too small" );  S = malloc( sizeof( struct StackRecord ) );  if( S == NULL )    FatalError( "Out of space!!!" );  S->Array = malloc( sizeof( ElementType ) * MaxElements );  if( S->Array == NULL )    FatalError( "Out of space!!!" );  S->Capacity = MaxElements;  MakeEmpty( S );  return S;}voidDisposeStack( Stack S ){  if( S != NULL )  {    free( S-> Array );    free( S );  }}intIsEmpty( Stack S ){  return S->TopOfStack == EmptyTOS;}voidMakeEmpty( Stack S ){  S->TopOfStack = EmptyTOS;}voidPush( ElementType X, Stack S ){  if( IsFull( S ) )    Error( "Full Stack" );  else    S->Array[ ++S->TopOfStack ] = X;}intIsFull( Stack S ){    return S->TopOfStack == S->Capacity - 1;}ElementTypeTop( Stack S ){  if( !IsEmpty( S ) )    return S->Array[ S->TopOfStack ];  Error( "Empty Stack" );  return 0;                             /* Return value used to avoid                                         * warning */}voidPop( Stack S ){  if( IsEmpty( S ) )    Error( "Empty Stack" );  else    S->TopOfStack--;}ElementTypeTopAndPop( Stack S ){  if( !IsEmpty( S ) )    return S->Array[ S->TopOfStack-- ];  Error( "Empty Stack" );  return 0;                             /* Return value used to avoid                                         * warning */}


#include <stdio.h>#include "stack_array.h"#include "fatal.h"int main(){  Stack S;  int n, num, m;  int i;  S = CreateStack( 10 );  printf( "Initialization complete.\n" );  printf( "Please input the number of elements in the stack:\n" );  scanf( "%d", &n );  printf( "Please input %d elements push into stack:\n", n );  for( i = 0; i < n; i++ )  {    scanf( "%d", &num );    Push( num, S );  }  printf( "Top of the stack:%d\n", Top( S ) );  printf( "Please input the numbers you want pop out from the stack(no more than %d):\n", n );  scanf( "%d", &n );  printf( "Pop out from the stack %d elements in turns:\n", n );  for( i = 0; i < n; i++ )  {    m = TopAndPop( S );    printf( "%3d", m );  }  printf( "\n" );  return 0;}


#include <stdio.h>#include <stdlib.h>#define Error( Str )        FatalError( Str )#define FatalError( Str )   fprintf( stderr, "%s\n", Str ), exit( 1 )


1. 平衡符号:

boolbalance( char ch, Stack S ){  switch( ch ) {    case '(':    case '[':    case '{':      Push( ch, S );      break;    case ')':      if( IsEmpty( S ) || Top( S ) != '(' )      {        return false;      }      Pop( S );      break;    case ']':      if( IsEmpty(S) || Top(S) != '[' )      {        return false;      }      Pop( S );      break;    case '}':      if( IsEmpty( S ) || Top( S ) != '{' )      {        return false;      }      Pop( S );      break;    default:      break;  }  return true;}

2. 后缀表达式

3. 中缀到后缀的转换

4. 函数调用

#include <stdio.h>#include <stdlib.h>#define Error( Str )        FatalError( Str )#define FatalError( Str )   fprintf( stderr, "%s\n", Str ), exit( 1 )

备注:本文摘自《数据结构与算法分析 C语言描述 Mark Allen Weiss著》,代码经gcc编译测试通过。




