iphone-common-codes-ccteam源代码 CCNSArray.m

来源:互联网 发布:下载cctv网络电视 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 07:43
////  CCNSArray.m//  CCFC////  Created by xichen on 11-12-17.//  Copyright 2011年 ccteam. All rights reserved.//#import "CCNSArray.h"#import "CCNSObject.h"@implementation NSArray(cc)// 判断一个对象指针(不是对象的值)是否在数组中存在- (BOOL)isPointerExistsInArray:(id)element{        for(id temp in self)        {                if(temp == element)                {                        return TRUE;                }        }                return FALSE;}// print the retainCount of each element- (void)printRetainCountOfEach{        for(id obj in self)        {                [obj showRetainCount];        }}// deep copy, you should release the return value outside       // not ok- (NSMutableArray *)deepCopy{        return (NSMutableArray *)CFPropertyListCreateDeepCopy(kCFAllocatorDefault, (CFPropertyListRef)self, kCFPropertyListMutableContainers);}// print all the element's address- (void)printAllElementAddr{        for(id element in self)                NSLog(@"element addr is %p", (void *)element);}@end@implementation NSMutableArray(cc)// add a null element- (void)addNull{        [self addObject:[NSNull null]];}@end



github地址: https://github.com/cxsjabc/iphone-common-codes-ccteam/tree/master/CCFC/files/CCNSArray.m
