iphone-common-codes-ccteam源代码 CCUIDevice.h

来源:互联网 发布:德鲁迦雾化器口感数据 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/24 06:55
////  CCUIDevice.h//  CCFC////  Created by xichen on 11-12-17.//  Copyright 2011年 ccteam. All rights reserved.//#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>#import "CCConfig.h"#import <mach/mach.h>// 判断设备是480*320还是960*640#define IS_RETINA \    ([UIScreen instancesRespondToSelector:@selector(currentMode)] ?     \        CGSizeEqualToSize(CGSizeMake(640, 960), [[UIScreen mainScreen] currentMode].size) : \        NO)#define IS_MULTITASK_SUPPORT    \        [[UIDevice currentDevice] isMultitaskingSupported]@interface UIDevice(cc)    //获取OS版本+ (NSString *)osVersion;// 获取OS主版本号+ (NSString *)osMajorVer;// 获取OS子版本号+ (NSString *)osMinorVer;//振动设备+ (void)vibrate;// whether the device is retina+ (BOOL)isRetina;// whether the device supports multitask+ (BOOL)isSupportsMultitask __OSX_AVAILABLE_STARTING(__MAC_NA,__IPHONE_4_0);// not ok// reboot the device// if you don't have the permission, then "Operation not permitted" will be logged.+ (int)reboot;+ (void)disableAutoLock;+ (void)enableAutoLock;// create UUID+ (NSString *)createUUID;// get the WAN IP address of the device based on ios+ (NSString *)getWANAddress;// get the Wifi IP address of the device based on ios+ (NSString *)getWifiAddress;// get the IP address of the device based on ios by ifaName+ (NSString *)getIPAddressBy:(NSString *)ifaName;// get the host name+ (NSString *)hostname;// get the CPU info+ (BOOL)cpuInfo:(vm_statistics_data_t *)cpuStats;// get the boot time of the device+ (NSDate *)bootTime;// returns whether the device is jailbroken or not+ (BOOL)isJailBroken;// get the device version+ (NSString *)deviceVersion;#if CC_ENABLE_PRIVATE_API+ (NSString *)buildVersion;     // eg, ios 4.3.3, returns @"8J2".// get the imei string  // not ok+ (NSString *)getImei;#endif@end


github地址: https://github.com/cxsjabc/iphone-common-codes-ccteam/tree/master/CCFC/files/CCUIDevice.h
