
来源:互联网 发布:360炒股软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/29 22:41









private Block block; //待发送的数据块private InputStream blockIn; //Block的数据读取流private long blockInPosition = -1; private DataInputStream checksumIn; //Block的校验和读取流private DataChecksum checksum; //数据校验器private long offset; //待读取的数据在Block中的开始位置private long endOffset; //待读取的数据在Block中的结束位置private long blockLength;//Block的大小private int bytesPerChecksum; //数据校验块的大小private int checksumSize; //数据校验块对应的校验和大小private boolean corruptChecksumOk; //是否忽略读取校验信息的出错private boolean chunkOffsetOK; //是否要在发送数据之前先发送读取数据的其实位置信息private long seqno; //数据包的编号private boolean transferToAllowed = true;private boolean blockReadFully; //set when the whole block is readprivate boolean verifyChecksum; //是否需要在发送数据之前先验证数据校验和private BlockTransferThrottler throttler;private final String clientTraceFmt; // format of client trace log message



BlockSender(Block block, long startOffset, long length, boolean corruptChecksumOk, boolean chunkOffsetOK, boolean verifyChecksum, DataNode datanode, String clientTraceFmt)      throws IOException {    try {      this.block = block;      this.chunkOffsetOK = chunkOffsetOK;      this.corruptChecksumOk = corruptChecksumOk;      this.verifyChecksum = verifyChecksum;      this.blockLength =;      this.transferToAllowed = datanode.transferToAllowed;      this.clientTraceFmt = clientTraceFmt;      //Block存在对应的校验和文件      if ( !corruptChecksumOk || ) {        //创建Block对应的校验和数据读取流        checksumIn = new DataInputStream(new BufferedInputStream(,BUFFER_SIZE));        //创建产生Block校验和文件的校验器       BlockMetadataHeader header = BlockMetadataHeader.readHeader(checksumIn);       short version = header.getVersion();        if (version != FSDataset.METADATA_VERSION) {          LOG.warn("Wrong version (" + version + ") for metadata file for "  + block + " ignoring ...");        }                checksum = header.getChecksum();              } else {        LOG.warn("Could not find metadata file for " + block);        //创建一个默认的校验器        checksum = DataChecksum.newDataChecksum(DataChecksum.CHECKSUM_NULL,16 * 1024);      }      //调整校验器          bytesPerChecksum = checksum.getBytesPerChecksum();      if (bytesPerChecksum > 10*1024*1024 && bytesPerChecksum > blockLength){        checksum = DataChecksum.newDataChecksum(checksum.getChecksumType(), Math.max((int)blockLength, 10*1024*1024));        bytesPerChecksum = checksum.getBytesPerChecksum();              }      checksumSize = checksum.getChecksumSize();      if (length < 0) {        length = blockLength;      }      endOffset = blockLength;      if (startOffset < 0 || startOffset > endOffset || (length + startOffset) > endOffset) {        String msg = " Offset " + startOffset + " and length " + length + " don't match block " + block + " ( blockLen " + endOffset + " )";        LOG.warn(datanode.dnRegistration + ":sendBlock() : " + msg);        throw new IOException(msg);      }      //根据校验器调整读取的开始位置和结束位置      offset = (startOffset - (startOffset % bytesPerChecksum));      if (length >= 0) {        // Make sure endOffset points to end of a checksumed chunk.        long tmpLen = startOffset + length;        if (tmpLen % bytesPerChecksum != 0) {          tmpLen += (bytesPerChecksum - tmpLen % bytesPerChecksum);        }        if (tmpLen < endOffset) {          endOffset = tmpLen;        }      }      //根据待读取数据的开始位置定位到校验和的开始位置      if (offset > 0) {        long checksumSkip = (offset / bytesPerChecksum) * checksumSize;        // note blockInStream is  seeked when created below        if (checksumSkip > 0) {          // Should we use seek() for checksum file as well?          IOUtils.skipFully(checksumIn, checksumSkip);        }      }      seqno = 0;      //定位到待去读数据的开始位置      blockIn =, offset); // seek to offset    } catch (IOException ioe) {      IOUtils.closeStream(this);      IOUtils.closeStream(blockIn);      throw ioe;    }  }









  /*发送一个数据包*/  private int sendChunks(ByteBuffer pkt, int maxChunks, OutputStream out) throws IOException {    //计算数据包的长度    int len = Math.min((int) (endOffset - offset), bytesPerChecksum*maxChunks);    if (len == 0) {      return 0;    }    //计算这个数据包中应该包含有多少个校验数据块    int numChunks = (len + bytesPerChecksum - 1)/bytesPerChecksum;    int packetLen = len + numChunks*checksumSize + 4;    pkt.clear();        //数据包头部信息写入缓存    pkt.putInt(packetLen);    pkt.putLong(offset);    pkt.putLong(seqno);    pkt.put((byte)((offset + len >= endOffset) ? 1 : 0));    pkt.putInt(len);        int checksumOff = pkt.position();    int checksumLen = numChunks * checksumSize;    byte[] buf = pkt.array();        //数据对应的校验和信息写入缓存    if (checksumSize > 0 && checksumIn != null) {      try {        checksumIn.readFully(buf, checksumOff, checksumLen);      } catch (IOException e) {        LOG.warn(" Could not read or failed to veirfy checksum for data" + " at offset " + offset + " for block " + block + " got : " + StringUtils.stringifyException(e));        IOUtils.closeStream(checksumIn);        checksumIn = null;        if (corruptChecksumOk) {          if (checksumOff < checksumLen) {            // Just fill the array with zeros.            Arrays.fill(buf, checksumOff, checksumLen, (byte) 0);          }        } else {          throw e;        }      }    }        int dataOff = checksumOff + checksumLen;        if (blockInPosition < 0) {      //数据写入缓存      IOUtils.readFully(blockIn, buf, dataOff, len);      //对发送的数据验证校验和      if (verifyChecksum) {        int dOff = dataOff;        int cOff = checksumOff;        int dLeft = len;        for (int i=0; i<numChunks; i++) {          checksum.reset();          int dLen = Math.min(dLeft, bytesPerChecksum);          checksum.update(buf, dOff, dLen);          if (!, cOff)) {            throw new ChecksumException("Checksum failed at " + (offset + len - dLeft), len);          }          dLeft -= dLen;          dOff += dLen;          cOff += checksumSize;        }      }      //writing is done below (mainly to handle IOException)    }        try {      if (blockInPosition >= 0) {        //use transferTo(). Checks on out and blockIn are already done.         SocketOutputStream sockOut = (SocketOutputStream)out;        //发送缓存的数据包        sockOut.write(buf, 0, dataOff);        // no need to flush. since we know out is not a buffered stream.         sockOut.transferToFully(((FileInputStream)blockIn).getChannel(),  blockInPosition, len);        blockInPosition += len;      } else {        //发送缓存的数据包        out.write(buf, 0, dataOff + len);      }          } catch (IOException e) {      /* exception while writing to the client (well, with transferTo(),       * it could also be while reading from the local file).       */      throw ioeToSocketException(e);    }    if (throttler != null) { //调整发送速度      throttler.throttle(packetLen);    }    return len;  }  //向接收端发送数据  long sendBlock(DataOutputStream out, OutputStream baseStream, BlockTransferThrottler throttler) throws IOException {      if( out == null ) {      throw new IOException( "out stream is null" );    }        this.throttler = throttler;    long initialOffset = offset;    long totalRead = 0;    OutputStream streamForSendChunks = out;        try {      try {        checksum.writeHeader(out);//发送校验器信息        if ( chunkOffsetOK ) {          out.writeLong( offset );        }        out.flush();      } catch (IOException e) { //socket error        throw ioeToSocketException(e);      }            int maxChunksPerPacket;      int pktSize = DataNode.PKT_HEADER_LEN + SIZE_OF_INTEGER;            if (transferToAllowed && !verifyChecksum && baseStream instanceof SocketOutputStream && blockIn instanceof FileInputStream) {                FileChannel fileChannel = ((FileInputStream)blockIn).getChannel();                // blockInPosition also indicates sendChunks() uses transferTo.        blockInPosition = fileChannel.position();        streamForSendChunks = baseStream;                //计算一个数据包最多包含多少个数据校验快块        maxChunksPerPacket = (Math.max(BUFFER_SIZE, MIN_BUFFER_WITH_TRANSFERTO) + bytesPerChecksum - 1)/bytesPerChecksum;                //计算一个数据包的大小         pktSize += checksumSize * maxChunksPerPacket;      } else {        //计算一个数据包最多包含多少个数据检验块        maxChunksPerPacket = Math.max(1,(BUFFER_SIZE + bytesPerChecksum - 1)/bytesPerChecksum);        //计算一个数据包的大小        pktSize += (bytesPerChecksum + checksumSize) * maxChunksPerPacket;      }      ByteBuffer pktBuf = ByteBuffer.allocate(pktSize);      //一个一个数据包发送数据      while (endOffset > offset) {        long len = sendChunks(pktBuf, maxChunksPerPacket, streamForSendChunks);        offset += len;        totalRead += len + ((len + bytesPerChecksum - 1)/bytesPerChecksum* checksumSize);        seqno++;      }      try {        out.writeInt(0); //标记数据已发送完                out.flush();      } catch (IOException e) { //socket error        throw ioeToSocketException(e);      }    } finally {      if (clientTraceFmt != null) {, totalRead));      }      close();    }    blockReadFully = (initialOffset == 0 && offset >= blockLength);    return totalRead;  }
