
来源:互联网 发布:ncbi批量下载sra数据 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/17 00:20







private Block block; //待接受Block的基本信息  protected boolean finalized;  private DataInputStream in = null; //Block的数据读取流  private DataChecksum checksum; //Block数据的校验器  private OutputStream out = null; //Block数据的写入流(写入DataNode的本地磁盘)<pre name="code" class="java">private DataOutputStream checksumOut = null; //Block数据校验和写入流(写入DataNode的本地磁盘)  private int bytesPerChecksum;//数据校验块大小  private int checksumSize;//数据校验快对应的校验和大小  private ByteBuffer buf; //packet数据缓存块   private int bufRead; //缓存块中已读取的数据大小  private int maxPacketReadLen;  protected long offsetInBlock;//接受的packet在Block中的起始位置  protected final String inAddr;//发送端(DataNode/Client)的ip地址  protected final String myAddr;//当前接收端(DataNode)的ip地址  private String mirrorAddr;//下一个接收端(DataNode)的ip地址  private DataOutputStream mirrorOut;//向下一个接收端发送packet的写入流  private Daemon responder = null;//packet的响应器  private BlockTransferThrottler throttler;  private FSDataset.BlockWriteStreams streams;  private boolean isRecovery = false;  private String clientName;  DatanodeInfo srcDataNode = null;  private Checksum partialCrc = null;  private DataNode datanode = null; 



BlockReceiver(Block block, DataInputStream in, String inAddr,                  String myAddr, boolean isRecovery, String clientName,                   DatanodeInfo srcDataNode, DataNode datanode) throws IOException {      try{        this.block = block; = in;        this.inAddr = inAddr;        this.myAddr = myAddr;        this.isRecovery = isRecovery;        this.clientName = clientName;        this.offsetInBlock = 0;        this.srcDataNode = srcDataNode;        this.datanode = datanode;        this.checksum = DataChecksum.newDataChecksum(in);//从头部信息中创建数据校验器        this.bytesPerChecksum = checksum.getBytesPerChecksum();//数据校验块的大小        this.checksumSize = checksum.getChecksumSize();//数据校验块对应的校验和大小          //为即将接受的Block数据创建临时存储空间(创建Block的数据文件和校验和文件)        streams =, isRecovery);        this.finalized =;        if (streams != null) {          this.out = streams.dataOut;          this.checksumOut = new DataOutputStream(new BufferedOutputStream( streams.checksumOut, SMALL_BUFFER_SIZE));          if (datanode.blockScanner != null && isRecovery) {            datanode.blockScanner.deleteBlock(block);          }        }      } catch (BlockAlreadyExistsException bae) {        throw bae;      } catch(IOException ioe) {        IOUtils.closeStream(this);        cleanupBlock();        IOException cause = FSDataset.getCauseIfDiskError(ioe);        if (cause != null) { // possible disk error          ioe = cause;          datanode.checkDiskError(ioe); // may throw an exception here        }                throw ioe;      }    }  


void receiveBlock(DataOutputStream mirrOut, DataInputStream mirrIn, DataOutputStream replyOut, String mirrAddr,BlockTransferThrottler throttlerArg, int numTargets) throws IOException {          mirrorOut = mirrOut;//发往下一个DataNode节点的写入流        mirrorAddr = mirrAddr;        throttler = throttlerArg;        try {        // write data chunk header        if (!finalized) {          BlockMetadataHeader.writeHeader(checksumOut, checksum);        }        if (clientName.length() > 0) {          //创建packet响应器          responder = new Daemon(datanode.threadGroup,new PacketResponder(this, block, mirrIn,replyOut, numTargets));          responder.start(); // start thread to processes reponses        }          //不过的接受/发送packet        while (receivePacket() > 0) {}          //结束向下一个DataNode发送数据        if (mirrorOut != null) {          try {            mirrorOut.writeInt(0); // mark the end of the block            mirrorOut.flush();          } catch (IOException e) {            handleMirrorOutError(e);          }        }          //等待PacketResponder完成对所有packet的确认        if (responder != null) {          ((PacketResponder)responder.getRunnable()).close();        }          if (clientName.length() == 0) {          // close the block/crc files          close();            // Finalize the block. Does this fsync()?          block.setNumBytes(offsetInBlock);;;        }        } catch (IOException ioe) {"Exception in receiveBlock for block " + block +   " " + ioe);        IOUtils.closeStream(this);        if (responder != null) {          responder.interrupt();        }        cleanupBlock();        throw ioe;      } finally {        if (responder != null) {          try {            responder.join();          } catch (InterruptedException e) {            throw new IOException("Interrupted receiveBlock");          }          responder = null;        }      }    }  

3). 接受/发送一个packet

private int readToBuf(int toRead) throws IOException {      if (toRead < 0) {        toRead = (maxPacketReadLen > 0 ? maxPacketReadLen : buf.capacity()) - buf.limit();      }             //读取数据到buf中      int nRead =, buf.limit(), toRead);            if (nRead < 0) {        throw new EOFException("while trying to read " + toRead + " bytes");      }      bufRead = buf.limit() + nRead;      buf.limit(bufRead);      //返回本次读取数据的大小      return nRead;    }            /**    *读取一个完整的packet   */    private int readNextPacket() throws IOException {        //计算缓存快的大小,并申请对应的内存空间      if (buf == null) {        int chunkSize = bytesPerChecksum + checksumSize;        int chunksPerPacket = (datanode.writePacketSize - DataNode.PKT_HEADER_LEN - SIZE_OF_INTEGER + chunkSize - 1)/chunkSize;        buf = ByteBuffer.allocate(DataNode.PKT_HEADER_LEN + SIZE_OF_INTEGER + Math.max(chunksPerPacket, 1) * chunkSize);        buf.limit(0);      }            // See if there is data left in the buffer :      if (bufRead > buf.limit()) {        buf.limit(bufRead);      }            //不断的读取packet的数据到缓存      while (buf.remaining() < SIZE_OF_INTEGER) {        if (buf.position() > 0) {          shiftBufData();        }        readToBuf(-1);      }            /* We mostly have the full packet or at least enough for an int      */      buf.mark();      int payloadLen = buf.getInt();      buf.reset();            if (payloadLen == 0) {        //end of stream!        buf.limit(buf.position() + SIZE_OF_INTEGER);        return 0;      }            // check corrupt values for pktLen, 100MB upper limit should be ok?      if (payloadLen < 0 || payloadLen > (100*1024*1024)) {        throw new IOException("Incorrect value for packet payload : " +                              payloadLen);      }            int pktSize = payloadLen + DataNode.PKT_HEADER_LEN;            if (buf.remaining() < pktSize) {        //we need to read more data        int toRead = pktSize - buf.remaining();                // first make sure buf has enough space.                int spaceLeft = buf.capacity() - buf.limit();        if (toRead > spaceLeft && buf.position() > 0) {          shiftBufData();          spaceLeft = buf.capacity() - buf.limit();        }        if (toRead > spaceLeft) {          byte oldBuf[] = buf.array();          int toCopy = buf.limit();          buf = ByteBuffer.allocate(toCopy + toRead);          System.arraycopy(oldBuf, 0, buf.array(), 0, toCopy);          buf.limit(toCopy);        }                //now read:        while (toRead > 0) {          toRead -= readToBuf(toRead);        }      }            if (buf.remaining() > pktSize) {        buf.limit(buf.position() + pktSize);      }            if (pktSize > maxPacketReadLen) {        maxPacketReadLen = pktSize;      }            return payloadLen;    }        /**     * 接受一个packet,并保存到本地磁盘,同时发往下一个接收端    */    private int receivePacket() throws IOException {      //接受一个packet的数据      int payloadLen = readNextPacket();            if (payloadLen <= 0) {        return payloadLen;      }            buf.mark();      //读取packet的头部信息      buf.getInt(); // packet length      offsetInBlock = buf.getLong(); // get offset of packet in block      long seqno = buf.getLong();    // get seqno      boolean lastPacketInBlock = (buf.get() != 0);            int endOfHeader = buf.position();      buf.reset();      setBlockPosition(offsetInBlock);            //First write the packet to the mirror:      if (mirrorOut != null) {        try {          //将packet的头部信息发往下一个接收端          mirrorOut.write(buf.array(), buf.position(), buf.remaining());          mirrorOut.flush();        } catch (IOException e) {          handleMirrorOutError(e);        }      }        buf.position(endOfHeader);              int len = buf.getInt();//packet中数据长度        if (len < 0) {        throw new IOException("Got wrong length during writeBlock(" + block + ") from " + inAddr + " at offset " +  offsetInBlock + ": " + len);       }         if (len == 0) {        LOG.debug("Receiving empty packet for block " + block);      } else {        offsetInBlock += len;          //校验数据的长度        int checksumLen = ((len + bytesPerChecksum - 1)/bytesPerChecksum)* checksumSize;          if ( buf.remaining() != (checksumLen + len)) {          throw new IOException("Data remaining in packet does not match " + "sum of checksumLen and dataLen");        }                int checksumOff = buf.position();//校验数据在packet中的开始位置        int dataOff = checksumOff + checksumLen;//真正数据在packet中的开始位置        byte pktBuf[] = buf.array();          buf.position(buf.limit()); // move to the end of the data.          //验证数据       if (mirrorOut == null || clientName.length() == 0) {          verifyChunks(pktBuf, dataOff, len, pktBuf, checksumOff);        }          try {          if (!finalized) {            //将packet中的数据写入磁盘缓存中            out.write(pktBuf, dataOff, len);              // If this is a partial chunk, then verify that this is the only            // chunk in the packet. Calculate new crc for this chunk.            if (partialCrc != null) {              if (len > bytesPerChecksum) {                throw new IOException("Got wrong length during writeBlock(" + block + ") from " + inAddr + " " + "A packet can have only one partial chunk."+ " len = " + len + " bytesPerChecksum " + bytesPerChecksum);              }              partialCrc.update(pktBuf, dataOff, len);              byte[] buf = FSOutputSummer.convertToByteStream(partialCrc, checksumSize);              checksumOut.write(buf);              LOG.debug("Writing out partial crc for data len " + len);              partialCrc = null;            } else {              //将packet中的校验数据写入磁盘缓存              checksumOut.write(pktBuf, checksumOff, checksumLen);            }  ;          }        } catch (IOException iex) {          datanode.checkDiskError(iex);          throw iex;        }      }        //将packet的数据和校验数据flush到磁盘      flush();        //将该packet交给PacketResponder来确认     if (responder != null) {        ((PacketResponder)responder.getRunnable()).enqueue(seqno, lastPacketInBlock);       }            if (throttler != null) { // throttle I/O        throttler.throttle(payloadLen);      }            return payloadLen;    }  

4). 确认Packet

private LinkedList<Packet> ackQueue = new LinkedList<Packet>(); //待确认的packet队列  private volatile boolean running = true;  private Block block;  DataInputStream mirrorIn;   // 接受packet确认帧的网络读取流  DataOutputStream replyOut;  // 发送packet确认帧的网络写入流  private int numTargets;     // 一次接受packet确认帧的数量 
