java se web向需要的资料整理1

来源:互联网 发布:sql数据库安全性 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/07 10:38

首先,j2se 建议用editplus来写(因为本身不会很难)



(私有成员变量,private int age; public get()/set())

  继承:下面helloworld里的class C,Base,父节点,基(父)类


  EG:Father f = new Son();←class Son extends Father


基本类型:byte short int long float double boolean char

     .java文件命名规则 _$+英文开头

3.hello world(加强版)

interface B{// this is a interfacepublic void bbb();}class C{//// this is a BaseApublic void use(String s){if(s.equals("Hello world"))System.out.println("yeah,I'm java.Greeting to you");}}public class A extends C implements B{// We can use constructor to Say startpublic A(){System.out.print("This is a Start.");System.out.println("");}// We should implement bbb methodpublic void bbb(){this.use("Hello world");}public static void main(String args[]){new A().bbb();}}

3. new instance(很多名词基于英文讲比较实在,渣英文如有错误,请各位看官指出谢谢。。)

     As we all known,java is a object-oriented language.So if you want to use class,you should instantiate A()

     But this isn't which we want to do.If class A() has another A().ccc()??

     terrible...So the normal new instance is to give it a handle(a);

     eg: A a = new A(); a.bbb(); a.ccc();

     So main method is modified to:

 public static void main(String args[]){                //new instance                A a = new A();                a.bbb();            }



4.constructor method,override(overwriting and overloading,this and super)

  member method and constructor method's difference.

  member method has a return object.constructor not.

  member:If you want to use, you should handle.method

  constructor:new class(),it will start to run.


class A{    public A(){    System.out.println("This is constructor");    }    public void aa(){    System.out.println("This is Member method");    }    public static void main(String args[]){    new A();    System.out.println("=====================");    new A().aa();    }}



             baseClass B has method aa()

             extendClass A has method aa()

             we use aa() is Class A not Class B.(normal)


              Class A has two or more constructor,like aa(),aa(String s) etc.


 class BaseA{       public void AA(){           System.out.println("AA");       }   }   class A extends BaseA{       public A(){           System.out.println("overloading with no Parameter");       }       public A(String s){           System.out.println("overloading with String");       }       public void AAA(){           super.AA();           System.out.println("=================");           System.out.println("this is overwriting AAA");           this.AA();       }       public void AA(){           System.out.println("this is overwriting AA");       }       public static void main(String args[]){           new A();// overloading with no Parameter           System.out.println("===================");           new A("AA");// overloading with String           System.out.println("===================");           new A().AAA();           /* overloading with no Parameter            * AA            * =================            * this is overwriting AAA            * this is overwriting AA            */           System.out.println("===================");       }   }
