extjs 同步请求

来源:互联网 发布:东尧seo 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/27 23:07



/* global Ext *//* * ext-basex 3.5.1 * *********************************************************************************** * * Ext.lib.Ajax enhancements: * - adds EventManager Support to Ext.lib.Ajax (if Ext.util.Observable is present in the stack) * - adds Synchronous Ajax Support ( options.async =false ) * - Permits IE to Access Local File Systems using IE's older ActiveX interface via the forceActiveX property * - Pluggable Form encoder (encodeURIComponent is still the default encoder) * - Corrects the Content-Type Headers for posting JSON (application/json) and XML (text/xml) *   data payloads and sets only one value (per RFC) * - Adds fullStatus:{ isLocal, proxied, isOK, isError, isTimeout, isAbort, error, status, statusText} object *   to the existing Response Object. * - Adds standard HTTP Auth support to every request (XHR userId, password config options) * - options.method prevails over any method derived by the lib.Ajax stack (DELETE, PUT, HEAD etc). * - Adds named-Priority-Queuing for Ajax Requests * - adds Script=Tag support for foreign-domains (proxied:true) with configurable callbacks. * - Adds final features for $JIT support. * * - Adds Browser capabilities object reporting on presence of (SVG, Canvas, Flash, Cookies, XPath ) *    if(Ext.capabilities.hasFlash){ ... } * - Adds Ext.overload supported for parameter-based overloading of Function and class methods. * - Adds Ext.clone functions for any datatype. * - Adds Array prototype features: first, last, clone, forEach, atRandom, include, flatten, compact, unique, filter, map * - Connection/response object members : getAllResponseHeaders, getResponseHeader are now functions. * - Adds Array.slice support for other browsers (Gecko already supports it) *    @example:  Array.slice( someArray, 2 ) * - Adds Ext[isFunction, isObject, isDocument, isElement, isEvent]  methods. * - Adds Ext.isEventSupported('resize'[, forElement]) to determine if the browser supports a specific event. * - Adds multiPart Response handling (via onpart callbacks and/or parts Array of response Object) * - Adds parsed contentType to response objects * - Adds Xdomain request support for modern browsers * * *********************************************************************************** * Author: Doug Hendricks. doug[always-At]theactivegroup.com Copyright * 2007-2009, Active Group, Inc. All rights reserved. * *********************************************************************************** * * License: ext-basex is licensed under the terms of : GNU Open Source GPL 3.0  * * Commercial use is prohibited without a Developer License, see: * http://licensing.theactivegroup.com. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software * Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more * details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with * this program. If not, see < http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html>. * * Donations are welcomed: http://donate.theactivegroup.com * */ (function() {    var A = Ext.lib.Ajax,        defined = function(test){return typeof test != 'undefined';},        emptyFn = Ext.emptyFn || function(){},        OP = Object.prototype;    Ext.lib.Ajax.Queue = function(config) {        config = config ? (config.name ? config : { name : config }) : {};        Ext.apply(this, config, {            name : 'q-default',            priority : 5,            FIFO : true, // false implies LIFO            callback : null, // optional callback when queue is emptied            scope : null, // scope of callback            suspended : false,            progressive : false // if true, one queue item is dispatched per poll interval            });        this.requests = new Array();        this.pending = false;        // assert/resolve to 0-9        this.priority = this.priority > 9 ? 9 : (this.priority < 0 ? 0 : this.priority);    };    Ext.extend(Ext.lib.Ajax.Queue, Object, {       /**        * Adds Ext.lib.Ajax.request arguments to queue        * @param {Array} request An array of request method arguments.        *        */        add : function(req) {            var permit = A.events ? A.fireEvent('beforequeue', this, req) : true;            if (permit !== false) {                this.requests.push(req);                this.pending = true;                A.pendingRequests++;                this.manager && this.manager.start();            }        },       /**        * @property {Boolean} suspended Indicate the suspense state of the queue.        */        suspended : false,        /**         * @property {Object} activeRequest A reference to current/last active request.         */        activeRequest : null,       /**        * Selects the next item on the queue stack        * @param {Boolean} peek If true, the queue item is returned but not removed from the stack.        * @ default false        */        next : function(peek) {            var req = peek ?                this.requests[this.FIFO ? 'first' : 'last']()               :this.requests[this.FIFO ? 'shift' : 'pop']();            if (this.requests.length == 0) {                // queue emptied callback                this.pending = false;                Ext.isFunction(this.callback) && this.callback.call(this.scope || null, this);                A.events && A.fireEvent('queueempty', this);            }            return req || null;        },        /**        * clear the queue of any remaining (pending) requests        */        clear : function() {            this.suspend();            A.pendingRequests -= this.requests.length;            this.requests.length = 0;            this.pending = false;            this.resume();            this.next(); //force the empty callback/event        },        /**        * Suspend queue further queue dispatches of any remaining (pending) requests until the {@link #Ext.ux.ModuleManager-resume} method is called.        */        suspend : function() {            this.suspended = true;        },        /** Resume from a suspended state */        resume : function() {            this.suspended = false;        },        /**        * Dispatches the next queue item and initiates a Ext.lib.Ajax request on the result.        * @param {Boolean} peek If true, the queue item is returned but not removed from the stack.        * @return activeRequest        */        requestNext : function(peek) {            var req;            this.activeRequest = null;            if (!this.suspended && (req = this.next(peek))) {                if(req.active){  //was it aborted                    this.activeRequest = A.request.apply(A,req);                    A.pendingRequests--;                } else {                    return this.requestNext(peek);                }            }            return this.activeRequest;        }    });    Ext.lib.Ajax.QueueManager = function(config) {        Ext.apply(this, config || {}, {                    quantas : 10, // adjustable milliseconds deferred dispatch                                    // value                    priorityQueues : new Array(new Array(), new Array(),                            new Array(), new Array(), new Array(), new Array(),                            new Array(), new Array(), new Array(), new Array()), // iterable                                                                                    // array                                                                                    // (0-9)                                                                                    // of                                                                                    // prioritized                                                                                    // queues:                    queues : {}                });    };    Ext.extend(Ext.lib.Ajax.QueueManager, Object, {       /**        * @cfg {Integer} quantas Adjustable milliseconds deferred dispatch timer interval        */        quantas : 10,       /** Return a named queue reference        * param {String} name The name of the desired queue.        * @return Ext.lib.Ajax.Queue        */        getQueue : function(name) {            return this.queues[name];        },                createQueue : function(config) {            if (!config) {return null;}            var q = new A.Queue(config);            q.manager = this;            this.queues[q.name] = q;            var pqa = this.priorityQueues[q.priority];            pqa && pqa.indexOf(q.name) == -1 && pqa.push(q.name);            return q;        },       /** Remove a Queue by passed name or Queue Object reference        * @param {String/Ext.lib.Ajax.Queue} queue        */        removeQueue : function(q) {            if (q && (q = this.getQueue(q.name || q))) {                q.clear(); // purge any pending requests                this.priorityQueues[q.priority].remove(q.name);                delete this.queues[q.name];            }        },        /** @private */        start : function() {            if (!this.started) {                this.started = true;                this.dispatch();            }            return this;        },        /** Suspends all defined queues */        suspendAll : function() {            forEach(this.queues, function(Q) { Q.suspend(); });        },        /** Resumes all suspended queues */        resumeAll : function() {            forEach(this.queues, function(Q) { Q.resume();  });            this.start();        },        /**         * @cfg (Boolean) progressive Default Dispatch mode for all defined queues<p>         * a false value will exhaust a priority queue until empty during dispatch (sequential) <p>         * true to dispatch a single request from each priority queue until all queues exhausted.<p>This         * option may be set on the Queue itself as well.         * @default false         */        progressive : false,        stop : function() {            this.started = false;            return this;        },        /** private         * main Request dispatch loop. This keeps the maximum allowed number of         * requests going at any one time (based on defined queue priority and         * dispatch mode (see progressive).         */        dispatch   : function(){            var qm = this, qmq = qm.queues;            var quit=(A.activeRequests > A.maxConcurrentRequests);            while(A.pendingRequests && !quit){               var disp = function(qName) {                    var q = qmq[qName], AR;                    while (q && !q.suspended && q.pending && q.requestNext()) {                        quit || (quit = A.activeRequests > A.maxConcurrentRequests);                        if(quit)break;                        // progressive, take the first one off each queue only                        if (q.progressive || qm.progressive) { break;}                     }                     // keep going?                     if(quit)return false;                };                forEach(this.priorityQueues, function(pqueue) {                    // pqueue == array of queue names                    !!pqueue.length && forEach(pqueue , disp, this);                    quit || (quit = A.activeRequests > A.maxConcurrentRequests);                    if(quit)return false;                }, this);            }            if(A.pendingRequests || quit){                this.dispatch.defer(this.quantas, this);            } else{                this.stop();            }        }    });    Ext.apply(A, {        headers           : A.headers || {},        defaultPostHeader : A.defaultPostHeader || 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8',        defaultHeaders    : A.defaultHeaders || {},        useDefaultXhrHeader  : !!A.useDefaultXhrHeader,        defaultXhrHeader  : 'Ext.basex',                poll              : {},        pollInterval      : A.pollInterval || 50,        queueManager      : new A.QueueManager(),        // If true (or queue config object) ALL requests are queued        queueAll : false,        // the Current number of active Ajax requests.        activeRequests : 0,        // the Current number of pending Queued requests.        pendingRequests : 0,        /**         * @property maxConcurrentRequests         * Specify the maximum allowed during concurrent Queued browser (XHR) requests         * Note:   IE8 increases this limit to 6         */        maxConcurrentRequests : Ext.isIE ? Ext.value(window.maxConnectionsPerServer, 2) : 4,        /** set True as needed, to coerce IE to use older ActiveX interface         */        forceActiveX : false,        /**         *  Global default may be toggled at any time         */        async : true,        /** private */        createXhrObject : function(transactionId, options) {            var obj = {                status : {                    isError : false                },                                tId   : transactionId            },             ecode = null;                        options || (options = {});            try {                options.xdomain && window.XDomainRequest && (obj.conn =  new XDomainRequest());                                if (!defined(obj.conn) && window.ActiveXObject && !!Ext.value(options.forceActiveX, this.forceActiveX)) {                    throw ("IE7forceActiveX");                }                obj.conn || (obj.conn = new XMLHttpRequest());                            } catch (eo) {                var actX = window.ActiveXObject ?                    ( options.multiPart ? this.activeXMultipart : this.activeX ) : null ;                                    if(actX){                for (var i = 0, l = actX.length; i < l; i++) {                    try {                        obj.conn = new ActiveXObject(actX[i]);                        break;                    } catch (e) {ecode = (eo == "IE7forceActiveX"? e: eo);}                }                }            } finally {                obj.status.isError = !defined(obj.conn);                obj.status.error=  ecode;            }            return obj;        },                        createExceptionObject: function (tId, callbackArg, isAbort, isTimeout, errObj) {                      return {                tId        : tId,                status     : isAbort ? -1 : 0,                statusText : isAbort ? 'transaction aborted' : 'communication failure',                    isAbort: isAbort,                  isTimeout: isTimeout,                  argument : callbackArg            };        },          /* Replaceable Form encoder */        encoder : encodeURIComponent,        serializeForm : function(){             var reSelect = /select-(one|multiple)/i,                reInput = /file|undefined|reset|button/i,                reChecks = /radio|checkbox/i;                return function(form) {            var fElements = form.elements || (document.forms[form] || Ext.getDom(form)).elements,                        hasSubmit = false,                        encoder = this.encoder,                        element,                        options,                        name,                        val,                        data = '',                        type;            forEach(fElements, function(element) {                name = element.name;                type = element.type;                if (!element.disabled && name){                    if(reSelect.test(type)){                        forEach(element.options, function(opt) {                            if (opt.selected) {                                data += String.format("{0}={1}&",                                     encoder(name),                                     (opt.hasAttribute ? opt.hasAttribute('value') :                                            opt.getAttribute('value') !== null) ? opt.value : opt.text);                            }                        });                    } else if(!reInput.test(type)) {                        if(!(reChecks.test(type) && !element.checked) && !(type == 'submit' && hasSubmit)){                            data += encoder(name) + '=' + encoder(element.value) + '&';                            hasSubmit = /submit/i.test(type);                        }                    }                }            });            return data.substr(0, data.length - 1);            };        }(),        /** private */        getHttpStatus : function(reqObj) {            var statObj = {                status : 0,                statusText : '',                isError : false,                isLocal : false,                isOK : true,                error : null,                isAbort : false,                isTimeout : false            };            try {                if (!reqObj || !('status' in reqObj)) { throw ('noobj'); }                statObj.status = reqObj.status;                statObj.readyState = reqObj.readyState;                statObj.isLocal = (!reqObj.status && location.protocol == "file:")                        || (Ext.isSafari && !defined(reqObj.status));                statObj.isOK = (statObj.isLocal || (statObj.status == 304                        || statObj.status == 1223 || (statObj.status > 199 && statObj.status < 300)));                statObj.statusText = reqObj.statusText || '';            } catch (e) {            } // status may not avail/valid yet, called too early, or status not support by the transport            return statObj;        },        /**         * @private         */        handleTransactionResponse : function(o, callback, isAbort, isTimeout) {            callback = callback || {};            var responseObject = null;            o.isPart || A.activeRequests--;                        if (!o.status.isError) {                o.status = this.getHttpStatus(o.conn);                /*                 * create and enhance the response with proper status and XMLDOM                 * if necessary                 */                responseObject = this.createResponseObject(o, callback.argument, isAbort);            }            o.isPart || this.releaseObject(o);            /*             * checked again in case exception was raised - ActiveX was             * disabled during XML-DOM creation? And mixin everything the             * XHR object had to offer as well             */            o.status.isError && (responseObject = Ext.apply({}, responseObject || {},                        this.createExceptionObject(o.tId, callback.argument,                          (isAbort? isAbort: false), isTimeout, o.status.error)));            responseObject.options = o.options;            responseObject.fullStatus = o.status;            if (!this.events                    || this.fireEvent('status:' + o.status.status,                            o.status.status, o, responseObject, callback,                            isAbort) !== false) {                if (o.status.isOK && !o.status.isError) {                    if (!this.events                            || this.fireEvent('response', o, responseObject,                                    callback, isAbort, isTimeout) !== false) {                                                var cb = o.isPart? 'onpart':'success';                                                Ext.isFunction(callback[cb]) &&                             callback[cb].call(callback.scope || null,responseObject);                                            }                } else {                    if (!this.events                            || this.fireEvent('exception', o, responseObject,                                    callback, isAbort, isTimeout, responseObject.fullStatus.error) !== false) {                        Ext.isFunction(callback.failure) &&                            callback.failure.call(callback.scope || null, responseObject, responseObject.fullStatus.error);                                            }                }            }            return responseObject;         },        /**         * @private         * Release the allocated XHR object and reset any timers         */        releaseObject:function(o){            if(o && Ext.value(o.tId,-1)+1){            if(this.poll[o.tId]){                window.clearInterval(this.poll[o.tId]);                delete this.poll[o.tId];            }            if(this.timeout[o.tId]){                window.clearInterval(this.timeout[o.tId]);            delete this.timeout[o.tId];            }            }            o && (o.conn = null) ;        },        /**         *  replace with a custom JSON decoder/validator if required         */        decodeJSON : Ext.decode,        /**         * @cfg reCtypeJSON         * regexp test pattern applied to incoming response Content-Type header         * to identify a potential JSON response. The default pattern handles         * either text/json or application/json         */        reCtypeJSON : /(application|text)\/json/i,                /**         * @cfg reCtypeXML         * regexp test pattern applied to incoming response Content-Type header         * to identify a potential JSON response. The default pattern handles         * either text/json or application/json         */        reCtypeXML : /(application|text)\/xml/i,                 /** private */        createResponseObject : function(o, callbackArg, isAbort, isTimeout) {            var obj = {                responseXML : null,                responseText : '',                responseStream : null,                responseJSON : null,                contentType : null,                getResponseHeader : emptyFn,                getAllResponseHeaders : emptyFn            };            var headerObj = {}, headerStr = '';            if (isAbort !== true) {                try { // to catch bad encoding problems here                    obj.responseJSON = o.conn.responseJSON || null;                    obj.responseStream = o.conn.responseStream || null;                    obj.contentType = o.conn.contentType || null;                    obj.responseText = o.conn.responseText;                } catch (e) {                    o.status.isError = true;                    o.status.error = e;                }                try {                    obj.responseXML = o.conn.responseXML || null;                } catch (ex) {                }                try {                    headerStr = ('getAllResponseHeaders' in o.conn ? o.conn.getAllResponseHeaders() : null ) || '';                    var s;                    headerStr.split('\n').forEach( function(sHeader){                        (s = sHeader.split(':')) && s.first() &&                         (headerObj[s.first().trim().toLowerCase()] = (s.last()||'').trim());                    });                                } catch (ex1) {                    o.status.isError = true; // trigger future exception callback                    o.status.error = ex1;                }                finally{ obj.contentType = obj.contentType || headerObj['content-type'] || ''; }                if ((o.status.isLocal || o.proxied)                        && typeof obj.responseText == 'string') {                    o.status.isOK = !o.status.isError                            && ((o.status.status = (!!obj.responseText.length)                                    ? 200 : 404) == 200);                    if (o.status.isOK                            &&                              ( (!obj.responseXML && this.reCtypeXML.test(obj.contentType ))                             || (obj.responseXML && obj.responseXML.childNodes.length === 0) )                        ) {                        var xdoc = null;                        try { // ActiveX may be disabled                            if (window.ActiveXObject) {                                xdoc = new ActiveXObject("MSXML2.DOMDocument.3.0");                                xdoc.async = false;                                xdoc.loadXML(obj.responseText);                            } else {                                var domParser = null;                                try { // Opera 9 will fail parsing non-XML content, so trap here.                                    domParser = new DOMParser();                                    xdoc = domParser.parseFromString(obj.responseText,'application\/xml');                                } catch (exP) {                                } finally {                                    domParser = null;                                }                            }                        } catch (exd) {                            o.status.isError = true;                            o.status.error = exd;                        }                        obj.responseXML = xdoc;                    }                    if (obj.responseXML) {                        var parseBad = (obj.responseXML.documentElement && obj.responseXML.documentElement.nodeName == 'parsererror')                                || (obj.responseXML.parseError || 0) !== 0                                || obj.responseXML.childNodes.length === 0;                        parseBad ||                             (obj.contentType = headerObj['content-type'] = obj.responseXML.contentType || 'text\/xml');                    }                }                if (o.options.isJSON || (this.reCtypeJSON && this.reCtypeJSON.test(headerObj['content-type'] || ""))) {                    try {                        Ext.isObject(obj.responseJSON) ||                             (obj.responseJSON = Ext.isFunction( this.decodeJSON ) &&                                Ext.isString(obj.responseText)                                ? this.decodeJSON(obj.responseText)                                : null);                    } catch (exJSON) {                        o.status.isError = true; // trigger future exception callback                        o.status.error = exJSON;                    }                }            } // isAbort?            o.status.proxied = !!o.proxied;            Ext.apply(obj, {                        tId     : o.tId,                        status  : o.status.status,                        statusText : o.status.statusText,                        contentType : obj.contentType || headerObj['content-type'],                        getResponseHeader : function(header){return headerObj[(header||'').trim().toLowerCase()];},                        getAllResponseHeaders : function(){return headerStr;},                        fullStatus : o.status,                        isPart : o.isPart || false                    });                           o.parts && !o.isPart && (obj.parts = o.parts);            defined(callbackArg) && (obj.argument = callbackArg);            return obj;        },        setDefaultPostHeader : function(contentType) {            this.defaultPostHeader = contentType||'';        },        /**         * Toggle use of the DefaultXhrHeader ('Ext.basex')         */        setDefaultXhrHeader : function(bool) {            this.useDefaultXhrHeader = bool || false;        },        request : function(method, uri, cb, data, options) {            var O = options = Ext.apply({                        async : this.async || false,                        headers : false,                        userId : null,                        password : null,                        xmlData : null,                        jsonData : null,                        queue : null,                        proxied : false,                        multiPart : false,                        xdomain  : false                    }, options || {});            if (!this.events                    || this.fireEvent('request', method, uri, cb, data, O) !== false) {                // Named priority queues                if (!O.queued && (O.queue || (O.queue = this.queueAll || null)) ) {                    O.queue === true && (O.queue = {name:'q-default'});                    var oq = O.queue;                    var qname = oq.name || oq , qm = this.queueManager;                    var q = qm.getQueue(qname) || qm.createQueue(oq);                    O.queue = q;                    O.queued = true;                    var req = [method, uri, cb, data, O];                    req.active = true;                    q.add(req);                    return {                        tId : this.transactionId++,                        queued : true,                        request : req,                        options : O                    };                }                                options.onpart && (cb.onpart ||                  (cb.onpart = Ext.isFunction(options.onpart) ?                     options.onpart.createDelegate(options.scope): null));                                    O.headers && forEach(O.headers,                     function(value, key) { this.initHeader(key, value, false); },this);                var cType;                // The Content-Type specified on options.headers always has priority over                 // a calculated value.                if (cType = (this.headers ? this.headers['Content-Type'] || null : null)) {                    // remove to ensure only ONE is passed later.(per RFC)                    delete this.headers['Content-Type'];                }                if (O.xmlData) {                    cType || (cType = 'text/xml');                    method = 'POST';                    data = O.xmlData;                } else if (O.jsonData) {                    cType || (cType = 'application/json; charset=utf-8');                    method = 'POST';                    data = Ext.isObject(O.jsonData) ? Ext.encode(O.jsonData) : O.jsonData;                }                if (data) {                    cType || (cType = this.useDefaultHeader                                    ? this.defaultPostHeader                                    : null);                    cType && this.initHeader('Content-Type', cType, false);                }                // options.method prevails over any derived method.                return this.makeRequest(O.method || method, uri, cb, data, O);            }            return null;        },        /** private */        getConnectionObject : function(uri, options) {            var o, f;            var tId = this.transactionId;            options || (options = {});            try {                if (f = options.proxied) { /* JSONP scriptTag Support */                    o = {                        tId : tId,                        status : {isError : false},                        proxied : true,                        // synthesize an XHR object                        conn : {                            el : null,                            send : function() {                                var doc = (f.target || window).document,                                head = doc.getElementsByTagName("head")[0];                                if (head && this.el) {                                    head.appendChild(this.el.dom);                                }                            },                            abort : function() {                                this.readyState = 0;                            },                                                        getAllResponseHeaders : emptyFn,                            getResponseHeader : emptyFn,                            onreadystatechange : null,                            onload : null,                            readyState : 0,                            status : 0,                            responseText : null,                            responseXML : null,                            responseJSON : null                        },                        debug : f.debug,                        params : options.params || {},                        cbName : f.callbackName || 'basexCallback' + tId,                        cbParam : f.callbackParam || null                    };                    window[o.cbName] = o.cb = function(content, request) {                        content && typeof(content)=='object' && (this.responseJSON = content);                        this.responseText = content || null;                        this.readyState = 4;                        this.status = !!content ? 200 : 404;                                                Ext.isFunction(this.onreadystatechange) && this.onreadystatechange();                        window[o.cbName] = undefined;                        try {                            delete window[o.cbName];                        } catch (ex) {}                        o.debug || this.el.remove();                        this.el = null;                                                Ext.isFunction(this.onload) && this.onload();                                                                    }.createDelegate(o.conn, [o], true);                    o.conn.open = function() {                        if (o.cbParam) {                            o.params[o.cbParam] = o.cbName;                        }                        var params = Ext.urlEncode(o.params) || null;                        this.el = monitoredNode(f.tag || 'script', {                                    type : "text/javascript",                                    src : params ? uri                                            + (uri.indexOf("?") > -1                                                    ? "&"                                                    : "?") + params : uri,                                    charset : f.charset || options.charset                                            || null                                },                                null,                                f.target,                                 true); //defer head insertion until send method                                                        this.readyState = 1; // show CallInProgress                        Ext.isFunction(this.onreadystatechange) && this.onreadystatechange();                    };                    options.async = true; // force timeout support                                    } else {                    o = this.createXhrObject(tId, options);                }                if (o) {                    this.transactionId++;                }            } catch (ex3) {                 o && (o.status.isError = !!(o.status.error = ex3));            } finally {                return o;            }        },                /** private */        makeRequest : function(method, uri, callback, postData, options) {            var o;            if (o = this.getConnectionObject(uri, options)) {                o.options = options;                var r = o.conn;                                try {                    if(o.status.isError){ throw o.status.error };                                        A.activeRequests++;                    r.open(method.toUpperCase(), uri, options.async, options.userId, options.password);                                       ('onreadystatechange' in r) &&                         (r.onreadystatechange = this.onStateChange.createDelegate(this, [o, callback, 'readystate'], 0));                                        ('onload' in r) &&                        (r.onload = this.onStateChange.createDelegate(this, [o, callback, 'load', 4], 0));                                            ('onprogress' in r) &&                        (r.onprogress = this.onStateChange.createDelegate(this, [o, callback, 'progress'], 0));                                            //IE8/other? evolving timeout callback support                if(callback && callback.timeout){                        ('timeout' in r) && (r.timeout = callback.timeout);                        ('ontimeout' in r) &&                            (r.ontimeout = this.abort.createDelegate(this, [o, callback, true], 0));                        ('ontimeout' in r) ||                           // Timers for syncro calls won't work here, as it's a blocking call                           (options.async && (this.timeout[o.tId] = window.setInterval(                                function() {A.abort(o, callback, true);                            }, callback.timeout)));                    }                                        if (this.useDefaultXhrHeader && !options.xdomain) {                    this.defaultHeaders['X-Requested-With'] ||                        this.initHeader('X-Requested-With', this.defaultXhrHeader, true);                }                this.setHeaders(o);                                if (!this.events                            || this.fireEvent('beforesend', o, method, uri,                                    callback, postData, options) !== false) {                        r.send(postData || null);                    }                } catch (exr) {                    o.status.isError = true;                    o.status.error = exr;                }                if(o.status.isError ) {                    return Ext.apply(o, this.handleTransactionResponse(o, callback));                }                options.async || this.onStateChange(o, callback, 'load');                 return o;            }        },        abort : function(o, callback, isTimeout) {            if (o && o.queued && o.request) {                o.request.active = o.queued = false;                this.events && this.fireEvent('abort', o, callback);                return true;            } else if (o && this.isCallInProgress(o)) {                                if (!this.events || this.fireEvent(isTimeout ? 'timeout' : 'abort', o, callback)!== false){                Ext.isFunction(o.conn.abort) && o.conn.abort();                o.status.isAbort = !(o.status.isTimeout = isTimeout || false);                    this.handleTransactionResponse(o, callback, o.status.isAbort, isTimeout);                }                return true;            } else {                return false;            }        },                isCallInProgress : function(o) {            // if there is a connection and readyState is supported, and not 0 or 4            if( o && o.conn ){                if('readyState' in o.conn && {0:true,4:true}[o.conn.readyState]){                    return false;                }                return true;            }            return false;        },        /**         * Clears the Browser authentication Cache         * @param {String} url {optional) reset url for non-IE browsers         * @return void         */        clearAuthenticationCache : function(url) {            try {                if (Ext.isIE) {                    // IE clear HTTP Authentication, (but ALL realms though)                    document.execCommand("ClearAuthenticationCache");                } else {                    // create an xmlhttp object                    var xmlhttp;                    if (xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest()) {                        // prepare invalid credentials                        xmlhttp.open("GET", url || '/@@', true, "logout", "logout");                        // send the request to the server                        xmlhttp.send("");                        // abort the request                        xmlhttp.abort.defer(100, xmlhttp);                    }                }            } catch (e) {} // There was an error                   },        // private        initHeader : function(label, value) {            (this.headers = this.headers || {})[label] = value;        },                  /** @private          * General readyStateChange multiPart handler          */        onStateChange : function(o, callback, mode) {                        if(!o.conn){ return; }                        var C = o.conn, readyState = ('readyState' in C ? C.readyState : 0);            if(mode === 'load' || readyState > 2){                var ct;                try{ct = C.contentType || C.getResponseHeader('Content-Type') || '';}                catch(exRs){ }                                if(ct && /multipart\//i.test(ct)){                    var r = null, boundary = ct.split('"')[1], kb = '--' + boundary;                    o.multiPart = true;                    try{r = C.responseText;}catch(ers){}                                         var p = r ? r.split(kb) : null;                                            if(p){                         o.parts || (o.parts = []);                     p.shift();                     p.pop();                                         forEach(                            Array.slice(p, o.parts.length), //skip parts already parsed                       function(newPart){                        var content = newPart.split('\n\n');                        var H = (content[0] ? content[0] : '') + '\n';                        o.parts.push(this.handleTransactionResponse(                          Ext.apply(                                    Ext.clone(o),{                            boundary : boundary,                                conn : {  //synthetic conn structure for each part                                    status : 200,                                    responseText : (content[1]||'').trim(),                           getAllResponseHeaders : function(){                                        return H.split('\n').filter(                                            function(value){return !!value;}).join('\n');                                    }                                },                                isPart : true                          }), callback));                  },this);                    }                                    }            }            (readyState === 4 || mode === 'load') && A.handleTransactionResponse(o, callback);            this.events && this.fireEvent.apply(this, ['readystatechange'].concat(Array.slice(arguments, 0)));        },                setHeaders:function(o){            //Some XDomain implementations (IE8) do not support setting headers            if(o.conn && 'setRequestHeader' in o.conn){            this.defaultHeaders &&            forEach(this.defaultHeaders, function(value, key){ o.conn.setRequestHeader(key, value);});            this.headers &&            forEach(this.headers, function(value, key){o.conn.setRequestHeader(key, value);});            }            this.headers = {};            this.hasHeaders = false;        },        resetDefaultHeaders:function() {            delete this.defaultHeaders;            this.defaultHeaders = {};            this.hasDefaultHeaders = false;        },                //These are only current versions of ActiveX XHR that support multipart responses        activeXMultipart : [        'MSXML2.XMLHTTP.6.0',        'MSXML3.XMLHTTP'         ],                activeX:[        'MSXML2.XMLHTTP.3.0',        'MSXML2.XMLHTTP',        'Microsoft.XMLHTTP'        ]    });    /**     * private -- <script and link> tag support     */      var monitoredNode = function(tag, attributes, callback, context, deferred) {        attributes = Ext.apply({}, attributes || {});        context || (context = window);        var node = null, doc = context.document,            head = doc.getElementsByTagName("head")[0];        if (doc && head && (node = Ext.get(doc.createElement(tag)))) {            var ndom = Ext.getDom(node);                        ndom && forEach(attributes, function(value, attrib) {                value && (attrib in ndom) && ndom.setAttribute(attrib, value);            });            if (callback) {                var cb = (callback.success || callback).createDelegate(callback.scope || null, [callback], true);                Ext.capabilities.isEventSupported('load', tag) ? node.on("load", cb) : cb.defer(50);            }            deferred || head.appendChild(ndom);        }                return node;    };        if (Ext.util.Observable) {        Ext.apply(A, {            events : {                request : true,                beforesend : true,                response : true,                exception : true,                abort : true,                timeout : true,                readystatechange : true,                beforequeue : true,                queue : true,                queueempty : true            },            /**             * onStatus define eventListeners for a single (or array) of             * HTTP status codes.             */            onStatus : function(status, fn, scope, options) {                var args = Array.slice(arguments, 1);                status = new Array().concat(status || new Array());                forEach(status, function(statusCode) {                            statusCode = parseInt(statusCode, 10);                            if (!isNaN(statusCode)) {                                var ev = 'status:' + statusCode;                                this.events[ev] || (this.events[ev] = true);                                this.on.apply(this, [ev].concat(args));                            }                        }, this);            },                        /**             * unStatus unSet eventListeners for a single (or array) of             * HTTP status codes.             */            unStatus : function(status, fn, scope, options) {                var args = Array.slice(arguments, 1);                status = new Array().concat(status || new Array());                forEach(status, function(statusCode) {                            statusCode = parseInt(statusCode, 10);                            if (!isNaN(statusCode)) {                                var ev = 'status:' + statusCode;                                this.un.apply(this, [ev].concat(args));                            }                        }, this);            }        }, new Ext.util.Observable());        Ext.hasBasex = true;    }            // Array, object iteration and clone support    Ext.stopIteration = { stopIter : true };    Ext.applyIf(Array.prototype, {        /*         * Fix for IE, Opera < 9.5, which does not seem to include the map         * function on Array's         */        map : function(fun, scope) {            var len = this.length;            if (typeof fun != "function") {                throw new TypeError();            }            var res = new Array(len);            for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {                if (i in this) {                    res[i] = fun.call(scope || this, this[i], i, this);                }            }            return res;        },                /**         * Return true of the passed Function test true of ANY array elememt.         * (added for IE)         */        some  : function(fn){          var f= Ext.isFunction(fn) ? fn : function(){};          var i=0, l=this.length, test=false;          while(i<l && !(test=!!f(this[i++]))){}          return test;        },                /**         * Return true of the passed Function test true of ALL array elememts.         * (added for IE)         */        every  : function(fn){          var f= Ext.isFunction(fn) ? fn : function(){};          var i=0, l=this.length, test=true;          while(i<l && (test=!!f(this[i++]))){}          return test;        },        include : function(value, deep) { // Boolean: is value present                                            // in Array            // use native indexOf if available            if (!deep && typeof this.indexOf == 'function') {                return this.indexOf(value) != -1;            }            var found = false;            try {                this.forEach(function(item, index) {                    if (found = (deep                            ? (item.include                                    ? item.include(value, deep)                                    : (item === value))                            : item === value)) {                        throw Ext.stopIteration;                    }                });            } catch (exc) {                if (exc != Ext.stopIteration) {                    throw exc;                }            }            return found;        },        // Using iterFn, traverse the array, push the current element        // value onto the        // result if the iterFn returns true        filter : function(iterFn, scope) {            var a = new Array();            iterFn || (iterFn = function(value) {                return value;            });            this.forEach(function(value, index) {                iterFn.call(scope, value, index) && a.push(value);            });            return a;        },        compact : function(deep) { // Remove null, undefined array                                    // elements            var a = new Array();            this.forEach(function(v) {                (v === null || v === undefined) || a.push(deep && Ext.isArray(v) ? v.compact() : v);            }, this);            return a;        },        flatten : function() { // flatten: [1,2,3,[4,5,6]] ->                                // [1,2,3,4,5,6]            var a = new Array();            this.forEach(function(v) {                Ext.isArray(v) ? (a = a.concat(v)) : a.push(v);            }, this);            return a;        },                indexOf : function(o){       for (var i = 0, len = this.length; i < len; i++){           if(this[i] == o) return i;       }       return -1;    },                lastIndexOf : function(val){            var i= this.length-1;            while(i>-1 && this[i] != val){i--;}            return i;        },        unique : function(sorted /* sort optimization */, exact) { // unique:                                                                    // [1,3,3,4,4,5]                                                                    // ->                                                                    // [1,3,4,5]            var a = new Array();            this.forEach(function(value, index) {                if (0 == index                        || (sorted ? a.last() != value : !a.include(value, exact))) {                    a.push(value);                }            }, this);            return a;        },        // search array values based on regExpression pattern returning        // test (and optionally execute function(value,index) on test        // before returned)        grep : function(rePattern, iterFn, scope) {            var a = new Array();            iterFn || (iterFn = function(value) {                return value;            });            var fn = scope ? iterFn.createDelegate(scope) : iterFn;            if (typeof rePattern == 'string') {                rePattern = new RegExp(rePattern);            }            rePattern instanceof RegExp &&              this.forEach(function(value, index) {                rePattern.test(value) && a.push(fn(value, index));            });            return a;        },                first : function() {            return this[0];        },        last : function() {            return this[this.length - 1];        },        clear : function() {            this.length = 0;        },        // return an array element selected at random        atRandom : function(defValue) {            var r = Math.floor(Math.random() * this.length);            return this[r] || defValue;        },        clone : function(deep) {            if (!deep) {return this.concat();}            var length = this.length || 0, t = new Array(length);            while (length--) {                t[length] = Ext.clone(this[length], true);            }            return t;        },                 /*         * Array forEach Iteration based on previous work by: Dean Edwards         * (http://dean.edwards.name/weblog/2006/07/enum/) Gecko already         * supports forEach for Arrays : see         * http://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Core_JavaScript_1.5_Reference:Objects:Array:forEach         */        forEach : function( block, scope) {            Array.forEach(this, block, scope);        }                });    // globally resolve forEach enumeration    window.forEach = function(object, block, context, deep) {        context = context || object;        if (object) {            if (typeof block != "function") {                throw new TypeError();            }            var resolve = Object;            if (object instanceof Function) {                // functions have a "length" property                resolve = Function;                        } else if (object.forEach instanceof Function) {                // the object implements a custom forEach method so use that                return object.forEach(block, context);                           } else if (typeof object == "string") {                // the object is a string                resolve = String;                            } else if (Ext.isNumber(object.length)) {                // the object is array-like                resolve = Array;            }             return resolve.forEach(object, block, context, deep);        }    };     /**     *      * Primary clone Function     */    Ext.clone = function(obj, deep) {        if (obj === null || obj === undefined) {return obj;}                if (Ext.isFunction(obj.clone)) {             return obj.clone(deep);        }        else if(Ext.isFunction(obj.cloneNode)){            return obj.cloneNode(deep);        }        var o={};        forEach(obj, function(value, name, objAll){            o[name] = (value === objAll ? // reference to itself?                o : deep ? Ext.clone(value, true) : value);         }, obj, deep);        return o;    };       var slice = Array.prototype.slice;    var filter = Array.prototype.filter;    Ext.applyIf(Array,{        // Permits: Array.slice(arguments, 1); // mozilla already supports this        slice: function(obj) {            return slice.apply(obj, slice.call(arguments, 1));            },        //String filter iteration        filter: function(obj, fn){            var t = obj && typeof obj == 'string' ? obj.split('') : [];            return filter.call(t, fn);        },         /*         * Array forEach Iteration based on previous work by: Dean Edwards         * (http://dean.edwards.name/weblog/2006/07/enum/) Gecko already         * supports forEach for Arrays : see         * http://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Core_JavaScript_1.5_Reference:Objects:Array:forEach         */        forEach : function( collection, block, scope) {            if (typeof block != "function") {                throw new TypeError();            }            for (var i = 0, l = collection.length; i < l; i++) {                block.call(scope, collection[i], i, collection);            }          }    });        //Add clone function to primitive prototypes        Ext.applyIf(RegExp.prototype,{        clone : function() {            return new RegExp(this);        }            });    Ext.applyIf(Date.prototype, {        clone  : function(deep){            return deep? new Date(this.getTime()) : this ;        }    });    Ext.applyIf(Boolean.prototype, {        clone : function(){           return this == true;         }    });         Ext.applyIf(Number.prototype, {        times  : function(block, context){            var total = parseInt(this,10) || 0;            for (var i=1; i <= total; ){               block.call(context, i++);            }        },        forEach : function(){           this.times.apply(this, arguments);        },                clone : function(){           return (this)+ 0;         }    });    // character enumeration    Ext.applyIf(String.prototype, {                trim : function() {            var re = /^\s+|\s+$/g;            return function() {                return this.replace(re, "");            };        }(),                trimRight : function() {            var re = /^|\s+$/g;            return function() {                return this.replace(re, "");            };        }(),                trimLeft : function() {            var re = /^\s+|$/g;            return function() {                return this.replace(re, "");            };        }(),        clone : function() { return String(this)+''; },                forEach : function(block, context){            String.forEach(this, block,context);        }    });        var overload = function(pfn, fn ){           var f = typeof pfn == 'function' ? pfn : function(){};           var ov = f._ovl; //call signature hash           if(!ov){               ov = { base: f};               ov[f.length|| 0] = f;               f= function(){  //the proxy stub                  var o = arguments.callee._ovl;                  var fn = o[arguments.length] || o.base;                  //recursion safety                  return fn && fn != arguments.callee ? fn.apply(this,arguments): undefined;               };           }           var fnA = [].concat(fn);           for(var i=0,l=fnA.length; i<l; i++){             //ensures no duplicate call signatures, but last in rules!             ov[fnA[i].length] = fnA[i];           }           f._ovl= ov;           return f;       };        Ext.applyIf(Ext,{        overload : overload( overload,           [             function(fn){ return overload(null, fn);},             function(obj, mname, fn){                 return obj[mname] = overload(obj[mname],fn);}          ]),                  isIterable : function(obj){            //check for array or arguments            if( obj === null || obj === undefined )return false;             if(Ext.isArray(obj) || !!obj.callee || Ext.isNumber(obj.length) ) return true;                        return !!((/NodeList|HTMLCollection/i).test(OP.toString.call(obj)) || //check for node list type              //NodeList has an item and length property              //IXMLDOMNodeList has nextNode method, needs to be checked first.             obj.nextNode || obj.item || false);         },        isArray : function(obj){           return OP.toString.apply(obj) == '[object Array]';        },        isObject:function(obj){            return (obj !== null) && typeof obj == 'object';        },                isNumber: function(obj){            return typeof obj == 'number' && isFinite(obj);        },                isBoolean: function(obj){            return typeof obj == 'boolean';        },        isDocument : function(obj){            return OP.toString.apply(obj) == '[object HTMLDocument]' || (obj && obj.nodeType === 9);        },        isElement : function(obj){            return obj && Ext.type(obj)== 'element';        },        isEvent : function(obj){            return OP.toString.apply(obj) == '[object Event]' || (Ext.isObject(obj) && !Ext.type(obj.constructor) && (window.event && obj.clientX && obj.clientX === window.event.clientX));        },        isFunction: function(obj){            return OP.toString.apply(obj) == '[object Function]';        },        isString : function(obj){            return typeof obj == 'string';        },                isDefined: defined            });     /**      * @class Ext      * @singleton      * @constructor      * @description Ext Adapter extensions      */              /**     * @class Ext.capabilities     * @singleton     * @desc Describes Detected Browser capabilities.     */    Ext.capabilities = {            /**             * @property {Boolean} hasActiveX True if the Browser support (and is enabled) ActiveX.             */            hasActiveX : !!window.ActiveXObject,                        /**             * @property {Boolean} hasXDR True, if the Browser has Cross-Domain Ajax request capability.             */            hasXDR  : function(){                return (Ext.isIE && defined(window.XDomainRequest))                     || Ext.isSafari4                     || (Ext.isGecko && 'withCredentials' in new XMLHttpRequest()) ;            }(),                        /**             * @property {Boolean} hasFlash True if the Flash Browser plugin is installed.             */            hasFlash : (function(){                //Check for ActiveX first because some versions of IE support navigator.plugins, just not the same as other browsers                if(window.ActiveXObject){                    try{                        //try to create a flash instance                        new ActiveXObject("ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash");                        return true;                    }catch(e){};                    //If the try-catch fails, return false                    return false;                }else if(navigator.plugins){                    //Loop through all the plugins                    for(var i=0, length = navigator.plugins.length; i < length; i++){                        //test to see if any plugin names contain the word flash, if so it must support it - return true                        if((/flash/gi).test(navigator.plugins[i].name)){                            return true;                        }                    }                    //return false if no plugins match                    return false;                }                //Return false if ActiveX and nagivator.plugins are not supported                return false;                })(),                            /**             * @property {Boolean} hasCookies True if the browser cookies are enabled/supported.             */            hasCookies : !!navigator.cookieEnabled ,                        /**             * @property {Boolean} hasCanvas True if the browser has canvas Element support.             */            hasCanvas  : !!document.createElement("canvas").getContext,                        /**             * @property {Boolean} hasSVG True if the browser has SVG support.             */            hasSVG     : !!(document.createElementNS && document.createElementNS('http://www.w3.org/2000/svg', 'svg').width),                        /**             * @property {Boolean} hasXpath True if the browser has Xpath query support.             */            hasXpath   : !!document.evaluate,                        hasBasex   : true,                        /**         * Determine whether a specified DOMEvent is supported by a given HTMLElement or Object.         * @param {String} type The eventName (without the 'on' prefix)         * @param {HTMLElement/Object/String} testEl (optional) A specific HTMLElement/Object to test against, otherwise a tagName to test against.         * based on the passed eventName is used, or DIV as default.          * @return {Boolean} True if the passed object supports the named event.          */           isEventSupported : function(evName, testEl){            var TAGNAMES = {              'select':'input','change':'input',              'submit':'form','reset':'form',              'error':'img','load':'img','abort':'img'            },            //Cached results            cache = {},            //Get a tokenized string of the form nodeName:type            getKey = function(type, el){                                        var tEl = Ext.getDom(el);                                    return (tEl ?                           (Ext.isElement(tEl) || Ext.isDocument(tEl) ?                                tEl.nodeName.toLowerCase() :                                    el.self ? '#window' : el || '#object')                       : el || 'div') + ':' + type;            };            return function (evName, testEl) {                  var el, isSupported = false;                  var eventName = 'on' + evName;                  var tag = (testEl ? testEl : TAGNAMES[evName]) || 'div';              var key = getKey(evName, tag);                                if(key in cache){                //Use a previously cached result if available                return cache[key];              }                            el = Ext.isString(tag) ? document.createElement(tag): testEl;              isSupported = (!!el && (eventName in el));                            isSupported || (isSupported = window.Event && !!(String(evName).toUpperCase() in window.Event));                                if (!isSupported && el) {                el.setAttribute && el.setAttribute(eventName, 'return;');                isSupported = Ext.isFunction(el[eventName]);              }              //save the cached result for future tests              cache[key] = isSupported;              el = null;              return isSupported;            };        }()        };})(); // enumerate custom class properties (not prototypes unless protos==true) // usually only called by the global forEach function Ext.applyIf(Function.prototype, {   forEach : function( object, block, context, protos) {       if(object){        var key;         for (key in object) {            (!!protos || object.hasOwnProperty(key)) &&               block.call(context||object, object[key], key, object);        }      }    },    clone : function(deep){ return this;}  }); 



var conn = Ext.lib.Ajax.getConnectionObject().conn;
conn.open("GET", 'your url',false);
var conn = Ext.lib.Ajax.getConnectionObject().conn;
conn.open("POST", url, false);
data = conn.responseText;