第7题 倒置一个链表

来源:互联网 发布:php 删除cookie 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/21 19:38




#include<stdio.h>#include<malloc.h>#include<stdlib.h>#include<assert.h>struct node {int data;struct node* next;};// build the list {1,2,3,4} in the heap and store its head pointer in a local// stack variable.// Returns the head pointer to the callerstruct node* BuildOneTwoThreeFour();// there is a short and efficient recursive solution to this problem.void RecursiveReverse(struct node** headRef);// print the element in the linked list in ordervoid PrintLinkedList(struct node* head);struct node* BuildOneTwoThreeFour() {struct node* head = NULL;struct node* second = NULL;struct node* third = NULL;struct node* forth = NULL;head = malloc(sizeof(struct node));second = malloc(sizeof(struct node));third = malloc(sizeof(struct node));forth = malloc(sizeof(struct node));head->data = 1;head->next = second;second->data = 2;second->next = third;third->data = 3;third->next = forth;forth->data = 4;forth->next = NULL;return head;}void RecursiveReverse(struct node** headRef) {struct node* first;struct node* rest;if(*headRef == NULL) return;first = *headRef;rest = first->next;if(rest == NULL) return;RecursiveReverse(&rest);first->next->next = first;first->next = NULL;*headRef = rest;}void PrintLinkedList(struct node* head) {while(head != NULL) {printf("%d ", head->data);head = head->next;}printf("\n");}int main() {struct node* head = BuildOneTwoThreeFour();PrintLinkedList(head);RecursiveReverse(&head);PrintLinkedList(head);}



关于链表其实有非常多的面试题,这个倒置链表只是其中非常常见的例子,我近期会更新一些关于链表的文章,主要参考了stanford cs library的资料,对链表做出详尽的分析。
