
来源:互联网 发布:葫芦娃桌面软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/22 10:32
  所属类:CString ,CBookMark,CBaseAllocator
  This method retrieves a pointer to the internal character buffer for the CString object. The returned LPTSTR is not const and thus allows direct modification of CString contents.
  If nMinBufLength is greate than the length of the current buffer, the call to GetBuffer will destroy the current buffer. Replace it with a buffer of the requested size, and reset the reference count to zero. If you have previously called LockBuffer on this buffer, you will lose the lock on the buffer.
  这个函数是为一个CString对象重新获取其内部字符缓冲区的指针,返回的LPTSTR为非const的,从而允许直接修改CString中的内容!如果nMinBufLength 比当前buffer大,那么就调用ReleaseBuffer函数去释放当前的Buffer,用一个被请求的大小去覆盖这个buffer,重新设定计数器为0,如果在这之前你在这个buffer中调用了LockBuffer,那么你将失去你当前锁定的buffer
  If you use the pointer returned by GetBuffer to change the string contents, you must call ReleaseBuffer before using any other CString methods. 
  The address returned by GetBuffer may not be valid after the call to ReleaseBuffer since additional CString operations may cause the CString buffer to be reallocated. The buffer will not be reallocated if you do not change the length of the CString.
  The buffer memory will be freed automatically when the CString object is destroyed. 
  Note that, if you keep track of the string length yourself, you should not append the terminating null character. You must, however, specify the final string length when you release the buffer with ReleaseBuffer. If you do append a terminating null character, you should pass –1 for the length to ReleaseBuffer, which will perform a _tcslen on the buffer to determine its length.
  注意这个: 如果你知道了这个字符串的长度,你不可以直接添加NULL字符了事,当你使用ReleaseBuffer的时候你无论如何详细说明字符串的结束位置,如果你仅仅添加了一个NULL字符结束符给这个字符串,你应该给ReleaseBuffer传递一个-1 当这个函数结束的时候_tcslen 将决定这个buffer的长度
  // example for CString::GetBuffer
  CString s( "abcd" );//定义一个CString s并且初始化为abcd
  #ifdef _DEBUG
  afxDump << "CString s " << s << "/n";


       //定义一个指针指向LPTSTR并接受GetBuffer所返回的地址    LPTSTR p = s.GetBuffer( 10 );

       // directly access CString buffer//使用Istrcpy将Hello]复制到该buffer中
  lstrcpy( p, _T("Hello") );
  s.ReleaseBuffer( );//释放buffer
  #ifdef _DEBUG
  afxDump << "CString s " << s << "/n";这时候s="Hello";
  GetBuffer(int size)是用来返回一个你所指定大小可写内存的成员方法。它和被重载的操作符LPCTSTR还是有点本质区别的,LPCTSTR是直接返回一个只读内存的指针,而GetBuffer则是返回一个可以供调用者写入的内存,并且,你可以给定大小。下面是个简单的,但也是非常典型的例子:
  int readFile(CString& str, const CString& strPathName)
  FILE* fp = fopen(strPathName, "r"); // 打开文件
  fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_END);
  int nLen = ftell(fp); // 获得文件长度
  fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_SET); // 重置读指针
  char* psz = str.GetBuffer(nLen);
  fread(psz, sizeof(char), nLen, fp); //读文件内容
  str.ReleaseBuffer(); //千万不能缺少
