
来源:互联网 发布:济南seo外包 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/28 17:25





第一个例子,一个命令解析程序,根据用户输入的命令,或者显示图像,或者显示颜色,或者显示文件, 或者直接显示用户输入的不可识别的命令。



我们需要一个链表来处理这个用户输入的命令:Command--->Image File--->Color Name--->File Name--->General


using System;namespace Chain{public abstract class Chain{//describes how all chains workprivate bool hasLink;protected Chain chn;public Chain(){hasLink = false;}//you must implement this in derived classespublic abstract void sendToChain(string mesg);//-----public void addToChain(Chain c) {//add new element to chainchn = c;hasLink = true;//flag existence}//-----public Chain getChain() {return chn;//get the chain link}//-----public bool hasChain() {return hasLink;//true if linked to another}//-----protected void sendChain(string mesg) {//send message on down the chainif(chn != null)chn.sendToChain (mesg);}}}


using System;using System.Windows.Forms;using System.Drawing ;using CsharpPats;namespace Chain{/// <summary>/// Summary description for ImageChain./// </summary>public class ImageChain :Chain {PictureBox picBox;//image goes here//-----public ImageChain(PictureBox pc) {picBox = pc;//save reference}//-----public override void sendToChain(string mesg) {//put image in picture boxstring fname = mesg + ".jpg";//assume jpg filenamecsFile fl = new csFile(fname);if(fl.exists()) picBox.Image = new Bitmap(fname);else{if (hasChain()){//send off down chainchn.sendToChain(mesg);}}}}}


using System;using System.Collections ;using System.Drawing ;using System.Windows.Forms ;namespace Chain{/// <summary>/// receives color names in chain/// </summary>public class ColorChain : Chain {private Hashtable colHash;//color list kept hereprivate Panel panel;//color goes here//-----public ColorChain(Panel pnl) {panel = pnl;//save reference//create Hash table to correlate color names//with actual Color objectscolHash = new Hashtable ();colHash.Add ("red", Color.Red);colHash.Add ("green", Color.Green);colHash.Add ("blue", Color.Blue);}//-----public override void sendToChain(string mesg) {mesg = mesg.ToLower ();try {Color c = (Color)colHash[mesg];//if this is a color, put it in the panelpanel.BackColor =c;}catch (NullReferenceException e) {//send on if this doesn't worksendChain(mesg);}}}}


using System;using System.Windows.Forms ;using System.IO ;using System.IO.IsolatedStorage ;using CsharpPats;namespace Chain {/// <summary>/// Summary description for FileChain./// </summary>public class FileChain : Chain {ListBox flist;public FileChain(ListBox lb){flist = lb;}//-----public override void sendToChain( string mesg) {//if the string matches any part of a filename//put those filenames in the file list boxstring[] files;string fname = mesg + "*.*";files = Directory.GetFiles(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), fname);//add them all to the listboxif (files.Length > 0){for (int i = 0; i< files.Length; i++) {csFile vbf = new csFile(files[i]);flist.Items.Add(vbf.getRootName());}}else {if ( hasChain()) {chn.sendToChain(mesg);}}}}}


using System;using System.Windows.Forms;namespace Chain{/// <summary>/// handles command that is not otherwise legal/// </summary>public class NoCmd :Chain {private ListBox lsNocmd;//commands go here//-----public NoCmd(ListBox lb) {lsNocmd = lb;//copy reference}//-----public override void sendToChain(string mesg) {//adds unknown commands to list boxlsNocmd.Items.Add (mesg);}}}


private System.ComponentModel.Container components = null;private Chain chn;public Form1(){InitializeComponent();init();}private void init() {//set up chainsColorChain clrChain = new ColorChain(pnlColor);FileChain flChain = new FileChain(lsFiles);NoCmd noChain = new NoCmd(lsNocmd);//create chain linkschn = new ImageChain(picImage);chn.addToChain(clrChain);clrChain.addToChain(flChain);flChain.addToChain(noChain);}

private void btSend_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) {chn.sendToChain (txCommand.Text );}







using System;using System.Windows.Forms;namespace HelpChain{public abstract class Chain{//describes how all chains workprivate bool hasLink;protected Control control;protected Chain chn;protected string message;public Chain(Control c, string mesg){hasLink = false;control = c;//save the controlmessage = mesg;}public abstract void sendToChain();//-----public void addToChain(Chain c) {//add new element to chainchn = c;hasLink = true;//flag existence}//-----public Chain getChain() {return chn;//get the chain link}//-----public bool hasChain() {return hasLink;//true if linked to another}//-----protected void sendChain() {//send message on down the chainif(chn != null)chn.sendToChain ();}}}

using System;using System.Windows.Forms;namespace HelpChain{/// <summary>/// Summary description for ControlChain./// </summary>public class ControlChain:Chain {public ControlChain(Control c, string mesg):base(c, mesg){}public override void sendToChain() {//if it has the focus display the messageif (control.Focused ) {MessageBox.Show (message);}else//otherweise pass on down the chainsendChain();}}}

using System;using System.Windows.Forms;namespace HelpChain{/// <summary>/// Summary description for EndChain./// </summary>public class EndChain:Chain {public EndChain(Control c, string mesg):base(c, mesg){}public override void sendToChain() {MessageBox.Show (message);}}}


private System.ComponentModel.Container components = null;private Chain chn;public Form1(){InitializeComponent();init();}private void init() {chn = new ControlChain(btNew, "Create new files");Chain fl =new ControlChain (btFile, "Select a file");chn.addToChain (fl);Chain bq = new ControlChain (btQuit, "Exit from program");fl.addToChain (bq);Chain cb =new ControlChain (ckBinary, "Use binary files");bq.addToChain (cb);Chain ct =  new ControlChain (ckText, "Use text files");cb.addToChain (ct);Chain ce = new EndChain (this, "General message");ct.addToChain (ce);KeyEventHandler keyev =  new KeyEventHandler(Form1_KeyDown);btNew.KeyDown += keyev;btFile.KeyDown += keyev;btQuit.KeyDown += keyev;ckBinary.KeyDown += keyev;ckText.KeyDown += keyev;}

private void Form1_KeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e) {if(e.KeyCode  == Keys.F1 )chn.sendToChain ();}


