
来源:互联网 发布:剑网3天策捏脸数据 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/30 15:35


#define N 6int f[3][N+1];//f[i,j]表示从起点到站[i,j]的最快时间,int l[3][N+1];//l[i,j]为装配线编号,其站j-1被通过[i,j]的最快路线使用static int lbest,fbest;//装配线lbest的站N被最快路线所使用,fbest为所求最快时间void fastest_way(int a[3][N+1],int t[3][N],int *e,int *x){    int j;    f[1][1]=e[1]+a[1][1];    f[2][1]=e[2]+a[2][1];    for(j=2;j<=N;++j)    {        if(f[1][j-1]+a[1][j]<=f[2][j-1]+t[2][j-1]+a[1][j])        {            f[1][j]=f[1][j-1]+a[1][j];            l[1][j]=1;        }        else        {            f[1][j]=f[2][j-1]+t[2][j-1]+a[1][j];            l[1][j]=2;        }         if(f[2][j-1]+a[2][j]<=f[1][j-1]+t[1][j-1]+a[2][j])        {            f[2][j]=f[2][j-1]+a[2][j];            l[2][j]=2;        }        else        {            f[2][j]=f[1][j-1]+t[1][j-1]+a[2][j];            l[2][j]=1;        }    }    if(f[1][N]+x[1]<=f[2][N]+x[2])    {        fbest=f[1][N]+x[1];        lbest=1;    }    else    {        fbest=f[2][N]+x[2];        lbest=2;    }}    //构造通过工厂的最快路线void print_station()//站号递减的顺序输出装配站{    int i=lbest;    cout<<"line "<<i<<",statioN "<<N<<endl;    for(int j=N;j>=2;--j)    {        i=l[i][j];        cout<<"line "<<i<<",station "<<j-1<<endl;    }}int main(){    int a[3][7]={{},{0,7,9,3,4,8,4},{0,8,5,6,4,5,7}};    int e[3]={0,2,4};    int t[3][6]={{},{0,2,3,1,3,4},{0,2,1,2,2,1}};    int x[3]={0,3,2};    fastest_way(a,t,e,x);    for(int i=1;i<=6;++i)        cout<<f[1][i]<<" "<<f[2][i]<<" ";    cout<<endl;    for(int j=2;j<=6;++j)        cout<<l[1][j]<<" "<<l[2][j]<<" ";    cout<<endl;    print_station();    return 0;}


#define N 6#define inf 65535int m[N+1][N+1];//m[i][j]为计算矩阵Ai..Aj所需标量乘法次数最小值int s[N+1][N+1];//s[i][j]为使m[i][j]=m[i][k]+m[k+1][j]+p[i-1]p[k]p[j]的k值void matrix_chain_order(int *p){    int i,j;    for(i=1;i<=N;++i)        m[i][i]=0;    for(int l=2;l<=N;++l)    {        for(i=1;i<=N-l+1;++i)        {            j=i+l-1;            m[i][j]=inf;            for(int k=i;k<=j-1;++k)            {                int q=m[i][k]+m[k+1][j]+p[i-1]*p[k]*p[j];                if(q<m[i][j])                {                    m[i][j]=q;                    s[i][j]=k;                }            }        }    }}//输出最优解void print_optimal_parens(int i,int j){    if(i==j)        cout<<"A"<<i;    else    {        cout<<"(";        print_optimal_parens(i,s[i][j]);        print_optimal_parens(s[i][j]+1,j);        cout<<")";    }}int main(){    int p[]={30,35,15,5,10,20,25};    matrix_chain_order(p);    for(int i=1;i<=5;++i)        for(int j=6;j>=2;--j)            cout<<m[i][j]<<" ";    cout<<endl;    print_optimal_parens(1,6);    cout<<endl;    return 0;}


#define M 7#define N 6int c[M+1][N+1];//c[i][j]为序列<x1,x2..xi>和<y1,y2..yi>的LCS,当i=0或j=0时为0;void LCS_length(char *x,char *y){    int i,j;    for(i=1;i<=M;++i)        c[i][0]=0;    for(j=0;j<=N;++j)        c[0][j]=0;    for(i=1;i<=M;++i)        for(j=1;j<=N;++j)        {            if(x[i]==y[j])                c[i][j]=c[i-1][j-1]+1;            else if(c[i-1][j]>=c[i][j-1])                c[i][j]=c[i-1][j];            else                c[i][j]=c[i][j-1];        }}//构造一个LCSvoid print_LCS(char *x,char *y,int i,int j){    if(i==0 || j==0)        return;    if(x[i]==y[j])    {        print_LCS(x,y,i-1,j-1);        cout<<x[i]<<" ";    }    else if(c[i-1][j]>=c[i][j-1])        print_LCS(x,y,i-1,j);    else         print_LCS(x,y,i,j-1);}int main(){    char x[8]={'\0','A','B','C','B','D','A','B'};    char y[7]={'\0','B','D','C','A','B','A'};    LCS_length(x,y);    print_LCS(x,y,7,6);    cout<<endl<<c[7][6]<<endl;    return 0;}


(1)    ai<L1,那么L1=ai
(2)    ai>=Lm,那么Lm+1=ai,m=m+1 (其中m是当前见到的最大的L下标)
(3)    Ls<=ai<Ls+1,那么Ls+1=ai

int find(int *a,int len,int n)//修改后的二分查找,若返回值为 x,则 a[x]>=n{int left=0,right=len,mid=(left+right)/2;while(left<=right){if(n>a[mid]) left=mid+1;else if(n<a[mid]) right=mid-1;else return mid;mid=(left+right)/2;}return left;}int main(){int n,a[100],c[100],i,j,len;//新开一变量 len,用来储存每次循环结束后 c 中已经求出值的元素的最大下标while(cin>>n){for(i=0;i<n;i++)cin>>a[i];c[0]=-1;c[1]=a[0];len=1;//此时只有 c[1]求出来,最长递增子序列的长度为 1.for(i=1;i<n;i++){j=find(c,len,a[i]);c[j]=a[i];if(j>len)//要更新 len,另外补充一点:由二分查找可知 j 只可能比 len 大 1len=j;//更新 len}cout<<len<<endl;}return 0;}


#define N 6#define inf 65535float e[N+1][N+1];//e[i][j]为搜索一棵包含关键字ki...kj的最优二叉查找树的期望代价float w[N+1][N+1];//w[i][j]表示一棵树成为一个结点的子树时,子树每个结点深度增加1所带来的搜索代价int root[N][N];//root[i][j]是包含关键字ki...kj的一棵最优二叉查找树的根void optimal_bst(float *p,float *q){    int i,j,l,r;    float t;    for(i=1;i<=N;++i)    {        e[i][i-1]=q[i-1];        w[i][i-1]=q[i-1];    }    for(l=1;l<=N-1;++l)    {        for(i=1;i<=N-l;++i)        {            j=i+l-1;            e[i][j]=inf;            w[i][j]=w[i][j-1]+p[j]+q[j];            for(r=i;r<=j;++r)            {                t=e[i][r-1]+e[r+1][j]+w[i][j];                if(t<e[i][j])                {                    e[i][j]=t;                    root[i][j]=r;                }            }        }    }}//输出结果void construct_optimal_bst(int i,int j){    if(i==1 && j==N-1)        cout<<"k"<<root[i][j]<<" is root"<<endl;    if(i<j)    {        cout<<"k"<<root[i][root[i][j]-1]<<" is leftchild of "<<"k"<<root[i][j]<<endl;        construct_optimal_bst(i,root[i][j]-1);        if(root[i][j]!=j)        cout<<"k"<<root[root[i][j]+1][j]<<" is rightchild of "<<"k"<<root[i][j]<<endl;        construct_optimal_bst(root[i][j]+1,j);    }    if(i==j)    {        cout<<"d"<<i-1<<" is leftchild of "<<"k"<<i<<endl;        cout<<"d"<<i<<" is rightchild of "<<"k"<<i<<endl;    }    if(i>j)        cout<<"d"<<j<<" is rightchild of "<<"k"<<j<<endl;}int main(){    float p[6]={0,0.15,0.1,0.05,0.1,0.2};    float q[6]={0.05,0.1,0.05,0.05,0.05,0.1};    optimal_bst(p,q);    construct_optimal_bst(1,5);    return 0;}

Knuth has shown that there are always roots of optimal 
subtrees such that root[i,j-1]<=root[i,j]<=root[i+1,j] f all 
1<=i<=n. Use this fact to modify the OPTIMAL-BST procedure to run 
in Θ(n^2) time.


  First prove this fact. Consider the optimal BST T[i+1,j] which has 
nodes i+1 to j. Inserting a i node to T(i.e. i as i+1""s left child, 
proper adjustment to dummy nodes) makes also a legal BST T""[i,j]. 
If i+1""s height is h, adding a i node leads to an increase of search 
cost by (h+1)*p[i]+(h+2)*q[i-1]+q[i]. When constructing the optimal BST 
T[i,j], if root[i,j] > root[i+1,j], then root[i+1,j](in T[i,j]) must 
appear in the root[i,j]""s left subtree. Since i+1""s depth, with 
respective to root[i+1,j] in T[i,j] is identical to that in T[i+1,j]. 
The actual i""s depth, i.e. with respective to T[i,j]""s root, root[i,j], 
is thus larger. But, we have another optimal tree T[i,j], which as a 
less increasing cost when ing node i. Thus, T[i+1,j] plus node i-1 
can make a better tree, which contradicts T[i,j]""s optimism. Therefe, 
root[i,j]<=root[i+1,j]. Similarly, root[i,j-1]<=root[i,j].

  Thus, we can modify the fmula to e[i,j] = 
min{root[i,j-1]<=r<=root[i+1,j],e[i,r-1]+e[r+1,j]+w(i,j)}. Then 
we""re to prove that the calculating of this fmula, using dynamic 
programming, takes Θ(n^2) time. we call the group of states e[i,j] with 
the fixed j-i (=k) the level-k group(obviously there""re n-k nodes in the 
group). the calculation of e[i,j] takes root[i+1,j]-root[i,j-1]+1 
iterations. thus, f all level-k group states, their calculations takes 
root[k,1]-root[1,k]+n-k iterations in all. Since 
1<=root[k,1],root[1,k]<=n, the number of iterations is thus Θ(n). 
And the k varies 0 to n-1. Thus the overall complexity is Θ(n)*n = 
Θ(n^2). This is a common trick to optimize a Θ(n^3) dp algithm f 
some kind of problems into a Θ(n^2) one.