
来源:互联网 发布:淘宝妞妞药妆店 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/20 08:42




int Main (){      U8 key;      U32 mpll_val = 0;       Port_Init(); //端口初始化       key = 14;     //这5行是关于cpu频率的设置,可以看另一篇文章:      mpll_val = (92<<12)|(1<<4)|(1);      ChangeMPllValue((mpll_val>>12)&0xff, (mpll_val>>4)&0x3f, mpll_val&3);      ChangeClockDivider(key, 12);      cal_cpu_bus_clk();      //这一段代码,选择了串口波特率为 115200。      consoleNum = 0; //  s3c2440有三个UART,这里选择UART0      Uart_Init( 0,115200 ); //初始化UART      Uart_Select( consoleNum ); //选择UART0      Uart_Printf(" TQ2440 Test Program\n"); //打印字符串,一般就是用这个函数来打印一些信息      return 0;}
下面这一大堆函数就是2440lib.c文件中关于UART 的所有函数,当然我们一般只用到其中小部分,我尽量都分析一下
//***************************[ UART ]******************************static int whichUart=0;void Uart_Init(int pclk,int baud){    int i;    if(pclk == 0)    pclk = PCLK; //如果参数为0,就用系统的PCLK,这个PCLK就APH设备所有的时钟频率,APH设备是指那些比较低速的外围设备
     rUFCON0 = 0x0;   //UART channel 0 FIFO control register, FIFO disable     rUFCON1 = 0x0;   //UART channel 1 FIFO control register, FIFO disable    rUFCON2 = 0x0;   //UART channel 2 FIFO control register, FIFO disable    rUMCON0 = 0x0;   //UART chaneel 0 MODEM control register, AFC disable    rUMCON1 = 0x0;   //UART chaneel 1 MODEM control register, AFC disable
    //UART0               这个三个串口的配置都是一样的    rULCON0 = 0x3;   //Line control register : Normal,No parity,1 stop,8 bits//配置功能列表 // [10]       [9]    [8]     [7]        [6]     [5]         [4]    [3:2]        [1:0]// Clock Sel,Tx Int,Rx Int,Rx Time Out,Rx err,Loop-back,Send break,Transmit Mode,Receive Mode//     0        1      0    ,   0         1       0           0     , 01          01//   PCLK     Level  Pulse    Disable  Generate  Normal     Normal    Interrupt or Polling     rUCON0  = 0x245; //Control register 这个寄存器有16位需要配置,12-15位为零,所以禁止FCLK/n时钟(这里可以不理会) 11-10位如下图所示
所以只要第10位为0就选择PCLK给UART波特率    rUBRDIV0=( (int)(pclk/16./baud+0.5) -1 );   //Baud rate divisior register 0 这句话也对应着上图    下图是对上面 《配置功能列表》的详细说明吧
//UART1    rULCON1 = 0x3;    rUCON1  = 0x245;    rUBRDIV1=( (int)(pclk/16./baud+0.5) -1 );//UART2    rULCON2 = 0x3;    rUCON2  = 0x245;    rUBRDIV2=( (int)(pclk/16./baud+0.5) -1 );    for(i=0;i<100;i++);}//关于rUBRDIV可以再看看下图

//===================================================================void Uart_Select(int ch)  //s3c2440有三个UART,这个函数用来指定用哪个UART{    whichUart = ch;  }//=====================================================================//If you don't use vsprintf(), the code size is reduced very much.void Uart_Printf(char *fmt,...)  //这个函数用到了可变参数,详细分析请看这篇文章:
{va_list ap;          char string[256];va_start(ap,fmt);vsprintf(string,fmt,ap); //简单来说,上面这四行代码把参数中的那些字符串都整合在了string数组里了 Uart_SendString(string); //string里其实就是我们要打印到串口的内容了va_end(ap);}//====================================================================void Uart_SendString(char *pt)  //打印pt指向的字符串{    while(*pt) //化整为零,逐个字符打印        Uart_SendByte(*pt++); //以字节为单位打印,对应ULCON中设置的“每帧用于发送或接收的数据位的个数”(8位)}//=====================================================================void Uart_SendByte(int data) //重头戏来了,这个函数就是真正在发送数据了{       
if(whichUart==0) //我们执行的是这个分支{if(data=='\n')//因为在WIN下,'\n'表示回车,换行两个意思,而在别的系统下,它只表示回车,所以最后得给它来个换行,也就是: '\r '
{ //遇到'\n'时,实际发送的是'\r\n'while(!(rUTRSTAT0 & 0x2));// Delay(1);                 //because the slow response of hyper_terminal WrUTXH0('\r');}
while(!(rUTRSTAT0 & 0x2));   //Wait until THR is empty. 等待发送缓冲器空//  Delay(1);WrUTXH0(data);//2440addr.h中:#define WrUTXH0(ch) (*(volatile unsigned char *)0x50000020)=(unsigned char)(ch)
}else if(whichUart==1)  //同上{if(data=='\n'){while(!(rUTRSTAT1 & 0x2));//Delay(1);                 //because the slow response of hyper_terminal rUTXH1 = '\r';}while(!(rUTRSTAT1 & 0x2));   //Wait until THR is empty.//Delay(1);rUTXH1 = data;}   else if(whichUart==2) //同上{if(data=='\n'){while(!(rUTRSTAT2 & 0x2));//Delay(1);                 //because the slow response of hyper_terminal rUTXH2 = '\r';}while(!(rUTRSTAT2 & 0x2));   //Wait until THR is empty.//Delay(1);rUTXH2 = data;}       }               
//===================================================================void Uart_TxEmpty(int ch) //判断发送移位寄存器是否为空{
    if(ch==0)        while(!(rUTRSTAT0 & 0x4)); //Wait until tx shifter is empty.              else if(ch==1)        while(!(rUTRSTAT1 & 0x4)); //Wait until tx shifter is empty.            else if(ch==2)        while(!(rUTRSTAT2 & 0x4)); //Wait until tx shifter is empty.}
//=====================================================================char Uart_Getch(void){    if(whichUart==0)    {               while(!(rUTRSTAT0 & 0x1)); //Receive data ready        return RdURXH0();    }    else if(whichUart==1)    {               while(!(rUTRSTAT1 & 0x1)); //Receive data ready        return RdURXH1();    }    else if(whichUart==2)    {        while(!(rUTRSTAT2 & 0x1)); //Receive data ready        return RdURXH2();    }        return 0 ;}//====================================================================char Uart_GetKey(void){    if(whichUart==0)    {               if(rUTRSTAT0 & 0x1)    //Receive data ready            return RdURXH0();        else            return 0;    }    else if(whichUart==1)    {        if(rUTRSTAT1 & 0x1)    //Receive data ready            return RdURXH1();        else            return 0;    }    else if(whichUart==2)    {               if(rUTRSTAT2 & 0x1)    //Receive data ready            return RdURXH2();        else            return 0;    }    return 0 ;}//====================================================================void Uart_GetString(char *string){    char *string2 = string;    char c;    while((c = Uart_Getch())!='\r')    {        if(c=='\b')        {            if( (int)string2 < (int)string )            {                Uart_Printf("\b \b");                string--;            }        }        else         {            *string++ = c;            Uart_SendByte(c);        }    }    *string='\0';    Uart_SendByte('\n');}//=====================================================================int Uart_GetIntNum(void){    char str[30];    char *string = str;    int base     = 10;    int minus    = 0;    int result   = 0;    int lastIndex;        int i;        Uart_GetString(string);        if(string[0]=='-')    {        minus = 1;        string++;    }        if(string[0]=='0' && (string[1]=='x' || string[1]=='X'))    {        base    = 16;        string += 2;    }        lastIndex = strlen(string) - 1;        if(lastIndex<0)        return -1;        if(string[lastIndex]=='h' || string[lastIndex]=='H' )    {        base = 16;        string[lastIndex] = 0;        lastIndex--;    }    if(base==10)    {        result = atoi(string);        result = minus ? (-1*result):result;    }    else    {        for(i=0;i<=lastIndex;i++)        {            if(isalpha(string[i]))            {                if(isupper(string[i]))                    result = (result<<4) + string[i] - 'A' + 10;                else                    result = (result<<4) + string[i] - 'a' + 10;            }            else                result = (result<<4) + string[i] - '0';        }        result = minus ? (-1*result):result;    }    return result;}//*****************************************************************************//get a number for the uart//*****************************************************************************int Uart_GetIntNum_GJ(void){char string[16] ;char *p_string = string ;char c;int i = 0 ;int data = 0 ;while(   ( c = Uart_Getch()) != '\r'  ){if(c=='\b')p_string--;else*p_string++=c;Uart_SendByte( c ) ;}*p_string = '\0';i = 0 ;while( string[i] != '\0' ){data = data * 10 ;if( string[i]<'0'||string[i]>'9' )return -1 ;data = data + ( string[i]-'0' ) ;i++ ;}return data ;}//*****************************************************************************