
来源:互联网 发布:什么软件可以拍正装 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/27 18:10

(注: 边行边记,以备急用,只望日后尽量不要自己捉笔写论文了,人已老,快捷键是属于年青人的)

1. 三键定公式

Alt+L --> 敲公式 -->Tab -->Enter

2. Alt-R to correct the position of the text after a equation

3.  Alt-N to edit the equation number

4. Alt-E to insert the equation number by using the Cross Reference window

Alternatively, you can go toReferences >Captions > Cross-reference. Setthe Reference type toBookmark, set Insert reference to: to Bookmark text,select the name of the equation you created earlier, hit Insert,and then hit Cancel.

2. 在 Word2007/2010里显示Developer菜单(Show the Developer tab)

  1. Click the Microsoft Office ButtonButton image, and then click Word Options.

  2. Click Popular, and then select theShow Developer tab in the Ribbon check box.

3. 用在×.doc/docx等不包含宏的Word文档里使用LatexInWord

思路:把所下载的文档LaTeXinWord.docm 存为Word的模板,并告诉Word以后参考该模板

  1.  Open LaTeXinWord.docm and save as  *.dotm (Word Micro-Enabled Template)

  2. Copy this *.dotm file to C:\Documents and Settings\<username>\Application Data\Microsoft\Templates. 这是默认位置,也可以保存到其他地方,不过没试过。
  3. To reference this template from future documents, select Developer from the ribbon, then Document Template under Templates then select LaTeXinWord.dotm, hit Open, and then hit OK.

  4. 打开其他×.doc/docx的文档后,即可以用Alt+L之功能了。
