
来源:互联网 发布:零境网络是不是要倒闭 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/06 05:49

ural 1471,调了好久,终于发现是数组开小了。。。一开始crash了好久,改了几个数组。又crash了好久。。。最终发现漏了一个数组没有修改

1471. Tree

Time Limit: 2.0 second
Memory Limit: 64 MB
A weighted tree is given. You must find the distance between two given nodes.


The first line contains the number of nodes of the treen (1 ≤ n ≤ 50000). The nodes are numbered from 0 to n – 1.Each of the nextn – 1 lines contains three integers u, v, w, which correspond to an edgewith weightw (0 ≤ w ≤ 1000) connecting nodes u and v.The next line contains the number of queriesm (1 ≤ m ≤ 75000).In each of the next m lines there are two integers.


For each query, output the distance between the nodes with the given numbers.


31 0 12 0 130 10 21 2






#pragma comment(linker, "/STACK:16777216")#include <cstdlib>#include <iostream>using std::cout;using std::cin;long n = 0;long S = 0;long T = 0;long _dis = 0;long ans = 0;struct node{long index;long val;node* next;};node* head[50010];bool vis[50010];//////////////////long dist[50010];//long dfsnum[50010];//long depth[50010];//long first[50010];long dfsnum[100010];long depth[100010];long first[50010];long st[100010][18];long top = 0;void dfs(long l,long f,long dep){dfsnum[++top] = l;depth[top] = dep;first[l] = top;dist[l] = _dis;for (node* nxt=head[l];nxt;nxt=nxt->next){//if (nxt->index == f) continue;////if (!vis[nxt->index]){vis[nxt->index] = true;_dis += nxt->val;dfs(nxt->index,l,dep+1);_dis -= nxt->val;dfsnum[++top] = l;depth[top] = dep;}}}inline long getint() //这个getchar的输入对大数据量输入非常有用,甚至可以挽救效率不高的算法  {      long ret = 0;      char tmp;      while (!isdigit(tmp = getchar()));      do {          ret = (ret << 3)+(ret << 1) + tmp - '0';      } while (isdigit(tmp = getchar()));      return ret;  }  inline void insert(long a,long b,long c){node* tmp = new node;tmp->index = b;tmp->val = c;tmp->next = head[a];head[a] = tmp;}inline long lg2(long a){long ans = 0;while (a>>=1){ans++;}return ans;}inline long rmq(long a,long b){if (b < a){long tmp = b;b = a;a = tmp;}long k = lg2(b-a+1);if (depth[st[a][k]]<depth[st[b-(1<<k)+1][k]])return st[a][k];return st[b-(1<<k)+1][k];}inline void rmqinit(){for (long i=1;i<top+1;i++){st[i][0] = i;#ifdef Debug//std::cerr << st[i][0] << std::endl;#endif}for (long j=1;(1<<j)<=top;j++)for (long i=1;i<=top-(1<<j)+1;i++){if (depth[st[i][j-1]]<depth[st[i+(1<<(j-1))][j-1]])st[i][j] = st[i][j-1];else st[i][j] = st[i+(1<<(j-1))][j-1];#ifdef Debug//if (st[i][j] > 40000)//std::cerr << i << " " << j << " " << st[i][j] << std::endl;#endif}}int main(){#ifdef Debugmemset(st,0,sizeof(st));#endiffreopen("tree.in","r",stdin);freopen("tree.out","w",stdout);n = getint();top = 0;for (long i=1;i<n+1;i++){head[i] = 0;vis[i] = false;}for (long i=1;i<n;i++){long a = getint();long b = getint();long c = getint();insert(a,b,c);insert(b,a,c);}for (long i=0;i<n+1;i++)//////////////{if (head[i])//////////////{vis[i] = true;///////////dfs(i,0,0);/////break;///}}rmqinit();long m = getint();for (long i=1;i<m+1;i++){S = getint();T = getint();long cfa = dfsnum[rmq(first[S],first[T])];//#ifdef Debug//if (dist[S]+dist[T]-2*dist[cfa] == 3003907)printf("%ld\n",dist[S]+dist[T]-2*dist[cfa]);//#endif}return 0;}


#include <iostream>#include <cstdlib>#include <ctime>#include <map>using std::pair;using std::map;using std::make_pair;map<pair<long,long>,bool> hash;long n;const long maxn = 50000;const long maxm = 75000;const long maxw = 1000;int main(){srand(time(0));freopen("tree.in","w",stdout);//n = rand()%maxn + 2;n = maxn;printf("%ld\n",n);for (long i=1;i<n;i++){long a=1;long b=1;long c;while (a == b || hash[make_pair(a,b)] || hash[make_pair(b,a)]){a = rand()%n ;b = rand()%n ;}hash[make_pair(a,b)] = true;c = rand()%maxw;printf("%ld %ld %ld\n",a,b,c);}//long m = rand()%maxm+1;long m = maxm;printf("%ld\n",m);for (long i=1;i<m+1;i++){long a;long b;a = rand()%n + 1;b = rand()%n + 1;printf("%ld %ld\n",a,b);}return 0;}
