
来源:互联网 发布:java开发应届简历范文 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/17 06:27


// 动态链表.cpp : 定义控制台应用程序的入口点。//#include "stdafx.h"#include<fstream>#include<iostream>#include<string>#include<iomanip>using namespace std;#define NULL 0int n;struct student{    int num;    int score;    string name;    int classes;    student *next;};int main (){    void average(student *head,int n);    void help(void);    void MAX(student *head);    void MIN(student *head);    student *classes_arry_down(student *head,int n);    student *classes_arry_up(student *head,int n);    student *name_arry_up(student *head,int n);    student *name_arry_down(student *head,int n);    student *num_arry_down(student *head,int n);    student *num_arry_up(student *head,int n);    student *score_arry_up(student *head,int n);    student *score_arry_down(student *head,int n);    student *creat(void);    void print(student *);    student *delet(student *head,int num);    student *insert(student *head);    void save(student *head);    student *open(void);    student *head;    help();    char judger;    string command;    string NEWBOOK="newbook",SCORE_ARRY_UP="score_arry_up",DELETE="delete",INSERT="insert",PRINT="print",SAVE="save",OPEN="open",HELP="help"        ,SCORE_ARRY_DOWN="score_arry_down",NUM_ARRY_UP="num_arry_up",NUM_ARRY_DOWN="num_arry_down",NAME_ARRY_UP="name_arry_up",NAME_ARRY_DOWN="name_arry_down"        ,CLASS_ARRY_DOWN="class_arry_down",CLASS_ARRY_UP="class_arry_up",MAX_="max",MIN_="min",AVERAGE="score_average";    for(;(judger=getchar());)        if(judger=='#')        {                cin>>command;                if(command==NEWBOOK)                {head=creat();}                else if(command==HELP)                {help();}                else if(command==SAVE)                {save(head);}                else if(command==OPEN)                {head=open();print(head);}                else                        cout<<"error command!"<<endl;        }        else if(judger=='$')        {            cin>>command;            if(command==DELETE)            {                  int num;                  cout<<"please put in the number of the member you want to delet: "<<endl;                  cin>>num;                  head=delet(head,num);                  print(head);            }            else if(command==INSERT)            {                  head=insert(head);            }            else if(command==PRINT)                {print(head);}            else if(command==SCORE_ARRY_UP)            {                head=score_arry_up(head,n);                print(head);            }            else if(command==SCORE_ARRY_DOWN)            {                head=score_arry_down(head,n);                    print(head);            }            else if(command==NUM_ARRY_UP)            {                head=num_arry_up(head,n);                print(head);            }            else if(command==NUM_ARRY_DOWN)            {                head=num_arry_down(head,n);                print(head);            }            else if(command==NAME_ARRY_UP)            {                head=name_arry_up(head,n);                print(head);            }            else if(command==NAME_ARRY_DOWN)            {                head=name_arry_down(head,n);                print(head);            }            else if(command==CLASS_ARRY_DOWN)            {                head=classes_arry_down(head,n);                print(head);            }            else if(command==CLASS_ARRY_UP)            {                head=classes_arry_up(head,n);                print(head);            }            else if(command==MAX_)            {MAX(head);}            else if(command==MIN_)            {MIN(head);}            else if(command==AVERAGE)            {average(head,n);}            else    cout<<"error command!"<<endl;        }    return 0;}student *creat(void){        int PUTIN();    student *head=NULL,*p1,*p2;    int a=1;    n=0;    p2=p1=new student;    cout<<"please put in student "<<a<<". num "<<endl;    p1->num=0;    p1->score=0;    p1->name="0";    p1->classes=0;    PUTIN();    p1->num=PUTIN();    if(p1->num!=0)    {        cout<<"please put in student "<<a<<". score "<<endl;        p1->score=PUTIN();        cout<<"please put in student "<<a<<". name "<<endl;        cin>>p1->name;        cout<<"please put in student "<<a<<". class "<<endl;        PUTIN();        p1->classes=PUTIN();        a++;    }    for(;p1->num!=0;)    {        n++;        if(n==1)            head=p1;        else            p2->next=p1;        p2=p1;        p1=new student;        p1->num=0;        p1->score=0;        p1->name="0";        p1->classes=0;        cout<<"please put in student "<<a<<". num "<<endl;        p1->num=PUTIN();            if(p1->num!=0)    {        cout<<"please put in student "<<a<<". score "<<endl;        p1->score=PUTIN();        cout<<"please put in student "<<a<<". name "<<endl;        cin>>p1->name;        PUTIN();        cout<<"please put in student "<<a<<". class "<<endl;        p1->classes=PUTIN();        a++;    }    }    p2->next=NULL;    return (head);}void print(student *head){    student *p;    cout<<endl<<"now ,these"<<"  "<<n<<"  "<<"records are:"<<endl;    p=head;    if(p!=NULL)    {        for(;p!=NULL;)        {            cout<<setiosflags(ios::left)<<"num:"<<setw(6)<<p->num<<"   "<<"score:"<<setw(6)<<p->score<<"    "<<setw(12)<<"name:"<<setw(12)<<p->name<<"    "<<setw(12)<<"class:"<<setw(12)<<p->classes<<endl;            p=p->next;        }    }}student *score_arry_up(student *head,int n){    student *p1,*p2,*p3;    int i,j;    p1=p2=p3=head;    for(j=0;j<n-1;j++)    {        p1=p2=p3=head;        p1=p1->next;        if(p2->score>p1->score)        {            p2->next=p1->next;            p1->next=p2;            head=p1;            p3=p1;            p1=p2;                    }        else        {            p2=p1;        }        for(i=0;i<n-2-j;i++)        {            p1=p1->next;            if(p2->score>p1->score)            {                p2->next=p1->next;                p1->next=p2;                p3->next=p1;                p3=p1;                p1=p2;                            }            else            {                p3=p2;                p2=p1;            }        }    }    return head;}student *score_arry_down(student *head,int n){    student *p1,*p2,*p3;    int i,j;    p1=p2=p3=head;    for(j=0;j<n-1;j++)    {        p1=p2=p3=head;        p1=p1->next;        if(p2->score<p1->score)        {            p2->next=p1->next;            p1->next=p2;            head=p1;            p3=p1;            p1=p2;                    }        else        {            p2=p1;        }        for(i=0;i<n-2-j;i++)        {            p1=p1->next;            if(p2->score<p1->score)            {                p2->next=p1->next;                p1->next=p2;                p3->next=p1;                p3=p1;                p1=p2;                            }            else            {                p3=p2;                p2=p1;            }        }    }    return head;}student *num_arry_down(student *head,int n){    student *p1,*p2,*p3;    int i,j;    p1=p2=p3=head;    for(j=0;j<n-1;j++)    {        p1=p2=p3=head;        p1=p1->next;        if(p2->num<p1->num)        {            p2->next=p1->next;            p1->next=p2;            head=p1;            p3=p1;            p1=p2;                    }        else        {            p2=p1;        }        for(i=0;i<n-2-j;i++)        {            p1=p1->next;            if(p2->num<p1->num)            {                p2->next=p1->next;                p1->next=p2;                p3->next=p1;                p3=p1;                p1=p2;                            }            else            {                p3=p2;                p2=p1;            }        }    }    return head;}student *num_arry_up(student *head,int n){    student *p1,*p2,*p3;    int i,j;    p1=p2=p3=head;    for(j=0;j<n-1;j++)    {        p1=p2=p3=head;        p1=p1->next;        if(p2->num>p1->num)        {            p2->next=p1->next;            p1->next=p2;            head=p1;            p3=p1;            p1=p2;                    }        else        {            p2=p1;        }        for(i=0;i<n-2-j;i++)        {            p1=p1->next;            if(p2->num>p1->num)            {                p2->next=p1->next;                p1->next=p2;                p3->next=p1;                p3=p1;                p1=p2;                            }            else            {                p3=p2;                p2=p1;            }        }    }    return head;}student *name_arry_up(student *head,int n){    student *p1,*p2,*p3;    int i,j;    p1=p2=p3=head;    for(j=0;j<n-1;j++)    {        p1=p2=p3=head;        p1=p1->next;        if(p2->name>p1->name)        {            p2->next=p1->next;            p1->next=p2;            head=p1;            p3=p1;            p1=p2;                    }        else        {            p2=p1;        }        for(i=0;i<n-2-j;i++)        {            p1=p1->next;            if(p2->name>p1->name)            {                p2->next=p1->next;                p1->next=p2;                p3->next=p1;                p3=p1;                p1=p2;                            }            else            {                p3=p2;                p2=p1;            }        }    }    return head;}student *name_arry_down(student *head,int n){    student *p1,*p2,*p3;    int i,j;    p1=p2=p3=head;    for(j=0;j<n-1;j++)    {        p1=p2=p3=head;        p1=p1->next;        if(p2->name<p1->name)        {            p2->next=p1->next;            p1->next=p2;            head=p1;            p3=p1;            p1=p2;                    }        else        {            p2=p1;        }        for(i=0;i<n-2-j;i++)        {            p1=p1->next;            if(p2->name<p1->name)            {                p2->next=p1->next;                p1->next=p2;                p3->next=p1;                p3=p1;                p1=p2;                            }            else            {                p3=p2;                p2=p1;            }        }    }    return head;}student *classes_arry_down(student *head,int n){    student *p1,*p2,*p3;    int i,j;    p1=p2=p3=head;    for(j=0;j<n-1;j++)    {        p1=p2=p3=head;        p1=p1->next;        if(p2->classes<p1->classes)        {            p2->next=p1->next;            p1->next=p2;            head=p1;            p3=p1;            p1=p2;                    }        else        {            p2=p1;        }        for(i=0;i<n-2-j;i++)        {            p1=p1->next;            if(p2->classes<p1->classes)            {                p2->next=p1->next;                p1->next=p2;                p3->next=p1;                p3=p1;                p1=p2;                            }            else            {                p3=p2;                p2=p1;            }        }    }    return head;}student *classes_arry_up(student *head,int n){    student *p1,*p2,*p3;    int i,j;    p1=p2=p3=head;    for(j=0;j<n-1;j++)    {        p1=p2=p3=head;        p1=p1->next;        if(p2->classes>p1->classes)        {            p2->next=p1->next;            p1->next=p2;            head=p1;            p3=p1;            p1=p2;                    }        else        {            p2=p1;        }        for(i=0;i<n-2-j;i++)        {            p1=p1->next;            if(p2->classes>p1->classes)            {                p2->next=p1->next;                p1->next=p2;                p3->next=p1;                p3=p1;                p1=p2;                            }            else            {                p3=p2;                p2=p1;            }        }    }    return head;}student *delet(student *head,int num){    student *p1,*p2;    p1=head;    if(head==NULL)    {cout<<"list is null"<<endl;return head;}    while(p1->num!=num&&p1->next!=NULL)    {        p2=p1;        p1=p1->next;    }    if(p1->num==num)    {        if(p1==head)            head=p1->next;        else        {            p2->next=p1->next;        }        n--;        delete p1;    }    else        cout<<"can't find :"<<num<<endl;    return head;}student *insert(student *head){    student *p1,*p0,*p2;    p0=new student;    cout<<"please put in num , score , name , class.please enter other num."<<endl;    cin>>p0->num>>p0->score>>p0->name>>p0->classes;    p1=head;    if(head==NULL)    {head=p0;p0->next=NULL;}    else    {        while(p1->next!=NULL)        {            if(p0->num==p1->num)            {cout<<"The number you entered having exist"<<endl;return head;}            else                p1=p1->next;        }        if(p0->num==p1->num)            {cout<<"The number you entered having exist"<<endl;return head;}        while((p0->num>p1->num)&&(p1->next!=NULL))        {            p2=p1;            p1=p1->next;        }        if(p0->num<=p1->num)        {            if(p1==head)            {head=p0;p0->next=p1;}            else                {p2->next=p0;            p0->next=p1;}        }        else        {p1->next=p0;p0->next=NULL;}    }        n++;        print(head);    return head;        }void save(student *head){    ofstream outfile("f1.dat",ios::out);    if(!outfile)    {        cout<<"open error!"<<endl;        exit(1);    }        student *p;    p=head;    if(p!=NULL)    {        for(;p!=NULL;)        {            outfile<<p->num<<" "<<p->score<<" "<<p->name<<" "<<p->classes<<" ";            p=p->next;        }    }    outfile<<"0 0";    outfile.close();}student *open(void){    ifstream infile("f1.dat",ios::in);    if(!infile)    {cout<<"open error!"<<endl;exit(1);}        student *head=NULL,*p1,*p2;    n=0;    p2=p1=new student;    infile>>p1->num>>p1->score>>p1->name>>p1->classes;    for(;p1->num!=0;)    {        n++;        if(n==1)            head=p1;        else            p2->next=p1;        p2=p1;        p1=new student;        infile>>p1->num >>p1->score>>p1->name>>p1->classes;    }    p2->next=NULL;    infile.close();    return (head);}void help(void){    cout<<"********************************************************************************"<<endl;    cout<<"instructions:"<<endl;    cout<<"#newbook 新建工作表,以0结束输入."<<endl<<"#save 保存工作表."<<endl<<"#open 打开工作表."<<endl<<"#help 帮助."<<endl;    cout<<"$delete 删除数据成员."<<endl<<"$insert 插入新的数据成员."<<endl<<"$成员名称_arry_up 按升序将成员排序.如:$score_arry_up 按升序将成绩排列"<<endl<<"$成员名称_arry_down 按降序将成员列 如: $score_arry_down 按降序将成绩排列."<<endl;    cout<<"$print 刷新工作表."<<endl<<"$max 求出最大成绩,$min 求出最小成绩."<<endl<<"$score_average 求平均成绩."<<endl;    cout<<"********************************************************************************"<<endl;    cout<<endl;}void MAX(student *head){    student *p1,*p0;    p0=new student;    p1=head;    if(head==NULL)    {        cout<<"list is null."<<endl;        return;    }    p0->score=p1->score;    while(p1->next!=NULL)    {        if(p1->score>p0->score)        {                p0->score=p1->score;        }        p1=p1->next;    }        if(p1->score>p0->score)        {                p0->score=p1->score;        }        p1=head;        while(p1->next!=NULL)        {            if(p1->score==p0->score)                  cout<<p1->name<<"'s score is MAX his score is"<<"[ "<<p1->score<<" ]  "<<"his num is"<<" [ "<<p1->num<<" ]  "<<"his class is"<<"[ "<<p1->classes<<" ] "<<endl;            p1=p1->next;        }            if(p1->score==p0->score)                  cout<<p1->name<<"'s score is MAX his score is"<<"[ "<<p1->score<<" ]  "<<"his num is"<<" [ "<<p1->num<<" ]  "<<"his class is"<<"[ "<<p1->classes<<" ] "<<endl;}void MIN(student *head){    student *p1,*p0;    p0=new student;    p1=head;    if(head==NULL)    {        cout<<"list is null."<<endl;        return;    }    p0->score=p1->score;    while(p1->next!=NULL)    {        if(p1->score<p0->score)        {                p0->score=p1->score;        }        p1=p1->next;    }        if(p1->score<p0->score)        {                p0->score=p1->score;        }        p1=head;        while(p1->next!=NULL)        {            if(p1->score==p0->score)                  cout<<p1->name<<"'s score is MIN his score is"<<"[ "<<p1->score<<" ]  "<<"his num is"<<" [ "<<p1->num<<" ]  "<<"his class is"<<"[ "<<p1->classes<<" ] "<<endl;            p1=p1->next;        }            if(p1->score==p0->score)                  cout<<p1->name<<"'s score is MIN his score is"<<"[ "<<p1->score<<" ]  "<<"his num is"<<" [ "<<p1->num<<" ]  "<<"his class is"<<"[ "<<p1->classes<<" ] "<<endl;}int PUTIN(){    int judge(int *s);    int *s,b,c,d=1;    s=&b;    c=judge(s);    for(;!c;)    {        if(d)             cout<<"error! please enter again!"<<endl;        d=0;        c=judge(s);        d=1;    }        return b;}int judge(int *s){    *s=0;    char a;    int i=1;    for(;(a=getchar())!='\n';)        if(a>='0'&&a<='9')            *s=*s*10+a-'0';        else            i=0;    return i;}void average(student *head,int n){    int a=0;    float b;    student *p1;    p1=head;    while(p1->next!=NULL)    {        a=a+p1->score;        p1=p1->next;    }    a=a+p1->score;    b=float(a)/float(n);    cout<<"average score is "<<b<<endl;}

