
来源:互联网 发布:haproxy nginx 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/17 06:13

一.TcpSvr的使用方法A.测试程序:using System;using Ibms.Net.TcpCSFramework;using System.Collections;using System.Net.Sockets;namespace Ibms.Test{ /// <summary> /// 测试TcpSvr的类 /// </summary> public class TestTcpSvr {    public TestTcpSvr()  {     }    public static  void Main()  {   try   {    Console.WriteLine("Begin to Test TcpSvr class...");    TestTcpSvr tts = new TestTcpSvr();    //TcpSvr svr = new TcpSvr(9050,4);//默认使用Encoding.Default编码方式    TcpSvr svr = new TcpSvr(9050,4,new Coder(Coder.EncodingMothord.UTF8));    svr.Resovlver = new DatagramResolver("##");    //定义服务器的4个事件    //服务器满    svr.ServerFull += new NetEvent(tts.ServerFull);    //新客户端连接    svr.ClientConn += new NetEvent(tts.ClientConn);    //客户端关闭    svr.ClientClose += new NetEvent(tts.ClientClose);    //接收到数据    svr.RecvData += new NetEvent(tts.RecvData);        //命令控制循环    while(true)    {     Console.Write(">");     string cmd=Console.ReadLine();     //退出测试程序     if(cmd.ToLower() == "exit")     {      break;     }     //停止服务器程序     if(cmd.ToLower() == "stop")     {      svr.Stop();            Console.WriteLine("Server is Stop.");      continue;     }     //运行服务器程序     if(cmd.ToLower() == "start")     {      svr.Start();      Console.WriteLine("Server is listen...{0}",       svr.ServerSocket.LocalEndPoint.ToString());      continue;     }     //察看服务器在线客户端数目和容量     if(cmd.ToLower() == "count")     {      Console.WriteLine("Current count of Client is {0}/{1}",       svr.SessionCount,svr.Capacity);      continue;     }     //发送数据到客户端格式:send [Session] [stringData]     if(cmd.ToLower().IndexOf("send") !=-1)     {      cmd = cmd.ToLower();      string[] para = cmd.Split(' ');      if(para.Length ==3)      {              Session client = (Session)svr.SessionTable[ new SessionId( int.Parse        (para[1]))];       if(client !=null)       {        svr.Send(client, para[2]);       }       else       {        Console.WriteLine("The Session is Null");       }             }      else      {       Console.WriteLine("Error Command");      }      continue;     }     //从服务器上踢掉一个客户端     if(cmd.ToLower().IndexOf("kick") !=-1)     {      cmd = cmd.ToLower();      string[] para = cmd.Split(' ');            if(para.Length ==2)      {       Session client = (Session)svr.SessionTable[ new SessionId( int.Parse        (para[1]))];       if(client !=null)       {        svr.CloseSession(client);       }       else       {        Console.WriteLine("The Session is Null");       }      }      else      {       Console.WriteLine("Error command");      }            continue;     }     //列出服务器上所有的客户端信息     if(cmd.ToLower() == "list")     {      int i=0;      foreach( Session Client in svr.SessionTable.Values)      {       if(Client !=null)       {        i++;        string info = string.Format("{0} Client:{1} connected server Session:{2}. Socket Handle:{3}",         i,         Client.ClientSocket.RemoteEndPoint.ToString(),         Client.ID,         Client.ClientSocket.Handle);        Console.WriteLine( info );       }       else       {        i++;        string info = string.Format("{0} null Client", i);        Console.WriteLine(info);       }      }      continue;           }     Console.WriteLine("Unkown Command");    }//end of while    Console.WriteLine("End service");   }   catch(Exception ex)   {    Console.WriteLine(ex.ToString());   }  }  void ClientConn(object sender, NetEventArgs e)  {   string info = string.Format("A Client:{0} connect server Session:{1}. Socket Handle:{2}",    e.Client.ClientSocket.RemoteEndPoint.ToString(),    e.Client.ID,e.Client.ClientSocket.Handle);   Console.WriteLine( info );   Console.Write(">");  }    void ServerFull(object sender, NetEventArgs e)  {   string info = string.Format("Server is full.the Client:{0} is refused",    e.Client.ClientSocket.RemoteEndPoint.ToString());   //Must do it   //服务器满了,必须关闭新来的客户端连接   e.Client.Close();   Console.WriteLine(info);   Console.Write(">");  }  void ClientClose(object sender, NetEventArgs e)  {   string info ;   if( e.Client.TypeOfExit == Session.ExitType.ExceptionExit)   {    info= string.Format("A Client Session:{0} Exception Closed.",     e.Client.ID);   }   else   {    info= string.Format("A Client Session:{0} Normal Closed.",     e.Client.ID);   }   Console.WriteLine( info );   Console.Write(">");  }  void RecvData(object sender, NetEventArgs e)  {   string info = string.Format("recv data:{0} from:{1}.",e.Client.Datagram, e.Client);   Console.WriteLine( info );   TcpSvr svr = (TcpSvr) sender;   //测试把收到的数据返回给客户端   svr.Send(e.Client, e.Client.Datagram);   Console.Write(">");     } }}B.说明:使用命令来操作服务器exit  退出start 开始服务kick 关闭客户端send 发送数据list 列出所有客户端的状态count 客户端计数先启动服务运行start,等待客户端连接。然后可以使用list,count察看当前的连接状况每个事件都有相应函数,客户就在事件处理函数中处理自己的业务逻辑可以通过继承特化自己的服务器应用,基本的框架不变二.TcpCli的使用方法A.测试程序:using System;using Ibms.Net.TcpCSFramework;namespace Ibms.Test{ /// <summary> /// TestTcpClient 的摘要说明。 /// </summary> public class TestTcpClient {  public TestTcpClient()  {   //   // TODO: 在此处添加构造函数逻辑   //  }  public static void Test()  {   Console.WriteLine("Begin to Test TcpCli Class..");   TestTcpClient test = new TestTcpClient();   TcpCli cli = new TcpCli( new Coder(Coder.EncodingMothord.UTF8));   cli.Resovlver = new DatagramResolver("##");   cli.ReceivedDatagram += new NetEvent(test.RecvData);   cli.DisConnectedServer += new NetEvent(test.ClientClose);   cli.ConnectedServer += new NetEvent(test.ClientConn);      try   {    //命令控制循环    while(true)    {     Console.Write(">");     string cmd=Console.ReadLine();     if(cmd.ToLower() == "exit")     {      break;     }     if(cmd.ToLower() == "close")     {      cli.Close();            continue;     }     if(cmd.ToLower().IndexOf("conn")!=-1)     {      cmd = cmd.ToLower();      string[] para = cmd.Split(' ');      if(para.Length ==3)      {             cli.Connect(para[1],int.Parse(para[2]));      }      else      {       Console.WriteLine("Error Command");      }      continue;     }     if(cmd.ToLower().IndexOf("send") !=-1)     {                 cmd = cmd.ToLower();      string[] para = cmd.Split(' ');      if(para.Length ==2)      {             cli.Send(para[1]);            }      else      {       Console.WriteLine("Error Command");      }      continue;     }         Console.WriteLine("Unkown Command");    }//end of while    Console.WriteLine("End service");   }   catch(Exception ex)   {    Console.WriteLine(ex.ToString());   }  }  void ClientConn(object sender, NetEventArgs e)  {   string info = string.Format("A Client:{0} connect server :{1}",e.Client,    e.Client.ClientSocket.RemoteEndPoint.ToString());   Console.WriteLine( info );   Console.Write(">");  }    void ClientClose(object sender, NetEventArgs e)  {   string info ;   if( e.Client.TypeOfExit == Session.ExitType.ExceptionExit)   {    info= string.Format("A Client Session:{0} Exception Closed.",     e.Client.ID);   }   else   {    info= string.Format("A Client Session:{0} Normal Closed.",     e.Client.ID);   }   Console.WriteLine( info );   Console.Write(">");  }  void RecvData(object sender, NetEventArgs e)  {   string info = string.Format("recv data:{0} from:{1}.",e.Client.Datagram, e.Client);   Console.WriteLine( info );      Console.Write(">");     } }}B.说明:先建立连接,Conn 9050然后可以Send 数据最后关闭连接Close三.编码器如果你要加密你的报文,需要一个你自己的Coder从Coder类继承一个如MyCoder类,然后重载编码和解码函数。使用方法:TcpCli cli = new TcpCli( new MyCoder());就可以在客户端使用该编码器了。四.报文解析器与编码器同样的实现方法。
